It's About That ROSE

Looking at Su Yin and Lu Jinan's affection from afar Adrian felt his blood boil. There was evident gloom in his blue eyes.

Callista who was keenly observing a crestfallen Adrian as well as the table across them sighed in her head.

"Why are these men so oblivious! What's wrong with their muddled brains? How can they possibly live with their low IQ and EQ.."

Painstakingly Callista had cleverly created an opportunity and this stupid brother of hers had ruined everything. Also, he's sulking here in jealousy. She could literally facepalm at his stupidity.

"Brother Ad! They are just friends.."

Tired of his permanently scowling face Callista blurted out. His head snapped to her side so fast that she was scared he'd get a whiplash.


A little discombobulated and dazed from all the thoughts running in his head Adrian looked dumbly at Callista.

"That girl from earlier and that man beside her.. They're just friends!"

Fighting the urge to laugh out loud at her otherwise genius brother's low intelligence Callista explained her words like a patient kindergarten teacher.


Though relieved, Adrian still had an expression of scepticism plastered on his striking face.

"They came together with that girl.. She's probably his sister, look!"

Smiling at his goofy expressions coupled with his innocence Callista pointed her chin to Sera and group. Adrian caught a glimpse of Sera's back.

"Ah! I've seen her somewhere.."

Finding Sera oddly familiar Adrian tried to remember, he could only see her back from this angle.

"That's not important.. What's important is that they're just friends! So stop sulking.."

Hitting her head with her palm Callista exasperatedly cleared up his doubts by pointing out the crucial information instead of irrelevant and trivial stuff.

"Heh! I'm sorry for troubling you to see all this stuff.."

Feeling embarrassed for behaving childishly in front of Callista, a red faced Adrian chuckled wryly as he apologized.

"Emile's late! When did he say he's going to arrive?"

Not giving Callista an opportunity to tease him Adrian exclaimed, shooting her a question as distraction.

"Soon.. I received his call when you were gone"

She laughed lightly at his attempts and informed about Emile's arrival and their phone conversation.

"Oh! Lucifer is busy and that's why I'm here.. So, when is your wedding with Emile?"

Adrian continued their talk with a fond smile on his face. He felt genuinely happy for Callista and Emile.

"Probably in next six months after announcing our secret engagement.. You should get married soon as well!"

She smiled sweetly, her pink cheeks radiating her glowing happiness. She then hit his shoulder asking him to settle down soon as well.


Adrian's eyes automatically found Su Yin's frail figure at the mention of marriage. His face blooming with sincere feelings of love and happiness. He laughed seemingly embarrassed.

"Don't worry, I have faith in you!"

Following Advice longing gaze that was transfixed on Su Yin's small face Callista cheered him by raising her fists. He laughed amused by her actions.

"Did I miss something?"

A deep voice with a hint of Y Country's accent was heard, Adrian and Callista both turned to look at the intruder with bright smiles.

Emile Presly, the man with a sturdy build stood tall in a beige coat. His big golden brown eyes glimmering with light as he smiled flashing his even white teeth. His brown hair were curly and short.


Callista jumped to her feet and hugged Emile, he hugged her back and pressed a kiss on her cheeks.

"Uh? Why is she hugging another man?"

Startled by Callista's excited scream Su Yin gazed at their table. She had an impenetrable expression looking at Callista hugging Emile instead of Adrian.

"Huh? What are you mumbling about?"

Lu Jinan who was sitting beside Su Yin glanced at her. She pointed to the hugging couple.

"Emile Presly!"

A stunned beyond words Lu Jinan screamed in his head staring at Emile and Callista. His face deathly pale.

"We're done already.. So let's get out of this place!"

Trying to avoid Emile and also prevent Sera from meeting him. Lu Jinan hurriedly suggested to Sera and Su Yin with a smile albeit the tremors in his voice.

"Alright.. Brother, let's go back"

"Yes, I've suddenly lost all my senses!"

Sera and Su Yin expressed their assent, they both had different things running in their heads. Lu Jinan escorted them out and they left the bistro.

"Where's Lucifer? I had something important to tell him.."

Emile sat down with the duo, turning his head to ask Callista and Adrian about Lucifer who was the only one missing.

"He is busy.. Just tell Brother Ad whatever you wanted to tell him!"

Callista rubbed his hand intimately and spoke gently pointing at Adrian who was feeling weird. He was the lightbulb between the loving couple.

"Okay.. It's about that ROSE! I heard from my father that, he had gifted the artist a golden paint brush and it was recently auctioned here, in B City"

Emile nodded his head at Callista's words. He glanced at Adrian before parting his lips to speak.

"I think that person might've bought it back.."

"When I was younger.. I seem to have heard about ROSE but I don't really remember. The paint brush's design was also selected by me however I was absent from the actual ceremony due to my studies overseas.."

Furrowing his eyebrows Emile had a distant look in his eyes as he reminisced about the past. Callista and Adrian both sat in silence allowing him to speak his mind.

"Hmm.. I'll look into it"

After listening intently to Emile and his thoughts Adrian understood everything. He'd definitely look for that artist, ROSE.

- - -

"Emile Presly, son of Y Country's prime minister Ivan Presly.. What is he doing here?"

Inside the car Lu Jinan had a look of distress, pondering about the reason behind Emile's appearance at B City. He was lost in thoughts while driving.

"Even if he has seen me before I don't think he'd remember me.."

"I shouldn't have ran away without confirming my suspicions! What if he really doesn't remember anything about ROSE. After all it's been so many years and he wasn't even in the country then.."

"Brother! Brother! What are you thinking?"

Watching how Lu Jinan was zoning out while he was behind the wheels Sera called him out. Her voice a little louder.

"Huh? Nothing.."

Jolting in his seat Lu Jinan turned to look at Sera, he smiled reassuringly at her before turning back to driving.

"Stop daydreaming Lu Jinan!!"

A frustrated Su Yin shouted at him from the backseat.