'M' Stands For Mia

Driving past the bustling streets in the downtown of the city a silver finish sports car halted in front of the infamous M Mall under the Chang's.

A towering figure alighted from the car flaunting his long pair of legs, a charming face and killer gray set of eyes. The signature dark blue jacket wrapped around his perfect body was a feast to sore eyes. His unruly, messed up hair adding a wild streak to his gorgeously handsome front as he strolled through the glass doors.

Gasps could be heard as Lucifer passed by the crowd, young ladies in the mall clutched their hearts as he walked without batting an eyelid. His gaze sharp and focused was directed straight ahead with no distractions. The distinct sound as his polished leather shoes tapped the floor was the welcoming bell before his arrival.

"Ah~ Who is this godly handsome man!"

"Oi, don't you know? He's that famous actor from that idol drama.."

"Uu? No! He's not, he's that supermodel.. Ah~ look at his eyes!"

"Hmm.. But why is he here?"

"Eh? Why is he going to such a nameless shop?"

"Maybe he's not really that rich and famous, he's just a handsome fellow with no money.."

All the ladies, young or old, each one of them were running their mouths incessantly. Their gaze fixated on Lucifer, their mouths agape and eyes sparkling.

Indifferent to all the gossip around him Lucifer strolled forward. Shocking everyone he strode into a rather obscure and dingy looking nameless shop instead of those luxury brand stores.

"Boss, you're here!", the shop attendant greeted him with a bow, a hint of reverence in her eyes as she smiled at him.

"Hmm..", he hummed, his eyes darting around the jewelry pieces in the store.

The shop looked dingy and poor maintained from outside. However that was not the case. It was a well maintained, exquisitely large showroom displaying unique masterpieces of jewelry in pearls, diamonds, sapphires, rubies, emeralds and other precious stones.

Just like Sera, anyone who didn't know better would lose their mind after seeing the brilliant pieces of jewelry and accessories including their price range.

It is a well known secret that the 'M' in M Mall stands for Mia, even the shop's name is an engraved letter in capital 'M'.

Lucifer's gray eyes turned glossy, he glanced at each and every corner of the showroom, the delicate strings of gold, pearls and diamonds under the glass covers. The dazzling shine reminding him of Mia's smile, her jade green eyes. His little baby sister, his life.

All of this is Mia's dream. Every single design here is personally designed by her. She was a budding jewelry designer soon to be famous in her own country.

However her designs were already well accepted overseas. After her birthday that year they were going to launch her designs in B city. Alas, everything turned to dust including her.

"Boss, Assistant Xinglei had come over yesterday evening to collect the accounts.. Last month there were two sales", she reported, he simply nodded without paying much heed.

"Boss, the set of cufflinks that were a pair of that crystal pendant you bought last time was also sold..", she looked at him with anticipation in her eyes.

Lucifer froze, his eyes turned to the spot where the cufflinks were resting before. It was empty. A jade bangle had occupied its place. He smiled grimly.

"You did a good job!", he mumbled, she beamed happily at his compliment.

"Did you prepare what I asked you to yesterday Xinglei must've told you..", he sounded impatient, his face blank.

"Yes, yes. I'll go get it now..", without wasting any time she rushed inside behind the curtains.

"Boss!", she whispered, her mouth dry. She licked her lips nervously walking towards him with the treasure in her hands.

"Hmm.. Pack it up!", he glanced at the 'thing' in her hands, a faint smile playing at his lips. She was momentarily stunned by his smile and nodded dumbly.

The shop attendant hurriedly wrapped up the 'thing' Lucifer had requested, a beautiful bag in black with a capital M in silver resting in her hands. He accepted the bag with a curt nod. She stood staring at his receding figure with hearts in her eyes. Her boss was the best, handsome and benevolent.

"You'll soon get your bonus from Xinglei!", he chuckled before walking out of the glass doors.

She stumbled backwards, steadying her steps she giggled with a joyous smile on her glowing face.

- - -

Lee mansion

"Brat! Rascal! Finally you got time to visit me?", Sophia Lee scowled, she kicked the grinning man harshly.

Lucifer drove straight to Lee mansion after his little shopping trip to M Mall, he was sitting beside Sophia Lee on the couch.

"Darling Sophia! I missed you so much.. Didn't you miss me?", he shot her a pitiful pout, she rolled her eyes.

"I asked Ethan to call you many times after your hospitalization and yet you're coming back only now? Such an unfilial son you are!"

Lucifer chuckled, his deep, throaty laughter echoed in the living room. Her heart warming up to his genuinely pure laughing face.

"I'm sorry.. I wanted to rush back to you as soon as I was discharged but things were really dire.. But I'm here now! And I missed you.."

Sophia Lee's eyes brightened, her face had a tender motherly expression as she gazed at Lucifer. She sniffed furtively, a lone tear could be seen trying to escape from the wrinkles of her eyes.

"Did you eat something?", her face softened along with her voice, he chuckled mirthfully and hugged her tightly.

"Sophia, my Sophia! I'm not here to eat.. I'm here for your blessings!", he beamed with a wide grin, showing his pearly white teeth.

"Blessings! Forget it.. I would only give you my blessings when you find me a pretty looking, good granddaughter-in-law..", she pushed his arm holding her shoulders and hissed, her eyes went wide as she finished the last words.

"Uh-huh! You're right..", he whispered, his face was plastered with a permanent huge smile.