I'm Not Je.. Jealous!

Lucifer gazed at her deeply, trying to read through her mind. His gaze darkened when he sensed something. She was trying to avoid him.

Sera was feeling bitter in her heart, it was hurting so much that she couldn't even stand and look at him in the eye. She turned around with the intention of leaving.

"Stop right there!", Lucifer commanded coldly with a gentle undertone, he had already seen through her.

"And why should I?", she tried to argue stubbornly, her naive eyes akin to arrows hit his heart. An endearing smile on his sexy and thin lips.

Sera felt at a loss after seeing his adoring smile. He didn't retaliate or get angry at her for refuting his orders. Instead he was smiling at her while closing the distance between them.

Sera felt an ominous feeling in her heart. She could clearly see that he's upto no good. Alas her feet froze and she couldn't move an inch, her heart beating crazily in anticipation albeit the stinging pain.

Lucifer stood close to her, his large palms reached out to hold her cold little hands, warming them.

"Because I'm asking you to..", his gentle tone caressing her erratic heart, she could feel her tense body relaxing and melting under his warm gaze.

She felt the intense resolution to avoid this man in her heart crumbling to pieces and her brain turning into a mushy mixture. Still, she decided to bare her fangs for the last time and stood gazing at him stubbornly.

"Why should I listen to..", before she could complete her sentence the hand in his palm was kissed.

A gush of electricity jolted her insides and she stood motionless unable to grasp the unforeseen occurrence. She was expecting him to go crazy on her and shout. This wasn't in her list of predictions.

Lucifer smirked at her reaction, he was just teasing Sera in hopes of diverging her attention. However her unexpected reaction made him feel especially good.

Inadvertently, he started expecting more such interesting reactions from her.

"What are you doing..", she was back to her obedient self, meek and adorable. He shook his head inwardly somewhat disappointed by her weak resolve.

He thought that he needed to train her for her own good in this cruel world!

"Let's go.. It's getting late!", he mumbled grabbing her hand and walking towards the exit, his long legs striding through the crowd.

They arrived the strangely secluded carpark of the hotel. He was still holding her firmly in his grasp. Noticing her glaring eyes he purposely loosened the grip on her.

"Why are you so worked up?", he asked seeing the unpleasant expression on her lovely face.

Sera deliberated for a moment, scared of speaking out her thoughts. Lucifer looked at her with an ambiguous smile.

"Who is she.. Callista?", finally she gave in, expressing one of the biggest query in her mind.

"Oh! Nobody, just a business partner..", shrugging he spat the words with zero emotion, casually striding towards his car.

"Are you perhaps jealous?", after a brief pause he halted in his steps, with a smug smile he turned to the grouchy lady.

"What do you mean! I'm not je.. jealous!!"

Caught off-guard by his sudden question she almost stumbled backwards, balancing herself on one of the parked cars she refuted vehemently albeit her red face.

"Yeah right! I can see that you're clearly not 'jealous'.."

He scoffed, his eyes playfully darting at her red lips and embarrassed face full of desire.

"I'm telling you.. I'm not!!", feeling pressured under his scorching gaze she snapped, her voice sounded loud in the silent parking space.

"Then why do you care?", recomposing himself and hiding the smile in his eyes, he casually asked with a blank expression.

"Because I.. Because I.. I..", her throat went dry. Sera wanted to say something, something that lingered at the tip of her tongue.

However she wasn't aware what exactly was that she wanted to say. She was still in a daze trying to find words.

While she stood stupefied stuttering incoherent words a domineering kiss landed on her red lips. Before she could say anything or react, a scorching tongue entered her mouth adeptly finding her sweet spots for a revenge sweeter than ever.

She felt her head turning from the kiss. She was frozen, unable to think as her mind blanked out.

After that mind boggling kiss Lucifer pulled back, she was out of breathe, panting with teary eyes and swollen lips.

Lucifer pulled her back and strode towards his car uncaring of her angry kitten face.

"But I'm still unhappy with you.. And disappointed..", she blabbed on and on but Lucifer didn't reply nor budge, hastily rushing towards his car and shoving her inside.

"Hey!", she shouted at him clearly displeased by his actions when he slammed the door shut. His behavior today was weird totally unlike him.

"Sit tight!", he buckled her seatbelt before revving up the engine, his gaze chilly focused on the driveway.