Only Weak To You!

Sera hid herself in the warmth of his chest, her eyelashes trembling just like her frail body akin to a fallen leaf completely engulfed in his embrace.

Closing her eyes tightly she was taken aback by the stiff thing poking her derrière. Even her cheeks were red along with her lips resembling fresh apples.

Ruffled, she dared not confront Lucifer in this state. Her fingers turning pale from the death hold on his black shirt.

Lucifer was flabbergasted. This naughty little cat!

Tonight Sera had displayed a plethora of reactions to him. From a sobbing mess to a passionate lover and now a scared little kitten. He looked at her tiny frame in his arms and smiled.

Reaching out to touch her back and patting it Lucifer sighed in content.

This was his happiness, his bliss and his home. No one and nothing else could compare to this feeling right now.

The two remained entangled in each other's embrace, holding onto each other like their life depended on it. It was strangely comfortable and they were blissed out.

"Um.. Lucifer.. Why? Why didn't you come for me these two day?", she finally asked him after calming her throbbing heart in attempts of distracting him and herself.

"Uh?", he was tongue-tied at her question with his hold on her tightening.

Sera's heartbeat started racing, her heart quivering with his silence. She was getting nervous and fidgety from Lucifer's lack of response.

"Don't you.. Don't you like.. Like me anymore?", finally her meek voice echoed in the dimly lit room tearing the deafening silence of the dark night.

Lucifer's lips trembled, he looked at her in his arms and hugged her desperately. His heart was raging with unknown emotions while he tried finding words to explain himself. He knew was in the wrong.

"I like you.. In fact I..", love you, was what he wanted to say but bit his tongue at the last moment. His deep vibrato like voice stirred her heart.

"You?", she raised her head to meet his gaze, sparkly like diamonds. The tears rolling down made his eyes sting. Wiping them he smiled at her.

"I like you more than anything else in this whole world..", he nuzzled her tiny red nose and closed the distance between them.

What followed next was an intense kiss filled with his love for her. Cupping her face, his lips moved over her lips, irresistibly tender in a way that blew her away into oblivion.

Sera could feel the unsaid words through his little actions that carry a great deal of his innermost feelings.

She was already blown away by Lucifer and he had won her trust. Her faith in him has now multiplied into a thousand times more than it ever was.

"Lucifer.. I.. L..", afraid of hearing something less than what he felt for her Lucifer plunged deeper into her mouth cutting her midsentence as she panted for air.

Unknown of his nervousness and unease Sera ran her slender fingers into his hair, entangling them into a lovely mess that only added to his sexiness.

Pulling back Lucifer wiped her teary eyes and cheeks, her lips were rubbed too. He could feel the burning on his fingers, they were plump and swollen by his ferocious kisses.

"Sleep.. It's quite late!", he mumbled stroking her face, his gaze was tender turning her heart into a mush.

However Sera was scared that he would leave. Unmoving she stared at him with her doe eyes, he saw through her fear and gently patted her head.

"I'll sleep here with you.. Don't worry I won't leave anytime soon!", he pressed a kiss on her forehead before going into the bathroom.

Sera looked at his figure, completely immersed in worshipping him she forgot about her embarrassment and ogled at him.

Lucifer removed his black shirt and tossed it on the chair before entering inside. She could see his muscular back, her throat went dry as she gulped heavily, guilty and flustered.

"No!! Sleep Sera! Sleep..", mumbling to herself she covered her body completely with the duvet. Her head was stuffed inside as well.

After fifteen-twenty minutes Lucifer walked out with a towel around him, he glanced at the bed. His eyes flashed with amusement looking at her huddled inside the duvet.

Wearing back his shirt and trousers he slipped into the covers as he pulled her head out, she was asleep but sweating profusely.

"Fool!", poking her forehead he spat feigning anger and got up.

Entering the bathroom he brought back a warm towel and wiped her face, neck and her hands before tidying her bed and tucking her in with care.

Lying beside her and hugging her closely Lucifer gazed at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry for being a coward till now.. Although I'm not lacking in courage and could take down any number of enemies in seconds.. My defenseless around you!"

Lucifer's s eyes were shining in the dark as he opened up his heart to her. His voice hoarse yet deep and magnetic resonated in the quiet bedroom.

"I'm only weak to you.. It is only you who can make me feel alive and only you who can take my breath away.. I'm nothing but a dead man staying away from you!"

Looking at her small face he chuckled, his words sounded cheesy to his own ears making him cringe. He felt grateful that she was sleeping right now.

A soft sound escaped her lips which astounded him, he glanced at her to confirm that she was really asleep this time before continuing to speak again.

"These few days I was just breathing inherently and not living.."

"With you by my side I feel alive again! Your existence, your touch, your gaze, everything has breathed a new life into me"

Breathing in her scent that miraculously calmed his heart and numbed his senses making him feel light, Lucifer closed his eyes.

Sera snuggled nearer, rubbing her face on his chest. Lucifer sowly drifted off to sleep with his beloved securely in his arms.