You're Mine Seraphina Lu!

Agitated, Lucifer cursed loud enough that his words effortlessly reached Sera's ears startling her.

At this point she couldn't fathom what was running in his mind. He was behaving weirdly and it was scary.

"Huh? What did you say? Daydreaming?"

Sera's blurted out her thoughts even before she could sort them in her head. Confusion evident on her face as she tried reading him, he was flustered.

"Nope! Nothing.. Come on let's go.."

The frazzled man shook his head, still a little stunned by the sudden revelation that he was dreaming in broad daylight.

Lucifer was turning crazy and it was bad. Very bad!

It was paramount that Lucifer confess his unfeigned, deeply felt feelings for Sera before losing his sanity.

"But we just got here.."

Sera's pout deepened. A dismal look on her face making him feel squeasy in the stomach.

Why is he so affected by her slightest frown? It was daunting.


Just as Lucifer was about to accede to her request and stay a little longer, pitter patter of raindrops fell on his face forcing him to push back the words into his throat.

"Huh? It's raining.."

Sera exclaimed struck by the sudden wet weather, the sky had turned glum with the clouds overlaying the yellow sun.

The horses were grazing under the shade of a tree, they were safe from the fall of rain.

Within a flash Lucifer grasped Sera's hand, her wrist was held firmly into his large palm as he rushed under the shade of an abandoned tavern.

The pair sprinted for a quiet few seconds before reaching the tavern with a broken door.

They were out of breathe and panting before calming. Standing in the cold and wiping the rain water off from their face.

"The day has turned into a jinx.."

Aggravated by the unexpected turn of events Lucifer grumbled looking at the sky. His gray eyes dimmed with disappointment lingering in them.

"Ah~ This view.. It's Out-of-this-world!"

Sera's silvery voice tinged with the delight she was feeling entered Lucifer's ears, it was cheery yet peaceful.

"Look.. Lucifer!"

She tugged his arm, he turned to look at her with annoyance. All of the dismayed thoughts from before vanished in thin air as thou useless mist.

His expressions changed in a jiffy, his heartbeat quickened as he gazed at Sera.

She had an angelic smile adorning her red lips looking nothing less than a goddess in her white dress that was partially wet.

A fairy in white, a bewitching flower fairy with the rainbow of flowers in the background.

Her sleek hair tied into a ponytail were wet as well. With dewy droplets of rain on her clean face and forehead trickling alluringly down her neck and shoulders. His throat instantly ran dry.


A low, hoarse whisper escaped from Lucifer's thinly parted lips. He was beyond entranced by Sera.

His heart was jumping out of his chest ready to dive through his throat and straight into her pretty feet.

Lucifer felt an impulse to confess to Sera, irrespective of the improper setting and in absence of all arrangements that he had done especially for her.

At this second in time Lucifer didn't feel the need for all that superficial things. Right now only Sera mattered to him, this moment mattered to him.

If this moment passes just like this, then Lucifer was cent percent sure that he'll regret in the future.

"After endlessly toiling for two whole days and a number of arrangements back at the manor.. Heh! All that is nothing compared to you and your pure heart!"

A dreamy, magnetic voice thick with heartfelt feelings echoed in the faint noise of rainfall.

Sera glanced at Lucifer's starry-eyed expression with nothing but stupefication.


Ignoring Sera's flabbergasted appearance Lucifer gazed deeply into her clear eyes. She felt her heart thump loudly from the look in his rough diamond like irises, glittering.

A strong force pulled Sera preventing her from averting her gaze.

"Seraphina Lu.."

Sera could feel her breathing turn erratic, her heart a jumbled mess when Lucifer called her full name. It was rare of him to call her like that. Her own name sounded foriegn yet familiar.

Softly, gently caressing her befuddled heart.

"At the end of the bad dream, a rough and unusual day, It is only you that I dream of, that I want, that I need.. My heart won't let you leave!"

Reaching his hands to hold Sera's cold hands, giving out his warmth, Lucifer squeezed them lightly. She gulped still locking his gaze.

"Every walking, resting and talking moment.. All the damn time, I'm only looking forward to you! Every moment I'm waiting for you.."

A subtle smile formed on the edge of his lips, his eyes were sincere and earnest as he poured his heart out in the truest sense he could in front of Sera.

She didn't notice when her eyes turned misty, tears were glistening at the corner enhancing their dazzling appearance.

"Yearning for you more than anyone or anything becomes a warm summer to me.. It melts my heart!"

Lucifer's scorching gaze a stark contrast to the cold, chilly weather outside. Tears gushed out of Sera's eyes leaving him dumbfounded.

He tried to wipe them, retracting his fingers from Sera's hold. She shock her head refusing to let go, biting her lips to stop herself from crying.

Nonetheless, he still wiped the tears with his lips. He leaned forward, softly kissing away the tears on her cheeks and eyelashes. She closed her eyes basking in his love for her.

"I never envisioned that I'd ever be able to feel things that you make me feel.. My love"

Pulling back Lucifer continued, he was determined to let her know everything.

"The things I wish to do for you, with you.."

"The emotions that run through me like electricity jolting my once cold-heart.."

"The inexplicable yet strong feeling of possessing your heart, your body, your soul.. All for myself!"

The invisible dam of endurance broke down leaving Sera crumbled to pieces in Lucifer's sturdy arms.

Lucifer held her tightly pulling forward, his hands gripping her shaking shoulders as she cried with unbridled joy.

Their foreheads touching intimately, she could feel his breath on her as he spoke. It was oddly comforting.

She sniffed smiling at the utterance of each word from Lucifer. Each syllable from Lucifer's mouth was like an elixir to her. A new will to life, to live filled her with zeal.

The adverse situation had miraculously turned into a blessing in disguise for Lucifer who was previously muttering curses.

He was disgruntled because the unforeseen rainfall had failed his plans and now he was in the middle of his confession.

"It's you.. It's all because of you Sera, I love you, I love you with every single fiber in me.. I love you and only you.."

"In this lifetime you're mine Seraphina Lu!"