That Greedy Guy!

Xia house

Leaning against the headboard of her ivory European style bed Xia Ruo Lan was busy working.

Her concentrated and sharp gaze was fixed on the laptop propped upon her laps, engrossed. She looked completely different donning a pair of stylish spectacles making her look more focused and mature.

"Umm.. This looks good, it even fits well with Sera's description..", she chewed the end of the pencil in between her fingers, dawdling.

"This red.. It's too dark, this one's too pale.. Ha! This is bright, just the color I wanted, perfect!"

Xia Ruo Lan was talking to herself, that's one of the reasons why she prefers to work alone, behind closed doors without any disturbance.

*ring* *ring*

She scrunched her eyebrows in irritation when her cellphone began ringing. It was past sun set, the sky had darkened deeply.

No one dares to disturb Xia Ruo Lan while she was working except for her assistant, Wang Fang.

Thinking about Wang Fang she hastily looks for her phone. It is buried somewhere under a pile of designs, papers and other things.

"Ugh! Where is it?", she muttered looking around frantically.

Her leg isn't too bad but she was forbidden from moving around recklessly. It was too frustrating.

Xia Ruo Lan found her phone tucked between a cushion, she grumbled picking it up to answer the call.

"Wang Fang! Where are you? The new project has begun and you've suddenly disappeared without a word..", she asked at once, the other side was silent before a mellifluous voice was heard.

"Hello? Miss Ruo Lan? It's me.. Sera! Seraphina Lu.."

Xia Ruo Lan paused all her actions, she looked back at the caller id with a straight face, it was an unknown number.

Furrowing her straight black eyebrows Xia Ruo Lan placed her laptop to the side and composed herself before speaking.

"Ah, Sera! You can just call me Xia Ruo Lan, no need for formalities..", she smiled faintly with a gentle voice.

"I'm sorry for bothering you this late.. I just got your number from Ethan", she hurriedly explained.

"Oh! Ethan..", her voice was a little strained at his mention. She looked straight into the mirror on the wall across her.

"Yeah.. It completely slipped my mind to ask for your contact and even Ethan didn't bother giving it to me..", she rambled about without sparing her a chance to respond.

Sensing the silence from the other side Sera stopped speaking.

Thinking back to the bitter-sweet friendship between Ethan and Xia Ruo Lan she clamped her mouth shut. Recomposing herself she started, her smooth voice was heard once again.

"I mean.. Ethan must've have forgotten since he's so busy! Heh.. Assistant Chen passed me your contact information through text. How's your leg now?", she laughed awkwardly at the end feeling extremely pressured for some odd reason.

"It's okay.. I'm fine now, we can get started on the project tomorrow", she diverted the topic with ease.

Xia Ruo Lan could feel how uncomfortable Sera was feeling. She felt responsible for making her feel pressured without any rhyme or reason.

"Uh? No.. no, I mean.. Assistant Chen, he informed me about your injury and also told that the doctor has advised rest for two days. So, we can start after two days, it's totally fine with me.."

Ethan had also texted Sera regarding Xia Ruo Lan's ankle sprain this afternoon.

"Okay then.. I'll see you soon!", she didn't wish to drag this conversation any longer for Sera's sake and also because of work.

There was a lot for her to do regarding the art gallery and it's design. She was feeling sleepy from the pain killers as well.

"Yes, take care! Xia Ruo Lan..", bidding her bye she hung up.

Xia Ruo Lan was feeling quite drowsy, looking at the time and the pending work on her laptop she sighed. After briefly tidying up she laid on her bed and drifted to sleep.

- - - - -

Chang Holdings

Lucifer was going through some important documents pertaining an overseas project when there was a soft knock on the door followed by deliberate, light footsteps.

He looked up from the papers in his hands, Adrian was seen walking inside with a faint smile.

"Boss! The deal.. It has been settled but the shares are only raised to 8%, he's not willing to give more than that", Adrian reported the details of his conversation with Mr Park, Yang Deming's assistant.

"How is HE in the position to negotiate? Just tell him to yield, sooner or later he's going to beg me anyway..", he sneered, his gray eyes darkening gradually.

"Hmm.. The drugs, they've been destroyed and replaced. The new ones have similar anesthetic properties except for the poison. They're completely harmless and won't be detected as well"

He had a bright smile thinking about how the vile drugs has been obliterated into nothingness by him and his men.

"Just be careful that we're not exposed.. I don't want him to suspect anything unusual", satisfied, he nodded before reminding him to be cautious.

"Yes, Boss!", Adrian was prepared to leave when Lucifer's voice was heard, he looked up at him with his blue eyes.

"I want that man.. Patrick Wilson! Get him here..", Lucifer looked into Adrian's eyes, his voice low yet profound.

"It will be difficult to get him from the mafia of S Country! We do have some contacts there however after the episode with Carlos.. ", Adrian trailed off.

Lucifer pondered for a while, his gray eyes flashed with light and a smile crept up his thin lips making him look deadly beautiful, Adrian shuddered from his shiny countenance and smiled wryly.

"I know.. Contact Luke, he'll definitely have a trick or two up his sleeves. Tell him that I'll reward him well if he succeeds in getting Patrick Wilson to me!"

Adrian's eyes bulged out at the mention of Luke, he was one of their best assassin's after Adrian. He was initially on a mission to infiltrate S Country's mafia which he had accomplished with flying colors. Luke had also made a few connections there.

"Luke? Are you sure..? He seems to be a changed man now..", Adrian asked with uncertainty, he was sceptical about Luke's involvement.

Lucifer's foothold in S Country was gaining a stable momentum all thanks to Luke and his capabilities.

However, the man had suddenly gone missing after renouncing everything. It was too shocking given how he was once ever ready to perform all kinds of missions and tasks.

"Heh! A leopard never changes it's spots.. I'm sure he'll be interested in doing this job for free!", Lucifer laughed, his eyes mirthful.

"Haha.. You wish! I mean.. that greedy guy will rip you off, forget about working for free!", laughing, he refused to accept Lucifer's claims.

"Let's see.. Go on now, get to work", annoyed, he shooed the grown man teasing and grinning at him.

"Yes Boss!!", he chimed, mimicking a salute and strolled out with a smile.

Assistant Le Xinglei's eyes burned with envy, he looked at Adrian begrudgingly and muttered curses under his breathe.