Surprise Your Boyfriend

The next day was a new, bright, sunny morning. Sera woke up early with her bright eyes filled with anticipation and eagerness to see Lucifer. It's their date today.

"Ah~ It's such a good day today!"

Wide awake with her hair resembling a bird's nest Sera lazily stretched her body smiling radiantly. She cast a glance at the shining sun from her balcony's glass door.

"I have to do something for him.. He's the only one always surprising me!"

Tapping her lower lip with her index finger Sera thought hard about how to give Lucifer a pleasant surprise. She suddenly felt utterly confused.

"Hmm.. I'll ask brother later"

Excitedly jumping out of her bed she walked into her bathroom to freshen up.

After a long shower to soothe her muscles and calm her exhilarated heart Sera emerged out in her short silk bathrobe. Her ivory like skin was glowing with tenderness as she glanced into the lifesize mirror shyly.

"I wonder what Lucifer is doing right now!"

Sera was already missing Lucifer. She really wished she'd fly to his side just to catch a glimpse of him. He looked super hot while sleeping.

After carefully blow drying her silky hair Sera dressed herself in a soft cotton dress for breakfast.

Skipping out of her room she saw Lu Jinan struggling in the kitchen to prepare breakfast for them.

It was 6 in the morning now. Lu Jinan had to go to office today.

"Brother, can you even do that?"

Lu Jinan was trying to break an egg in a glass bowl for preparation of egg roll. His hands were shaking.

"Let's just eat cereal today! I'll take you out for dinner later tonight"

Admitting defeat Lu Jinan placed down the egg on the countertop and sighed. Sera chuckled softly and nodded her head picking up the cereal and milk from the refrigerator.

Aunt Zhou was on a trip with Anna Lu to visit grandpa Lu's grave. Butler Wu was also unavailable. So Lu Jinan and Sera had to fend for themselves because other servants suck at cooking.

"Brother.. If you want to surprise someone what would you do?"

Munching onto her spoon along with the cereal in it Sera expectantly waited gazing at the freaked out Lu Jinan for answer.

"Surprise? You know that I'm a single dog right?Moreover a loner forever kind, virgin.."

With no shame at all Lu Jinan openly expressed how lacking he was in the department of love.

It's not like Lu Jinan didn't get a chance to date anyone. All those girls trying to get his attention by dressing up and seduction were not to his liking and the one he truly liked was currently in hiding.

"Oh! I'm sorry.."

Sera meekly apologized, she thought that it was a sensitive topic for Lu Jinan. Alas, she was wrong. That man had no weaknesses.

"Hoho.. It's alright silly! Why apologize? It's not like it is your fault that I'm single"

Chortling at her apology that wasn't necessary in the first place Lu Jinan shook his head. He was unimpressed by all the ladies surrounding him and that was solely his problem not his baby sister's.


Listening to Lu Jinan's words Sera frowned as though deep in thought, humming and nodding her head. She was really looking forward to surprise Lucifer.

"Ask that dummy Yinyin! Or turn to internet.. It has all the answers in the world"

Seeing how engrossed Sera was Lu Jinan heaved a deep sigh. Suggesting her to talk to Su Yin. His sister was really naive in terms of love.


Soon after their breakfast Lu Jinan hurriedly left for office leaving Sera alone with her thoughts and the servants in the mansion.

"Hmm.. Yinyin will either be still dozing off or working her arse off in office. I shouldn't disturb her. Let's check on the internet!"

Sitting on her well made fluffy bed Sera was feeling conflicted. Sera had her cellphone in her hands as she contemplated seriously with a frown.

*Surprise your boyfriend*

After tying, retyping countless times Sera turned to find answers on the internet.


She could feel her head spin looking at all the results of her search. Her mouth twitched while she gawked widely in amusement.

*Cook for him?*

The last time Sera had tried to cook for Lucifer it was a disaster. Sera would never, never ever try to do it again unless she can proudly say that she is an expert chef in front of everyone.

*Plan a date?*

This can be put on hold for now. Today's date is already planned by Lucifer so Sera doesn't want to interfere with his plans.

*A massage?*

Massage? Sera doesn't know how to massage however she likes a good massage any day. Then this is also a big no-no.

*Write a love letter?*

Hmm. A love letter? That is possible but how to write one!

Sera has no idea. She's feeling her head throb with intense pain just thinking about writing one. It's so difficult to plan surprises.

*Buy him gifts?*

Gift? Sera has already bought something for Lucifer but is this the right time to gift cufflinks? What if he doesn't like them?

*Tidy up his apartment?*

Sera can try. But the pair doesn't often spend time at Lucifer's house. So this is not possible. And today, who knows what he's planned for their date.

*Plan a romantic night?*

Sera choked on her spit after reading the full sentence. Her face and ears turned red with visible smoke coming out of it. Her throat went dry as well. She couldn't muster the courage to think about it.

"My God! This is too.. Ahem! Ahem! I cannot possibly plan something like this. It's too brazen and straightforward..", Sera mumbled covering her face with her hands

"At last I didn't find anything suitable for Lucifer's surprise!!"

Glancing at the time on the wooden clock Sera muttered softly, her voice dejected and glum.