Let's Shower Together

Torrential rain was pouring all through the evening. The sky was pitch black with occasional thunder and lightning sounds amidst the roaring downpour. It was freezing cold outside.

A deadbeat Adrian dressed in a turtleneck sweater was leaning lazily on his comfy couch, a half-filled glass of whiskey in his hands. The fire place across him was burning in deep ambers keeping his den warmer than usual.

With his eyes closed, a turbulent look plastered across his otherwise stoic but peaceful face. Adrian's chaotic mind would often wander through the unforgettable maze of his past on such lonely, rainy nights.

The memorable past of him enjoying harmonious days full of love with his beloved Su Yin. The time he always wishes to turn back and relive with her in complete fulfillment.

"Ad, Adrian.. Ad! Where are you?"

Su Yin's clear voice rang in the large, brightly lit living room. She was searching for Adrian whilst calling his name, walking in and out of all the rooms in the house.

She looked fresh and youthful in a white knotted tshirt and denim shorts, her hair were tied into a loose bun with loose strands of hair framing her face.

"Aahh.. Why can't you close the door while showering! You perverted old man.."

She shrieked out loud hastily closing her eyes with her palms, her face burning red with embarrassment.

Inside the wide open glass doored bathroom a stark naked Adrian stood under the shower head, his body wet and luscious.

He looked unbothered by her arrival as well as her wild reaction.

The wide grin plastered across his gorgeous face vanished, the next second his face turned ugly.

"What did you just call me?"

His tone dangerously low, how could she call him a pervert and an old man? He's not old, he's just 27.

Extending his arm to pull her inside with him, he snaked his arms around her bare waist from behind and chuckled dryly close to her pink ears.

"Aaahh~ Leave me, let me down you horny bastard!!"

In a frenzy Su Yin shrill shrieks echoed in the large bathroom, he was laughing darkly at her comments. A devious glint in his blue eyes with a smirk lacing his thin lips.

"Horny bastard! Perverted old man!! Let me show you properly what it means.."

Repeating all the words she'd spat at him he growled in a low voice, she gulped heavily before slowly struggling to turn around.

"You wish!"

She raised her leg to kick his family jewels catching him off guard.

Due to his fast reflexes Adrian dodged her attack and her leg hit his left thigh.

"Ahhh! Su Yin! You dare kick me.."

Crying loudly he rushed to catch her, she was already at the door jumping like a naughty little mouse in their cat-and-mouse chase.

"Get your ass inside, I'd even dare castrate you if you don't close this damn door.."

With a smug smile she ordered, she was standing akimbo in front of him imposingly.

"Let's see how you'll castrate me.."

Not caring about anything he took one large stride and pulled her back inside, this time straight inside the bathroom under the shower head.

She was now soaking wet with the water running down her wholesome body enticing him.

"Aaaahh, let me go!!!"

Adrian's death grip around her bare waist was able to restrict her movements, his other hand resting upon her well endowed bosom. His hot breathe caressing her neck while he kissed her silky skin.

"Idiot! Do you know how disadvantageous it is for you if you kick me like that.. How will you enjoy if.."

Licking her nape, he growled in a husky voice, his words making her whole face blush in hot red. He turned her around, his smothering gaze locked on her abashed expression.

Leaning his face forward to capture her lips, he continued talking shamelessly.

"Enough!! Shameless.."

Flustered by his words Su Yin raised her voice, it was hoarse and cracking. He laughed mirthfully.

"Who was the one ogling at my naked body while begging me to become her boyfriend?"

Running his unrestrained hands on her damp back and bare waist, he bit her ear lobe playfully.

"Alright, I'm wrong! Now let me go.. My clothes are all wet because of you!!"

Still acting obstinate Su Yin tried to escape from the hungry wolf ready to devour her. Her voice pitiful.

"Let's shower together then.."

Aware of all her tricks Adrian smiled inwardly and looked into her eyes stressing each word for her to hear.


She agreed in s heartbeat leaving him dumbfounded, he looked at her with sheer delight.

"Uh? For real?"

He couldn't hide the smile on his face as he confirmed. She nodded her head shyly.

Her hands travelled to his broad shoulders, her face inches apart from his as she leaned closer to kiss him. Adrian closed his eyes in anticipation.

"Yes, for real.. I'm running away from you! Haha.."

Harshly pushing the man away she scrambled out of the bathroom and started laughing gleefully. She winked at him before closing the bedroom door.

Adrian jolted awake from his trance when his cellphone buzzed. He looked at the cellphone's light blinking on the round table before picking it up.

His eyes flashed with something, it was an unknown number. He tapped on the screen to reveal a couple of photos.

His gaze darkened, his fingers curled around the cellphone and a murderous aura surrounded him.

The screen showed Lucifer running in the rain holding a girl's hand, the girl wasn't visible in the photo.

Other showed Lucifer kissing the girl, the girl was not visible in this photo as well.

However Adrian was well aware of the girl's identity, it was Seraphina Lu. And these photos are clearly a threat from their hidden enemies.

This could mean that either they're just targeting Lucifer alone or that Lucifer was already aware of their presence and hence had carefully shielded Sera. Either way it was a dangerous game.

The main point here is that Lucifer's life is in danger.