Ah~ He's Here..

With a sparkling ruby and diamond stud in her fair hand that perfectly matched with the crystal pendant dangling on her neck Sera stood across the dresser with a million dollar smile adorning her light crimson lips.

Silky hair made up into sleek, high pony with few unruly strands framing her delicate face Sera appeared attractive in just one glance.

In a white chiffon dress with flowy, asymmetrical hemline and halter neck exposing her slender shoulders Sera looked ethereal. The red rimmed LV heels added a hint of color to her otherwise monotonous outfit making her appearance fresh yet vibrant.


Sera squeaked in sheer excitement after playfully twirling and swaying the hem of her dress in front of the lifesize mirror. She couldn't stop herself from breaking out into wide smiles.

Just the thought of spending time with Lucifer was getting Sera all giddy.

An hour prior Lucifer had called Sera informing about his arrival and asking her to get ready. She scrambled out of the bed after his call to dress up and look her best for him.

Sera undoubtedly loves how Lucifer's gray eyes sparkle every time upon seeing her.

A dense Sera was initially oblivious to all these diminutive changes in Lucifer. But now she thoroughly understands his heart after coming to terms with her own feelings and emotions.

The feeling it self sent tingles to her heart whenever his deep gaze lands on her small frame.

Her faint heart speeds up incredibly faster while her body feels lighter than feathers albeit burning with an indescribable sensation.

It was a phenomenal feeling beyond her belief.

*ring* *ring*

Sera's train of thoughts that were filled with Lucifer came to an abrupt halt when her cellphone began ringing. She unhurriedly glanced at the caller id.


Sera's face bloomed with the widest and brightest smile ever.

Tapping the phone screen Sera answered in a soft euphonious that could tickle anyone's heart to bits.


Steady breathing could be heard from the other side. It was oddly calming and she closed her eyes basking in it.

"I'm waiting for you.."

The magnetic voice of Lucifer broke her stupor forcing her to open her eyes. Before she could react the phone screen turned dark. He had hung up on her.

Unable to contain her excitement and eagerness Sera began jumping like a child visiting amusement park.

"Ah~ He's here.."

Giving herself a final once-over Sera picked up her red sling bag from the closet, tossing her phone and camera inside and sauntered out of the room. Her eyes bright and clear with a faint smile in them.

"Lucifer..", a whisper escaped her lips upon sight of her devilish prince waiting for her under the sun.

Leaning against his bright red Ferrari with a subtle smile resting on his lips Lucifer looked charming like the devil he was.

Today he was dressed in a casual cool blue shirt with white trousers, blue rectangular Lacoste shades resting on his nose. Everything about him was light and bright unlike his usual dark style and aura.

It was like a breath of fresh air for Sera to see Lucifer like this, she was beyond mesmerized by this man's charms.

"You're looking breathtaking.."

Lucifer was the first to break the silence by complimenting Sera, she blushed cutely at his honest remarks.

"You too.."

Gazing boldly into his silvery gray eyes Sera returned his compliment with a smile. He was momentarily shook by her words before nodding lightly.

"Let's go.."

As though under a spell Lucifer leaned forward to hug Sera's petite figure, securely wrapping his right arm around her waist he pressed a chaste kiss on her pink cheeks. Pulling back he could see her lowered eyelashes fluttering warming his heart.

Lucifer pulled the car door open for Sera to sit, she slipped inside and looked at his gorgeous face.

"Where are we going?"

Sera stole sneaky glances at Lucifer who was driving the car with a blank expression. She felt her heart race.

"My parents house.."

Just when Sera thought that he wouldn't answer her Lucifer's smooth vibrato resounded in the car.

"Didn't you say that you wanted to see those paintings?"

Looking at her small face clouded with confusion Lucifer chuckled before subtly reminding her. She raised her eyebrows in realization before nodding her head with zero enthusiasm.

It wasn't bad for a date, right?

Although Sera wouldn't openly accept, she was low-key disappointed by his answer and he could clearly see that on her scrunched up face.

She was sulking like a child whose candy has been snatched away.

Amused Lucifer quietly laughed in his head.

"Are you not happy?"

Trying to pull Sera's leg Lucifer asked her with a make-shift frown. She shot her eyes at his frowning face and gulped before shaking her head. It was very interesting.

"But you don't seem excited at all.."

With a light smirk on his lips Lucifer spoke again, his voice heavily glum than before. She could feel the sadness emitting from him. Suddenly she felt extremely awful.

"I was just thinking about something.. I'm very excited, really, see.."

Sera looked at him with her misty eyes, she was feeling pressured under his teasing words. And forced a smile with tears in her eyes while pointing finger to her crimson lips. She looked adorable.

Lucifer was resisting the urge to embrace Sera and rain torrid kisses on her small mouth. His thin lips quivering as he tried to control his laughter.

"Ah~ I love her too much!!"