Back To B City!

At a flashy club filled with all kinds of men and women a seemingly graceful lady in a thin black corset and tight leather pants was grooving on the dancefloor.

Her explicit movements invoking strange looks from the crowd.

Shiny shoulder length hair swaying with her every move were looking exceptionally attractive against her silky and fair skin. Drool worthy indeed.

Men, both young and old were going crazy over her beauty as they gazed lewdly at her voluptuous curves.

Zhang Lili was gyrating without a care to the ear-splitting music bombarding from the speakers. She was looking nothing like the meek and modest girl prior moving to Liu Chenmin's Jade Manor.

A tipsy Liu Li was looking at her figure from afar with contempt smiling sardonically as usual. Elegantly tilting the glass of wine before gulping it down her throat she trudged to the dancefloor in her high heels.

"It's two in the morning.. Let's go!", she pulled Zhang Lili by her arms, yanking her roughly while she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Let's.. let's play some more Liu Li! Look.. So many men want me! I can it see in their eyes..", she looked around her twirling, her hand slapping against Liu Li's face.

Liu Li glared at her in anger, she chuckled mockingly looking at her behaving shamefully in disdain.

"Fine! But then.. Don't tell me that I didn't warn you!", her sharp voice made Zhang Lili's hazy eyes turn clear.

"Ah! Okay.. okay! I'm coming..", she scrambled out of the club with her heels clacking against the ground. Her unsteady gait garnering weird gazes from indecent men.

"Liu Li.. You promised that Ethan will be mine and even.. Even father told me that he'll help me but"

Zhang Lili fell on the car bumping her head against the door and started puking her guts out after drinking so much.

Liu Li felt enraged seeing how Zhang Lili was puking on her brand new Bugatti, her blood boiled and she grabbed her hair tightly in her foot of rage.

"You slut! How dare you! Ethan Lee? Heh! Quit dreaming.. And father will never help a mere pawn in achieving it's goals!"

Slamming her head against the dirty car door Liu Li spewed profanities in a loud screeching voice. She then threw her rashly on the ground, her white knees were scraped with blood oozing out from the fresh wound.

She waved her hand lazily still glaring at her body plopped onto the ground, a few bodyguards in black rushed over at her service.

"Bring her and this car away from my sight! Call the driver and get me a car from Jade Manor..", after giving her orders Liu Li went back inside the club leaving Zhang Lili on the ground.

She turned around halfway and glared at her bodyguards with a cold and fierce expression, they gulped unconsciously under the immense pressure.

"Don't you dare touch her! If I see you trying anything funny..", she trailed off leaving the rest to their imaginations and they shuddered at the truthfulness of her words.

The bodyguards felt indignant because of the poor treatment towards them by the arrogant Liu Li. They glared at her receding back before looking at the pallid Zhang Lili.

"This bitch! It's all because of her..", one of them slapped her face hardly.

A red streak of blood streamed down her lips that were tore open by his brutal slap.

"What an unlucky piece of trash!! She's no less than a punching bag for that bitch Liu Li..", overtaken by his sullen temper he slammed her again, this time her face was swollen twice than before.

Seeing how she now looked different than before he stopped scared of Liu Li's ruthless punishments.

"Okay.. Stop now! Let's move from here.. Have you called for a car from Jade Manor?", he turned to his lackeys and asked hurriedly afraid of undergoing any experiments under Liu Li's watch.

"Hmm.. Let's go! Push her into the backseat..", one of them replied looking at the hideous Zhang Lili.

- - - - -

F Country

The sky was clear with no gloomy clouds, it was sunny and bright. The streets were cheerful, filled with laughter and music.

Su Yin sat in a small German origin cafe with a book in her hands reading intently. There was a piping hot cup of coffee along with a fresh and fruity pavlova on the table across her.

"Sis! Sis!", Yishen was running towards her with a smile, his face glowing under the shining sunlight.

Su Yin raised her head from the book, she smiled looking at him as he bolted towards her. Keeping the book in her hands on the table she sat patiently waiting for him.

"How many times did I tell you not to run like that? It's dangerous, Yishen!", she chided him in a gentle manner, he simply nodded still smiling at her.

"What is it? Why are you so happy?", she asked piqued by his face that was all smiles.

"Finally!", he hugged her shoulders excitedly, his loud voice attracting strangers.

"Finally, I can come back to B City..", he laughed thrilled by the news. Su Yin's eyes turned large as globes and she forgot to react.

"After a month I can take an online test and it'll be over.. All the things about the transfer are already settled!"

Su Yin finally understood what he meant. She laughed happy for him and also somewhat relieved that she could now take care of him personally.

"Just one more month and I can live with you and dad!!", he jumped in happiness, the boy was so simple.

Su Yin's heart ached for him splitting in pieces and she sighed looking at his smiling, joyful countenance.

"That's great.. Sis is happy for you!", she stood up and patted his back with a proud smile.

"But sis! Why are you leaving so soon? I thought you'll be staying with me for a month! We could leave together to B City if you'd stay back with me..", he pouted in displeasure.

He really wanted to spend time with his big sister who was like a mother to him.

Maybe more than a mother since she arduously tries to fulfill both fatherly and motherly duties along with her being a loving sister to him. Su Yishen felt that he was really lucky to have Su Yin as his sister.