I Don't Care! I Don't Care! I Don't Care!!

Giving the dirty eye to the seemingly harmonious couple across her Su Yin grumbled inwardly. Her large midnight black eyes were burning red with fury.

"Damn you Adrian! You were so persistent in getting back together. And now you show up with a hot looking girl! I'll freaking dig out your eyeballs and also those pearly whites you're smiling shamelessly with.. Ugh!!"

Su Yin was dressed like a homeless hobo whereas a dazzling Callista was donning a single sleeved floral, flared jumpsuit. It looked chic yet girly on her.

She was wearing light makeup that enhanced her beauty, her greenish-blue eyes were sparkling whenever she smiled. Her golden hair were bouncing down her shoulders with even a gentlest sway.

A jealous Su Yin eyed the blushing Adrian and shyly smiling Callista with envy. Her nose felt sour.

She clenched her fists tightly whilst digging her palm's soft flesh when he took a bite from her half-eaten pizza.

Damn! Wasn't Adrian a clean freak?

She stood up with a start, her eyes bulged out with red veins popping out frighteningly. Lu Jinan and Sera raised their heads to look at her. She looked scary.

Who dared to mess with this crazy bella now?

The brother-sister duo wondered glancing at each other baffled. They both shook their heads before digging into their plates with tacit understanding.

Huffing and puffing, Su Yin sauntered towards the ladies room without looking at the hateful Adrian. Stomping her flats adorned feet she passed by his table. She was agitated beyond words.

"Brother Ad! You see that girl over there.. She was staring at you from quite some time"

Clutter headed Adrian followed her gaze and felt his world spin in horror. He was shocked to see Su Yin trudging with a dark face. He suddenly felt his throat run dry.

"Do you perhaps know her personally?", she asked with innocence dripping from her face, starry-eyed.

"Did.. Did she see me together with Callista?", he thought with a profound grimace.

No wonder he felt a chilling gaze on him. It was Yinyin. She must've seen them together.

Is he going to die so soon?

"I'll.. I'll come back"

Sputtering incoherently to a smirking Callista, frazzled Adrian scrambled towards the direction where Su Yin was headed.

"Ah~ I'm so good!"

A giddy Callista clapped her hands feeling gleeful and praised herself with no shame whatsoever. Her eyes fixed on the direction where Adrian and Su Yin had disappeared.

"I finally got a sister-in-law! And she's pretty too..", she mumbled happily, biting into her classic cheese pizza and sipping her cooler.

- - -

"Uh! Where did she go?? Here.. Or there?"

A conflicted Adrian dazedly glanced at the two doors ahead.

Gritting his teeth, he entered one of the doors only to find himself in front of the ladies washroom's hallway. His face turned beet red.

"Hm.. I'll just wait here..", he whispered to himself feeling abashed.

"Or else Su Yin will kill me..", he was sure of that. He stood outside waiting for her with all the patience in the world.

- - -

Muttering curses under her breath Su Yin entered the ladies room. She stood motionless gazing through the mirror and felt like crying. Hot tears welled up in her reddened eyes.

Of all the days why did she choose to dress up like this only today?!

Su Yin desperately wished to crawl into a hole and hide. It was so embarrassing.

Thank God that handsome dork of a man didn't see me or else. She shuddered at the thought.

It was not like Adrian hasn't seen her like this. He has seen even the worst of sides of Su Yin but in front of his date. He'll probably feel that she was offputting and hate her more.

Date?? Is she really his date?

That girl was a real beauty though!

Her eyes were fascinating. She was an exotic foriegn blooded woman. Her golden hair were like liquid gold and skin so clear.

Hmph! I don't care who he eats with or dates with or sleeps... No!!




What am I thinking?!

All of a sudden Su Yin felt cold sweat on her back and her head was also buzzing, forget about her raging heartbeat.

She subconsciously reached out to hold the cold marble to avoid herself from collapsing on the floor.

"No! I'm fine!! I don't care!! I don't care!! I don't care.."

She splashed cold water on her already clean face to wake up her senses. Her erratic heartbeat was finally a lot calmer and steadier now. Heaving a sigh she turned the door knob and opened the door.


The door was slammed shut again in less than a second.

"Why is Adrian standing outside women's washroom??"

Feeling stressed out by the sudden turn of events Su Yin screamed inwardly leaning against the door and biting her nails in distress.

"Why did she react as though I'm a ghost?!"

Outside the door Adrian was rather perplexed by her extreme reaction.

"I can do this! It's just Adrian, heh..", she chuckled awkwardly trying to cheer herself, her confidence was wavering by the second.

Su Yin took a deep breath before grabbing the door knob again. The door opened slowly, she peeked her head out and sighed in relief.

There was no sign of Adrian.

"It was probably just an illusion", she smiled with a relieved expression on her face.