The Surprise?

The black phantom zoomed past the slippery roads with lightning speed and straight through the manor's towering gates. It came to a halt near the grand water fountain.

The door opened, Lucifer alighted from the car with Sera. She was covered with his large black trench coat securely tucked in his arms as they headed into the manor.

"Be careful.. The ground is slippery", he gently reminded holding her hand and guiding towards the main door.

Two uniformed servants scurried inside after hearing the car's noise. They were trying their best to avoid Lucifer and Sera remaining invisible like always.

The driver didn't dare to slack and at once drove the car into the garage, while the other two bodyguards were already in the stable at the backyard of the manor.

Everyone in the Chang's household performed their duties efficiently keeping their eyes and mouth closed.

The pair entered inside the manor, there was pin drop silence in the air. Not a single soul was in sight.

She subconsciously glanced at the man beside her and understood. He didn't like having extra people around him. She smiled with a knowing gaze fixed on his side profile.

Lucifer and Sera ascended the two way staircase hand in hand looking very much in love.

The dreamy couple. It was a picture perfect sight to soothe the sore eyes as they flawlessly glided through the hallway upstairs.

Even when the couple were out of sight no one dared to raise their eyes and steal furtive glances out of temptation.

"I'll wait for you outside.. Go take a warm bath till the dinner gets ready!"

Standing across a closed door Lucifer held her gaze, his tone clear and gentle. Nodding her head she blushed before turning around to push the door open to enter the room.


Holding the door's handle Sera swerved calling out his name as though suddenly remembering something crucial with bright eyes.

Lucifer hadn't left, he stood there tall like a tree. His gray eyes met hers when she abruptly turned returning her starry gaze questioningly.

She hesitated for a second before finally parting her lips to speak.

"I'm just curious.. The arrangements that you mentioned before, I mean.. The surprise?"

Her eager tone with a slight hint of nervousness made his lips curl into a devilishly charming smile. He looked at her calmly, she was waiting for him to say something with an expectant gaze.

"You want to see what I had prepared for you?"

With one hand in his pocket, he seemed to be in a deep thought before asking her in his usual gentle manner. His blue shirt was crumpled and damp yet his looks were outstanding.

The slightly messy hair sticking to his clean forehead added a wild streak to his usual prim and proper appearance.

In reality his question was just a pretense. The man had already decided to surprise her no matter what. After all his efforts were for her only.


She immediately nodded her head in affirmation. He chuckled lightly at her enthusiasm which instantly made him feel lighthearted. She was as cute as a bunny.

"Fine.. I'll take you after dinner"

Rubbing her head affectionately he urged her to get inside and change out of her clothes. A breezy smile gracing his thin lips that made her heart skip a beat.

"Okay, I'll be out in a jiffy.."

She blinked, his smile was blinding and she loved to see him smile. She chuckled excitedly.

Retracting his hand he looked at her as she turned around to enter the room like a child waiting for Christmas.


Her voice was heard again, it was hesitant and soft. He raised his eyebrows in response waiting for her to begin. He could sense her apprehension from the frown on her small face.

"My clothes.. I don't.."

She bit her lower lip seeming abashed, her voice was low almost a whisper. Her face blushing as she stared at the floor carpet.

"Everything is prepared beforehand.. You don't have to worry about anything here"

Interrupting her words his voice was firm and clear, a strange sense of security and reliance rose in her chest. She felt warm and loved.

"Uh, hmm.."

Mumbling, she nodded her head meekly and smiled.

"Get inside now.. It's cold out here!"

He frowned when a chilling wind grazed his back, his gaze turned slightly stern along with his voice as he looked at her thin, damp dress.

"You should also get back.."

She snorted unhappily, he chuckled at her angry little face. He was just a little strict with her and she started flashing her claws like a fuming kitten.

"I'll go after seeing you head back inside.. Now hurry"

His gaze softened as he coaxed her. He suddenly thought that it was funny how he was affected by her changes in mood, feeling like a henpecked husband already.


She harrumphed loudly at his honeyed words, her face was red. She tried to hide the scorching blush and turned around feigning anger.

He shook his head at her childish actions.


The door creaked open, he stood unmoving with no intentions of leaving. She cried his name once again catching him off guard.

Like a brash wind of the north Sera was face to face with Lucifer. Leaning forward she pecked in his cheeks and slid inside the room mumbling her farewell with a wink.

"I'll see you soon.."

A numb Lucifer stood like a rock, his heart palpitating with a beet red face looking at the girl with a mischievous grin.


The door closed with a loud slam snapping Lucifer out of his daze, a foolish grin on his face that was wide, from one ear to the ear. Feeling giddy as he recalled the peachy softness on his cheek. It was mind numbing.