Aw, She's Gorgeous

Just as Sera took a step forward holding Lucifer's hand firmly, something emerged from behind catching her attention. She turned around and was instantly mesmerized.

It was dark ebony colored horse with white mane and glowing amber eyes. And it was gorgeous.

Lucifer's gray eyes flashed with surprise. He had a look of shock on his face, his gaze alternating between Sera and the horse.

"Isn't that Mia's.. ThunderGirl?"

Thinking inwardly Lucifer decided to keep mum about the horse and it's sole owner and rider, Mia.

The name ThunderGirl was given by Mia, who was once upon a time obsessed with superheroes. Thereafter deciding to opt for the childish name for the first ever horse of her life.

It was nothing less than a jaw dropping moment that Mia's snobbish horse was actively approaching a person other than Mia.

Even Lucifer and Ethan were not allowed to touch the proud horse who had previously kicked them for their guts.

A miracle indeed.

It has been years, ever since Mia's death Lucifer has never seen ThunderGirl so lively, which was strange.

"Aw, she's gorgeous! Lucifer.. Let me ride her please, please!!"

While Lucifer was lost in his thoughts Sera's smitten voice came into his ears. He glance at her snapping out of his daze. She was petting the horse and it was allowing her with no objection.

This girl.. Just who is she?

Why is everyone so easily captivated by her presence?

"Alright.. She's ThunderGirl by the way!"

Lucifer gave a brief introduction after giving his permission to let Sera ride ThunderGirl.

After all the horse didn't mind then why should he?

"ThunderGirl? I love it.. Her name is too cool"

Listening to Lucifer's words Sera was elated, in her giddy state she even liked the unique yet childish name of the horse.

"Let me help you.."

Amused by her reaction Lucifer chuckled lightly.

Stretching his long legs to her side Lucifer caught her hand that was petting the horse and whispered softly in her ears.

Sera felt goosebumps, she could only nod looking into his gray eyes while Lucifer smiled.

Ah~ that smile.

Lucifer helped Sera to mount the horse. She was overwhelmed with a familiar feeling.

It had been a while since Sera had a taste of this feeling and it certainly felt good.

While studying abroad Sera had acquired different skills from horse riding to shooting and fighting. She can practically do anything along with her passion - painting.

"What's his name?"

After setting down and rubbing her palms across the horse gently, Sera turned to find that Lucifer had already mounted on his horse.

She smiled at him before asking out of curiosity.

"He's SnowFlake.."

Still stroking the lovely horse Lucifer answered Sera's query, his gaze was warm that tickled one's imagination.

"He was very young when I first saw him.. I still remember he was the first one to come to me amongst all the other horses that year"

As nostalgic as Lucifer could get, he was reminiscing the memorable past when he was just a boy and not the king of underworld.

"And That's ButterScotch.. He is Ethan's favorite. His golden hued body and mane with white spots and jade green eyes are one of the rarest in the world. And that's why Ethan loves him to bits"

[a/n: just my imagination!]

After a brief moment of silence Lucifer pointed to a horse tied to a pole under the shade, he was drinking water.

"I can see that.. Ethan has a great taste!"

Sera followed his gaze, she could see that the horse was one of a kind.


Recalling his sister, Mia, who was Ethan's first choice and most favorite in the world Lucifer chuckled.

They were one of the rare couples enamoring anyone who'd lay their eyes on them.

Soon the horses caught speed, Sera and Lucifer were galloping on their respective horses with a not so steady pace.

Lucifer was amazed at her skill, she was a total package. Not just in terms of beauty but also in capabilities. And he was getting all the more attracted to her.

Horse riding is termed as one of the dangerous sports and his girl was exceedingly well versed in it.

Lucifer couldn't feel prouder of Sera.

The breeze caressing their skin, the excitement in their hearts, the thrill of riding the horse and the company of their loved ones. It was an incomparably satisfying feeling.

"Follow me.."

Picking up speed Lucifer cried loudly signaling Sera to follow after him. She did as he told.

"I want to come here every weekend.. It's so relaxing! The air is so fresh.."

Sera couldn't stop gushing about the place and how much she loves it. Lucifer was naturally felt swell and content with her reaction as well as himself.

Lucifer was glad that he didn't disappoint Sera and she was having a ripping time here, with him.

"Where are you taking me, Lucifer?"

Being the restless soul that she was Sera couldn't keep quiet and bombarded Lucifer with plenty of questions on the way. He could feel his head throb with her incessant questioning.

"You'll see when you get there! Stop being so impatient.."

Nevertheless, he was being patient in dealing with an impatient and restless Sera. He tried to be as kind as possible.

"But I am impatient! I wanna know.."

She couldn't take it anymore, it's been more than ten minutes and the man wouldn't tell her anything, no matter how much she insisted. It was awfully annoying.

"I'll leave you here in the middle of nowhere if you open your mouth again!"

He bellowed a little harshly, she was like a child throwing endless tantrums. It wasn't cute anymore. Rather he felt his ears bleed.

"You're such a bully!"

Unnerved by his reprimanding and harsh tone Sera pouted unhappily, she could see his face turning cold. It was low-key frightening.

"Please be a little patient milady, my love.."

Lucifer sighed deeply, he was already regretting shouting at her. Taking a deep breath he gently coaxed her like she was a three year old.


Sera felt her heart jolt, she forgot about the horse and slowed down. Her head buzzing with his magnetic voice calling her 'love'.

"Uh? Did you say something?"

Lucifer who saw her behaving oddly asked with a smile, he couldn't afford to anger her. Definitely not at this stage when he was ready to blurt out his feelings for her.

What if she gets upset and rejects him in a fit?

He couldn't let that happen.

No way.

"No! Nothing.. Nothing at all"

A dazed Sera hurriedly shook her head after snapping out as she babbled. He silently heaved a sigh in relief.


Lucifer couldn't help but comment. His eyes fixed on her fidgeting frame with a smile in them.

"Oh My God!! That's incredible.. This is so.. Hypnotic!"

Sera gaped at the scene before her eyes, they were glimmering as she stared at the blooming valley of flowers and the fresh water stream.

There were all kinds of flowers, roses, tulips and other unknown varieties which entranced Sera completely. She hopped off the horse in trance and walked straight into the flower fields.

"The first time I laid my eyes on you.. You were surrounded with red roses just like this! It was at that second when I lost myself completely and surrendered to you, Sera.."

Lucifer's heartfelt words were able to render the dancing with joy Sera numb to her core. She was utterly speechless and stood motionless gazing into his deep gray eyes.

He was staring back at her, in fact his eyes had never left her petite frame.

"I love you Sera, I love you and you're the only one for me.. That I'm damn sure!"

Shuddering with immense feeling of joy, thrill and what not Sera stood gaping at Lucifer who was approaching her.

He halted a couple steps before her, his intense gaze boring a hole into her. His lips parted slightly.

"I love you Seraphina Lu.. I, Lucifer, I'm in love with you! I love you.. I love you.. I love you.."

"I love you too.."

Sera leapt into his arms as she replied catching him by surprise, he held her just in time and hoisted her body up in the air.

Feeling ecstatic Lucifer spinned her, she was giggling and laughing while he was saying 'I love you' again and again with a wide grin plastered on his face.

Slowly her body was lowered onto the ground, their foreheads touched followed by their noses touching intimately. Finally things calmed down after an earth-shattering kiss.

"Lucifer? Lucifer?? Why are you zoning out?"

A faint calling of his name woke Lucifer up from his stupor. He looked dumbly at Sera's small face. She was standing beside SnowFlake with an unhappy frown directed his way.


Unable to understand what was happening around him Lucifer was stumped for words. His head in a state of complete disarray.

"You're zoning out!"

Sera looked at him with a pout on her little mouth, clearly showing her displeasure. He realized what was wrong and felt like a fool.

"Fuck! Am I daydreaming again?!"