Did You Get Dumped?!

"What are you two baboons chortling about?"

Su Yin spat in an irritated tone after the car's window was rolled down revealing the dashing brother-sister duo's smiling faces. She felt left out.

"Hey! Yinyin.. You must be too hungry to bicker with us, let's just get inside now. I'm famished!"

With an exaggerated expression Sera hurriedly got out, holding Su Yin's hand lovingly to drag her inside the Italian bistro.

"Yinyin, why are you dressed up like that? Also you look like a cranky old man.."

Lu Jinan parked the car and hopped out. He commented from behind the girls as he strolled leisurely, guffawing loudly.

Su Yin had a dark mood surrounding her. She was wearing a black hoodie with her white shorts exposing her long legs and flat white slippers. Her black hair were covered with the hoodie's cap while her face was clean devoid of any makeup looking like she was on a scavenger hunt.

"Lu bastard! Zip up your mouth if you don't wanna die.."

Infuriated Su Yin turned around in a flash. Her gaze intimidating as she showed Lu Jinan her small fist. He shrank back while a worried Sera tried to pull her inside.

"Why are you trying to bite my neck? I'll give you a slice of fresh pizza to bite on, come on!", he chuckled again.

"Brother!", Sera glared at him trying to remind that they are not at home to banter like children.

Mimicking the action of zipping his lips Lu Jinan followed after them wordlessly. So far his day was going great and he was enjoying every bit of it.

"Yinyin, what's wrong with you?"

Sera asked with a gentle voice once they settled down inside the bistro. She smiled patiently waiting for her to answer.

"I'm fine.."

Su Yin nodded absentmindedly. Her gaze fixed on a table across them since they entered the bistro. She felt a lump in her throat.

"Is it that time of the month..?"

Lu Jinan interjected with a hushed voice earning odd glances. Their mouths twitched involuntarily. He shrugged before picking up the menu from the table.

"Brother!! Stop being so mean.."

"Are you done with your bullshit?"

Su Yin and Sera both were heard at the same time. Lu Jinan covered his face with the menu and started laughing. His shoulders were visibly shaking.

"Let's order something. Yinyin, what would you like?"

Sera looked at the two, then turned to Su Yin as she asked. Lu Jinan shook his head in defeat. The difference in treatment between him and Su Yin was drastic.

"Ah! Anything is fine.. Include something with strawberries!"

Lost in her own thoughts Su Yin glanced at Sera. She mumbled her choice with hurriedly. Lu Jinan scrunched his perfect brows at her words before parting his lips to speak.

"It's pineapple not strawberry! And no, we're not ordering it!"

He spats annoyingly with an ugly scowl. He hates pineapple or any other kind of fruit on his pizza. Including strawberries!

"If you don't shut it.. I promise it's gonna be your head!"

Enraged by his interference time and time again Su Yin barked at him with a grave tone. He could feel goosebumps on him. Yet he shamelessly decides to ruffle her feathers.

"Why so serious? Did you get dumped!!"

Lu Jinan shamelessly gazes at her furious face with a goofy smile, spouting his unfeeling words. Su Yin's expression cracked. She glared daggers at him.

"Lu Jinan!!!", she bellowed with a fork in her slender hand attempting to kill him.

Stunned, Lu Jinan stares at her for a second before covering himself with the menu card. He waves his hand trying to shoo her away while Sera struggles to pull them apart. She then shoots a warning glare at him.

"What? I was just kidding.."

He mumbles with a wronged expression. His eyes sparkle when realization hits him. A knowing smile graced his thin lips with a soft curl.

"Don't tell me I'm right.."

Wriggling his eyebrows with a smirk he beseeched, a mischievous glint adorning his oddly dark eyes.

"Stop it you two!!"

Having enough of these two big babies Sera slammed the table with her hand. A deafening silence followed after her threatening them both.

The trio ordered their meal, it was a little dull at their table after all the fuss. They sat and ate in complete silence.

"Brother Ad! Do you have a girlfriend?"

Adrian raised his head to look at Callista who was smiling at him. Her question had caught him off guard.

"Huh?", he thought that he was hearing things.

"So.. You don't have a girlfriend?"

Callista asked again after seeing his reaction. His ears were red and he was blushing profusely unbeknownst to him.

"This is really good.. Try this!", she chimed shoving her half-eaten piece of pizza to his mouth.

Adrian smiled wryly before taking a tiny bite. He was stumped by her sudden behavior, she was acting rather coy and shy. All of a sudden he felt a chill crawl up his spine.

Smiling slyly inside her head Callista casted a furtive glance at Su Yin's table. She could feel her burning gaze directed at the oblivious Adrian who was sipping his drink with a confused expression.

"Haha.. This is fun!!", she muttered under her breath with an excited grin.