Who Is Your Friend?

Ethan felt blood drain out of his face when Xia Ruo Lan inched nearer to him, with just their noses touching his skin burned and smoke could be seen coming out of his ears.

"Xia.. Xia Ruo Lan!", gritting his teeth he was ready to lash out at her.

Sera looked at them in awe. She was hoping for some action with an expectant look in her sparkling eyes abandoning Lucifer and his thoughts completely.

Just when Ethan and Sera were holding their horses in preparation for Xia Ruo Lan's monkey tricks she turned around. Her scowling face glaring at Lucifer with annoyance.

Ethan heaved a heavy sigh while Sera looked on with disappointment clear in her eyes.

The loud applause and cheers following the end of the waltz garnered Xia Ruo Lan's attention back from Ethan to Lucifer.

"Ah~ Why is he with that..", Xia Ruo Lan's high pitched voice made Ethan jerk, he followed her gaze that was fixed on Lucifer and Callista.

Without sparing a thought Ethan hurriedly covered her little mouth with his palm, a cold light in his eyes.

Shifting his gaze to Lucifer who was engaged in a serious conversation with a middle aged man with Callista beside him Ethan was unknowingly getting flustered.

"Ugh!", Xia Ruo Lan started hitting his hand covering her mouth. Sera tried to intervene between the duo but was pushed aside by a death glare from Ethan.

"What is happening here?", a sweet voice that was pleasing to one's ears resounded, the trio paused and turned towards the source.

Callista was standing behind them with a condescending expression, her hand hooked around Lucifer's who was utterly dumbfounded by their presence. His questioning gaze directed at Ethan.

The trio almost felt their souls leave their bodies at that instant. The encounter was definitely cringe-worthy to all of them as they stood gaping with varied expressions.

Ethan had an animated and hyperbolic expression retracting his hand back with an awkward laugh.

Xia Ruo Lan had a look of disdain in her grim eyes shooting a fake smile at the duo, disinterested yet curious.

Sera had a puffed up angry face, red and glaring, shooting daggers at Lucifer making him feel squeasy in the stomach.

The scene was comical with a distinct pressure on each one of them except for Callista who was clearly unaware of their relationship and the complex connections.

"I..", looking at Sera who was ready to cry any minute Lucifer opened his mouth to say something when the fast and curious Xia Ruo Lan surpassed him.

"Why are you with her?", her voice clear and crisp as she questioned him with an air of authority giving Callista a cruel once-over with a judgmental look in her eyes.

Callista felt humiliated and embarrassed by her behavior, she was feeling uncomfortable under her discerning gaze.

Ethan felt a chill crawl on his spine when Lucifer's eyes turned cold instantly staring at Xia Ruo Lan with an unreadable emotion.

Sera too was shocked by the sudden turn of events. She didn't expect Xia Ruo Lan to boldly question Lucifer in front of Callista. She felt that Xia Ruo Lan was really courageous unlike her.

"What are you saying Xia Ruo Lan?", Ethan guffawed with sweat forming on his back trying to control the situation.

"I'm asking him can't you see!", she said matter-of-factly looking straight into his eyes. Ethan suddenly felt regretful for teasing her constantly, she's really lost it.

Was this the end of the Xia family's princess, Xia Ruo Lan?

"You know them?", Callista turned to Lucifer, her voice depicting the disbelief on her face, Lucifer simply nodded in response. Sera felt sour seeing their interaction.

"Haha.. Lucifer! I brought them here..", Ethan had an apologetic look in his eyes while communicating with Lucifer, the latter nodded in exasperation. Ethan finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"Oh! So they are your friends?", Callista probed, her gaze cold and indignant landing on Xia Ruo Lan.

"Yes, they are my.. friends!", Lucifer looked at them, his eyes on Sera whose face was transparent and readable to him. He sighed inwardly seeing her painful gaze.

"This girl.. She doesn't trust me at all!", he grumbled in his head feeling slightly bitter.

"But I didn't give her any reason to trust me as well.. Hmm, I have to do something. The sooner the better!", he was in the middle of thinking when Xia Ruo Lan spoke again.

"Who is your friend?", she asked with a loud voice, her eyelashes fluttering close.

"Who let her drink? Don't you know she can't hold her drink well.. One glass and that's the end for her..", Lucifer glared angrily at Ethan as he rambled about ignoring the weird looks from Sera and Callista.

"I.. I had no idea that she can't drink", Ethan felt wronged.

Why was his fun night turning into a nightmare? And why is he so scared? It's not like I'm doing something illegal.

"Why are you so worried?", Xia Ruo Lan snickered poking her finger on Lucifer's chest.

"Mr Ex-boyfriend!!", she started laughing after dropping her words akin to nuclear bomb.

"Ex.. Ex-boyfriend??", Sera muttered unable to understand, she gaped at Lucifer and Xia Ruo Lan who was laughing like a mad woman.

Xia Ruo Lan had no emotion in her eyes while her lips were curled into a smile. It was painful for Sera to look at her hysterical self.

"Ex-boyfriend?", Callista was equally shocked, her eyes frosty glaring at Xia Ruo Lan's face with hostility. Lucifer observed her, his gaze darkened as a faint light flickered in his gray eyes.

"Ethan, take her back with you. She's had one too many drinks tonight.. It's not good for her body"

Lucifer turned to Ethan and asked him to drop Xia Ruo Lan calmly, unperturbed by Sera's hurtful eyes and Callista's ugly expression.

"Okay..", Ethan understood the meaning behind his friend's words and readily agreed.

"I.. I have something going on.. See you Mr Lucifer!", Callista turned to leave after hugging Lucifer in front of Xia Ruo Lan with a provocative smile.

Xia Ruo Lan stifled a laugh in mockery, her eyes shining with delight unlike Callista's dark look.

"Sera..", Ethan turned to call Sera when Lucifer cut him through his sentence.

"I'll send Sera back.. You take care of Xia Ruo Lan!", before Sera can refuse Ethan agreed, dragging Xia Ruo Lan forcefully he left her alone.

Ethan felt that leaving a drunk Xia Ruo Lan with Lucifer was dangerous for both her and Lucifer who wouldn't mind snapping her neck in irritation.