F.I.V.E - FIVE!!

"I agree..", Ethan chuckled, his incendiary gaze and words directed towards the flustered Xia Ruo Lan.

"So.. Can we go now?", Xia Ruo Lan uttered looking at the crowd surrounding Callista and Lucifer. Her eyes were following his outlandish smiling countenance.

Poles apart from the cold Lucifer that Xia Ruo Lan was familiar with, this man was completely foriegn to her now. She felt her heart tremble reminiscing about the past.

"Yes! Can we?", Sera too snapped unhappily, her voice sounded strained as though she was bearing a heavy burden on her chest.

Ethan was really enjoying this. Sera looked like an angry kitten and he liked teasing her. While Xia Ruo Lan resembled a hurting little lamb and loved to torment her. He was simply enjoying the show so far and wanted more.

"Did you forget? We're here for networking.. Think about the future of your art gallery!", he reasoned looking at the people in the large hall with a light on his eyes, a faint smile on his face.

Sera couldn't refute his words and even Xia Ruo Lan silently agreed. Thus they stayed a bit longer albeit feeling uncomfortable and conflicted within themselves.

Although they decided to stay for the sake of networking and making connections the trio didn't move an inch. They stood observing each and everyone who were trying to suck up to both, Callista and Lucifer.

"Let us all now welcome the chief guests of this auspicious night to grace the dancefloor with their humble presence with an opening dance performance..", the mc chimed in with a fawning smile on his face.

A round of thundering applause resounded the large banquet hall.

Sera, as though struck by lightning turned to the mc on stage. Her gaze sweeping past the crowd to Callista and Lucifer.

Her heart clenched when Lucifer promptly offered his hand to Callista, smiling shyly she slipped her hand into his large palm and glided towards the dancefloor.

The crowd once again erupted into a loud applause. The sound resembling the brewing thunderstorm in Sera's heart.

Xia Ruo Lan was observing everything intently. Her gaze solemn, watching every single thing from Ethan and Sera to the shining couple on the dancefloor.

Just when her eyes were on Lucifer's figure Ethan looked her way.

His gaze deep and mirthful smiling to himself. He was enjoying the agonizing look in Xia Ruo Lan's eyes.

Lucifer and Callista were in the center of the dancefloor with just a little distance between them looking very intimate as they whispered sweet nothings, smiling.

The tune changed and a slow waltz began playing. Lucifer and Callista started to waltz with light steps gradually followed by the familiar fast paced steps.

He bent her backwards with a 45⁰ degree angle bend and everyone's heart stopped.

With one swoop Lucifer lifted her body back to his level, holding her waist with one hand while other was entangled with her left hand. Their bodies swayed back and forth in sync.

From where Sera was standing she could see that their noses were almost touching. She looked away indignantly, her eyes stinging with unfallen tears.

All eyes were glued onto the dancefloor. It was a magical and nearly impossible picturesque - a beautiful caucasian with the legendary young master of the reverend Chang's as they trip the light fantastic.

With one last twirl Lucifer whisked Callista into a full turn holding her arm before he pulled her against him with one arm while his other took hers to the side for a last pose ending their dance.

Sera couldn't take it anymore. She picked up the wine glass in a fit of pique while her eyes were locked on Lucifer.

She lifted the glass to her small red mouth only to find that it was empty.

"Uh??", she was bamboozled staring at the her hand.

Gawking at the empty glass Sera swept a glance towards Ethan then at Xia Ruo Lan. Her flushed face with a silly smile was enough for Sera to understand the situation.

Xia Ruo Lan's bright smile, flashing her even white teeth against bright red lips was a sight to behold however Sera felt heebie jeebies at that instant.

"That guy.. Is an all-rounder! I envy him.."

Ethan muttered loud enough for Sera and Xia Ruo Lan to hear. He shook his head reaching out to the wine glass on the table as he praised his dear friend.

"Wha..", he swallowed back the words gazing at the table. There were five glasses and all were empty.

Ethan raised his head, confused. His gaze met Sera's innocent eyes, she shook her head casting a pointy look towards Xia Ruo Lan.

Ethan stumbled in shock, he looked at his side and was greeted by a tipsy Xia Ruo Lan winking at him. His heart went doki-doki, gulping his spit he smiled wryly at her and looked at the awkward Sera.

The opening dance lasted less than five minutes. It was over in the blink as everyone gaped in bewilderment. Lucifer along with Callista bowed like a graceful and noble knight in ancient times.

Looking at the half filled glass of juice, Ethan sniffed it feeling apprehensive. His fears came true when he realized that it was an alcoholic cocktail and not plain juice.

"I didn't think she'll go this far..", Ethan glanced at her. His eyes held a faint surprise and disbelief as he thought inwardly.

Ethan wasn't expecting Xia Ruo Lan to get drunk in her vexation. No doubt that she took umbrage in his remarks but getting drunk like this, it's not like her.

His somber gaze landed on Lucifer. Enlightened he shook his head feeling bad for Xia Ruo Lan at that moment.

"Why did you drink so much!", he asked in a low voice, coldly. She blinked looking at him in confusion.

"Uh? I didn't drink!", she deadpanned with a righteous expression.

Sera's eyes twitched while Ethan felt a vein pop on his forehead. Xia Ruo Lan didn't pay any heed to their nonplussed expressions and continued smiling radiantly.

"Can you tell how many fingers are there?", he asked with a dark face. Sera stares at him with a disapproving gaze.

"Of course, I know..", she answers with a confident tone. Ethan quirks his eyebrow with interest, anticipating her answer.

"You have five fingers! F.I.V.E - FIVE!", saying that she grabbed his hand tightly leaning her face forward.

Sera controls her urge to laugh out loud biting her lips. Ethan felt a headache coming as he cried inwardly without tears.

His two fingers were about to plucked out of his hand mercilessly. His eyes teary, face red as he endured the pain and the wild throbbing of his heart in excitement and dread from their close proximity.

"You think I'm a fool?", she asked in an aggrieved manner, her eyes sharp staring right through him and warm breath falling on his cheeks uncomfortably.