Night With Your 'Friend'?

"Brother..", jogging her way to the carpark Sera reached Lu Jinan's side, calling out his name. He looked grumpy with his puffed out and scowling face.

"Sorry.. I'm late", she smiled meekly trying to win over him with her cuteness. It always worked for him.

"Where were you Sera? I've been waiting here for you.. You didn't even answer my calls forget about the messages I sent you!", ignoring her cute smile he started to barrage her with his questions.

"I.. I'm sorry, I left it on 'do not disturb' mode. Sorry", she tried to placate him by apologizing, although her excuses were all made up and fake they worked on him and he seemed to believe Sera.

"Fine!! Get in the car..", he impatiently turned to the driver's seat and slipped inside.

Sera hurriedly sat in the passenger seat looking all obedient and sweet, a pout on her face like that of a wronged child.

"Say, what do you wanna eat?", he smiled faintly, still looking at the road ahead. His sister was like a tantrum throwing child fighting for attention.

"Uh? Anything will do.. Let's try pizza since it's just the two of us!", she mumbled absentmindedly.

Suddenly sitting up straight she shouted 'pizza' excitedly and smiled brightly at Lu Jinan who had hurriedly turned to her side affected by her excitement.

"Heh! Okay, sit tight..", he laughed in amusement before agreeing to her request.

"I heard some commotion upstairs in the bathhouse.. Do you know what had happened?", he thought back to the bathhouse and asked her coolly while focused on driving.

His unintentionally inquisitive words raised her temperature, her face instantly turned red from embarrassment.

"Huh? No.. No, I.. I don't know", she refuted with a wavering voice, his eyes turned to her before muttering an indifferent 'oh'.

"Oh..", she secretly heaved a sigh in relief.

"Let's get some icecream as well..", she blurted out trying to distract him from asking anything else.

"Sure, anything you say..", he replied naturally, there was no hint of suspicion in his eyes or face.

*ring* *ring*

Sera's cell phone started to ring loudly, he looked at her questioningly due to her earlier excuse. She smiled wryly at him before fumbling to answer the call.

It was Su Yin calling.

"Yinyin..", she was as enthusiastic as ever. He chuckled from the sidelines.

"I'm with brother..", she answered looking at his side profile. He continued driving without paying her any heed.

"We went playing at the arcade, yes, swimming. You could've told me that you were free today!", she blurted, sounding wronged yet apologetic. It was odd.

"Hmm.. Brother won't mind silly!", she laughed lightly, his eyebrows shot up at her words. He shook his head.

"Come on, we're going for lunch.. Pizza!!", she sounded really excited for a slice of pizza with her friends. Typical of Sera!

"Sure, join us!", overjoyed that her persuasion worked on Su Yin she smiled brightly.

Sera's clear eyes gleaming like that of a con man after a successful scheming.

"Okay, see you soon!", she hung up unhurriedly.

Heavily sighing after the conversation Sera turned to look at Lu Jinan who had a faint smile playing on his lips.

"Brother, Yinyin is joining us for lunch..", she informed him with a soft, gentle smile almost coaxing him.

"It's not lunch time though..", he mused, his eyes were fixed on the road as he manoeuvred the steering wheel expertly.

"Haha, I know.. She was tidying up her place out of boredom and ended up skipping lunch!", she burst laughing, he too joined in after listening to her reason.

"That's typical of Yinyin!", he chimed in between his throaty laughter.

That girl was crazy!

And everyone knew that.

"Brother? When is mother and father coming back from their trip?", struck by something she beseeched with haste in her tone.

Lu Jinan looked at Sera warily for a second before replying.

"Hmm.. I don't know, maybe tomorrow or the day after. Why?", he had no smile in his eyes, they were clear and dark.

"Nothing..", she gulped heavily before shaking her head in refusal.

Lu Jinan looked kinda scary like this unlike his usual cheerful self.

"Are you sure?", he cornered her with his question quirking his eyebrow provocatively.

Sera's last straw of strength was almost ready to break.

"Ye.. yes, I'm sure..", she nodded her head like a broken bobbing doll.

Lu Jinan tried hard to suppress his laughter glancing at her frightened face.

"You want to spend the night out with your 'friend'?", biting his lip to not laugh out loud he leisurely glanced at her with a straight face as he spoke.

Lu Jinan then slammed the brakes, the car came to a screeching halt shocking Sera.

*cough* *cough*

Like a scares mouse Sera erupted into a coughing fit at his words. She felt her ears burn hot while her heart trembled in fear of being exposed by her brother.

"Keke.. No, no..", she was stuttering crazily in between her coughs. It was clear as day that she was lying.

"Stop lying.. I can see it on your face!", he turned to look at her and said harshly offering a water bottle.

Sera readily accepted the water bottle and drank mouthfuls from it to calm herself before speaking again.

"Ye.. Yes, can.. Can I?", she was on the verge of crying after being blatantly exposed and called a liar. Although it was her fault for lying.

"It's not that Ethan Lee right?", he asked with a blank face, no expression na da.

Brother seemed to be stuck on Ethan.

Do their grudges run that deep? She wondered.

"No way! No, it's not Ethan!", she squeaked, negating him in a heartbeat.

A fond smile, almost victorious on Lu Jinan's striking face. It was rather funny.

"Good! Then I don't mind as long as you know how to protect yourself..", he looked satisfied by her answer, his mood gradually turning better than before.

"Sure I can protect myself..", she chuckled, her deathly blow on Lucifer was a reminder behind her giggles.

"Then it's not a problem!", he believed his sister, she was not a kid anymore except for the nightmares Lu Jinan had no problem with her decisions and lifestyle.

"Thank you brother..", she was sincerely grateful and happy to have a brother like him.

Lu Jinan always supported her and also understood her completely in every situation. She loved him dearly.

"You don't have to thank me.. You're my sister and also an adult now. You can take your own decisions and I thoroughly support you for that.. Just know that I love you!", he patiently explained, his hand rubbing her head affectionately.

"I love you too brother..", she trailed off, hugging his arm.

*knock* *knock*

Someone knocked on their car's window, they stopped to look who it was.

It was Su Yin again!

The duo burst out laughing leaving a bemused Su Yin standing outside.