For Eternity And Beyond

"In this lifetime you're mine, Seraphina Lu.."

These hoarse words from Lucifer's quivering mouth left the previously sobbing Sera stunned speechless.

Her heart brimming with utmost feelings of happiness that she had never felt in her 22 years of lifetime.

She had buried herself in the comfort of his beating chest, his warmth, his protective arms, as she cried with joyous tears trickling down her messy face.

He was kind enough to let her pour her heart out as she cried, he was patient and kind with her like always.

She slowly raised her head to meet his burning gaze.

With strong determination in her clear eyes that were now rimmed with large droplets of salty tears Sera had a meek smile on her bruised lips with no lipstick.

She had subconsciously bitten them harshly prior while crying in his embrace overwhelmed by his confession, sweeter than honey

Lucifer's heart was restless seeing her in agony, he couldn't keep his itching hands away from hauling her back into the comfort of his arms.

However the resolute look in her eyes made him think otherwise and he stood still waiting. He knew she had answers to his long awaited questions and probably a few questions for him too.

"I love you too.. Lucifer! In fact I feel that I've always been in love with you, even before I knew about your existence you've always plagued my mind like a shadow, the incident two years ago is still so vivid as though it was just yesterday.."

After her hiccups ceased she prattled about unhurriedly. Her breathing irregular with a hint of nostalgia in her tone and lips curled into a small smile.

Lucifer was entranced, the light in her bright eyes as she recalled their fateful encounter two years ago captivated him further.

Not to forget the enthralling sight of her smiling face.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

But now was not the time to indulge in his dreamy thoughts. He looked at her slightly trembling lips feeling conflicted as he asked hurriedly.

He was a fool to not have seen through her obvious feelings for him.

It pained him greatly to even imagine how she had been struggling all alone till now. When he himself couldn't bear the affliction for a mere few days after recognizing his feelings for her.

"I.. I didn't tell you because I.. I was scared of dragging you down.. I didn't want to become a burden for you.. Instead I wanted to become your pillar of strength by getting stronger for you.. And then confess my feelings after rightfully proving myself"

She smiled, her smile now was radiant depicting her brave thoughts. The strong will to prove herself as an individual to him before anything else.

An incredulous expression was plastered across Lucifer's ashen face.

"I wanted to show you that I'm not a weakling.. I can stand by you at all times.."

"Whether in sun or rain, even thunderstorms couldn't stop me from loving you, Lucifer.. I really wanted you to recognize me and fall for me just like how I fell for you, hopelessly in love"

The things on which Sera had shockingly shed light were unheralded for someone like Lucifer.

The devil had never in his life expected anyone to vie for his heart just to stand by him and fight, all for his love.

Instead of his riches and benefits that come with him this petite and frail girl with an angelic smile wanted to earn his love?

It felt alien yet gratifying to some extent.

"You have no idea how happy I'm right now.. I love you Lucifer, I love you very much!"

Looking at Lucifer whose face was as pale as a sheet Sera couldn't help but breakdown in despair, cupping his face she professed her love to him with a painfully beautiful smile and a small sob.

"Not only in this lifetime.. I'm willing to be yours and only yours for eternity and beyond!"

Snapping out of the endless abyss of thoughts in his head Lucifer glanced at Sera's small face.

"For eternity and beyond..", the words repeating on loop in his head.

A subtle curve of his lips struck the cords of her tense heart melting it as he wiped her tear stricken face.

"Silly, no matter what, if you're weak or strong.. I don't care!"

"I can protect you.. I'll always love you with no conditions, no regrets and no benefits! I just want to endlessly shower you with my undying love so that you'll never leave me.."

Reaching to cover her small hands on his cheeks with his large palms the man shook his head, his tone earnest and gentle.

Like the warm sun rays on a cold winter morning, his actions seeped through the tiny cracks of her heart filling those gaps with his care and genuineness.

"I'll never leave you.. I promise! I love you and I'll always do.."

She uttered her promise, a promise of a lifetime. Just like how his actions proved the sincerity of his love she wanted to give him a promise in return.

"And I believe that you're strong.. You should know that you're stronger than me, stronger than anyone in this world to have the nerve to love me back.."

He was mad with her for thinking that she wasn't good enough for him and that she wasn't strong enough to stand by him. He chuckled mirthfully at the soft look in her eyes.

"You know? It's requires a braveheart to love the devil"

He jested to lighten the air with his profound gaze locked onto her small but amused face.

It was a feeling of fullness that enveloped his heart, he felt oddly at ease for no reason.

"You're no devil to me.. You're my angel, guardian angel!"

With a cute pout resting on her little mouth she denied his words like a obstinate toddler. A lighthearted but throaty laughter rumbled in the cold tavern warming her heart.

"I see that you have quite a sweet mouth there.."

Rubbing the back of her hands on his cheeks he smirked like the devil he was looking seductive and sexy.

"Wanna have a taste?"

Provoked by his smug smile and the mischievous glint in his gray eyes she tilted her head to the side smiling provocatively.


With no further ado he went ahead, the next second his mouth crashed onto her lips, soft as ever. His cold lips melting like candle wax against her heated silken touch.

The slightest contact was enough to ignite the flames of desire in both Sera and Lucifer.