A Young Boy Toy

"I didn't think you'd ever succeed in reaching me! That explains you're not rusty at all", a throaty cynical laughter resonated from the speakers.

"You cannot escape forever..", Adrian's spat in his grave voice, his blue eyes flickering.

"Chill Ad! You're just as grumpy as I could remember.. No wonder the boss is looking for me. He couldn't possibly stick with you all his life", the man scoffed, his tone dripping with mockery.

"I'm glad you're aware of the predicament here. Boss wants you to report as soon as possible, Luke! So you better get your arse here or else.. Don't blame me for being ruthless", not even a bit offended Adrian chuckled dryly.

"Fine! I'm really scared now. Haha! Just mail me the details, I'll look into it and contact you. And tell boss that I'm completely fine here, not to worry about me..", Luke smiled brightly, his even white teeth against his naturally red lips appeared attractive.

Adrian ignored his superfluous blabbering and smiled, feeling nostalgic after listening to his friend's familiar words and playful tone.

"I'll text your Assistant Derek that we've finally found you, he'll be rejoiced. The poor guy is practically unemployed after your abrupt disappearance. He's been working in a finance company for some time.. And yes, don't forget to check your mails"

Adrian reminded with a light laugh, he could picture a happily dancing Derek in front of his eyes right now.

"Hmm..", he hummed indifferently as if he's unrelated to Derek. Poor guy!

"Hey! I saw your girlfriend few days ago..", he exclaimed loudly, as though remembering something really important his tone filled with excitement.

Adrian scowled at his words, a look of puzzlement on his handsome face that made him appear a little lost.

"She was looking like a snack! Ah~ those curves man! I tell you..", he smacked his lips loudly.

"Luke!!!", a red and furious Adrian bellowed as he understood who Luke was referring to.

A throaty chuckle could be heard from the other side. He was clearly enjoying this conversation with Adrian.

"I'm serious Ad! She was with a young boy toy.. Hah! No wonder she dumped your arse without any mercy..", he laughed amused by his own words. He could see Adrian's red eyes filled with anger as he huffed at him.

"That was her brother Luke! And please stop your imagination from running wild..", he said in a helpless tone, scrunching his straight eyebrows together. He felt a headache coming thinking about his friend's mentality.

"Brother you say? Do you think I'm a fool?!", he laughed derisively. Not believing Adrian's words.

"Everyone, I repeat, everyone.. Every single person from B city is aware that the no 1 socialite, queen of hearts, beauty queen Miss Zhang Lili is a single child..", he rambled with a determination in his tone which was rather funny to hear.

"Shut up!!", he was forced to shut his mouth by Adrian's loud command, he shrugged his shoulders unaffected.

Adrian didn't wait for him to respond or say anything more and slammed the phone, he hung up on the annoying Luke who was one of the major reasons behind His and Su Yin's break up a year ago. He felt his blood boil thinking about his stupidity.

"Damn!! I hate this brainless idiot..", Adrian grumbled.

"I see you finally got hold of Luke!", a low vibrato reverberated in the office catching Adrian's attention.

A suave looking Lucifer was striding through the door, his posture elegant and effortless albeit the weary expression. It only added a wild charm to his unruly looks. His dark blue jacket stood out against his fair skin.

"Yes, after a whole week tired of playing tug-of-war the man showed himself. It was all Dai Yu..", being the good brother that he was Adrian gave full credit to Dai Yu.

"That's good. Take him somewhere out like, for a outing. That kid, he is not very sociable. He's either friendly with me, you or Damien. Even Lillian, he's detached from her as well. He lacks friends and that's something to look out for", he contemplated with a serious look on his face, a hint of worry in his tone.

"Hmm.. He finds computers far more interesting than humans! Especially teenagers of his age, I'm afraid he'd feel ostracized after joining school here..", Adrian couldn't help but lament, a subtle smile on his face.

"Don't worry. Get Luke to find something relevant and important about Patrick Wilson, he needs to get that man out of there!"

Lucifer's gray eyes flashed with light, a faint feeling of unease in his heart as he thought about this 'Patrick Wilson'. He couldn't remember how he is connected with this mad scientist.

"Yes boss!!", Adrian left him alone, his fading heavy footsteps could be heard in the silent office.

Lucifer sat on his black leather chair, cross legged with a brooding expression. His finger tapping onto the surface of his steaming cup of coffee. A wicked grin plastered on his deviously handsome face.