Dark, Endless Abyss

"Hey!!", dressed in a black trench coat Sera waves at Su Yin who was trudging towards her carrying her luggage.

"Hi.. I missed you so much!", she jumps at her leaving her luggage and smacks a loud kiss on her cheeks.

"I missed you too.. How's Yishen doing?", she asks as they walk towards the exit of the airport.

"He's doing great.. I'm so proud of him, my baby!", Su Yin always gets emotional when it comes to Yishen.

"Yup! He's a bright kid..", she smiled nodding her head.

Sera knew how Su Yin feels about Yishen thus she didn't say anything more, simply patting her back they reached their car. The Lu's driver was waiting for them.

The pair occupied the backseat and heaved a sigh in relief. Sera was waiting for Su Yin's flight which was late by one whole hour and Su Yin was also very tired.

They seemed to have a tacit understanding and didn't speak much until they reached the Lu mansion.

Seeing how Su Yin was fatigued from traveling Sera insisted that she spent the night at Lu mansion instead of her own apartment. Su Yin agreed instantly in her muddled state as she closed her eyes to rest.

After all she was on a paid leave and there was no problem of waking up early in the morning to go to work.

"We're here..", Sera announced shaking her shoulders to wake her up. Sera felt sad for her friend.

"Oh! I didn't get to sleep much last night.. Yishen insisted on spending time together!", Su Yin explained dragging her feet towards the entrance.

Sera smiled looking at her back. Su Yin, she would be a loving mother to her children. No, in fact she is already a loving mother to Su Yishen. Yielding to his small requests yet supportive of his substantial decisions.

The amount of growth in Su Yin after Su Yishen's birth was tremendous. Especially for the outsiders who notice, they could clearly see how mature she had been in taking care of an infant at such a young age. Sera would've never done that. Even now, she's yet to grow to take up such responsibilities.

The two arrived at Sera's bedroom, a quick shower and change of clothes they were now lounging languidly.

"I thought you'd spend a month or two with Yishen.. Why are you back so soon?", Sera asked looking at Su Yin who was plopped on her bed with a thin scarf on her face.

"I.. wanted to help you with the art gallery!", she lied through her teeth. The scarf did well in hiding her complicated expression.

Su Yin was actually having it difficult to live with the memories of Adrian in F Country. Also with the 'fan-boy' Su Yishen constantly rambling about him 24/7, it was unbearable and excruciating for her.

"Oh!", she found it hard to believe. The hen-mother was willing to abandon it's chicks for her art gallery? Impossible.

However Sera didn't probe much into it and brushed it off.

"You shouldn't have.. I already found someone!", she leaned back against the wall scrutinizing Su Yin.

"Uh?", her groggy voice was heard. Sera chuckled, if she was sleepy then why isn't she sleeping?

What Sera didn't know was that Su Yin was suffering from insomnia and had a hard time sleeping every day. However, In F Country with Yishen beside her she managed to catch some sleep.

"Uh-huh.. Xia Ruo Lan! Remember? I told you about the meeting.. She agreed to design the art gallery. You can still help me with other things though!", Sera poured herself a cup of water, sipping occasionally she enlightened Su Yin with a thrilling smile.

"That's great! I'm so happy for you.. Let's go party this weekend"

Su Yin was suddenly so enthusiastic that Sera felt a chill crawl on her back. She smiled awkwardly and agreed.

After a while there was no sound from either of them. Su Yin was on the bed while Sera was perched upon the bright red beanbag looking out of the balcony.

The had sun set into the horizon. With the sky darkened, the clouds were tipped with orange. The gentle breeze brushing against her skin was cool and refreshing.

"Hey! Yinyin?", Sera suddenly called out. She jolted in remembrance of something important regarding Su Yin.

"You remember that photo? That wallpaper on your phone!!", before Su Yin could respond Sera's hurried questions were heard causing Su Yin to stiffen.

"I saw that guy. I met him! He's not a model.. Hey?! Are you listening? Su Yin??"

A thick silence followed after the series of queries Sera had asked. Su Yin could hear the excitement in her voice.

Su Yin was clenching her fist tightly, her eyes shut close but filled with tears that would soon cause the thin scarf to wet through.

"Oh! She slept?", muttering to herself Sera glanced at her unmoving figure on the bed and sighed. This girl, how tired she must be?

"Hmm.. I'll see what brother is upto right now!", saying that she switched off the lights, slowly walking to the door with light steps afraid to wake Su Yin from deep slumber.

Sera opened the bedroom's door and slid out before casting a glance at Su Yin and closed it behind her, noiselessly.

Just as the door shut close the scarf on Su Yin's face was damp, it was wet and translucent. Her black eyes, red lips and sour nose could be clearly seen through it. She sniffled silently in the dimly lit room.

- - - - -

"Hmm.. So she's back? Too bad, she still doesn't want to see me!"

Adrian stood gazing at the dazzling city lights through the floor to ceiling windows in his den, swirling the glass of whiskey in his hands with a sad smile.

Last year around this time Adrian was madly searching for Su Yin in every corner of the world. He had gone totally insane by abandoning everything, his life, his work even Lucifer.

The madness continued for more than six months before Lucifer found Adrian drunk in a high end bar of a five star hotel. He was a mess.

The man had high standards even at his lowest time!

Dragging the drunk man back, he spoke some sense into him. Lucifer brought Adrian back from the dark, endless abyss that was consuming him whole.

Adrian knew that Su Yin was visiting Su Yishen at F Country thus he waiting patiently for her to come back to him.

He was also aware of Su Yin's activities and schedule. Although he didn't run after her all the way to F Country like a mad dog. He was keeping tabs on her for safety.

Su Yin will definitely kill Adrian if she gets even a tiny bit of a clue about this!