No More Talking

"You look tired.."

Xia Ruo Lan blurted after an eternity of quietness. She instantly regretted after spitting her words carelessly in front of the stoic prince.

She could see the light eye bags under Ethan's eyes that did nothing to his handsome face. He looked just as striking as before. She secretly felt envious.

The car was moving swiftly but with an eerie silence for some time now. Ethan and Xia Ruo Lan, both didn't speak after her teeny rant which added to the stifling awkwardness in the air.

Ethan who had a straight face all along the journey and eyes glued to the road ahead attentively turned stirring in his seat at her comment.

His attention was caught by her words, he scrunched his brows tightly before casting a surreptitious glance at his face in the mirror.

Of course I can't sleep, every night you're haunting me like a vengeful ghost after my blood!

"Ah, that.. I didn't sleep well last night because of work.. haha"

After a while he laughed stiffly as he stated, his voice sounded hoarse and cracked.

"Oh.. Ahchoo!!"

Ethan jerked at the sound, he snapped his head to look at Xia Ruo Lan scrunching her nose uncomfortably. She had caught a cold.

"Oh no!! Ahchoo!! I think.. Ahchoo!! I've caught a cold.. Ahchoo!!!"

She felt embarrassed, her face was alternating between pale and red from all the sneezing. Covering her nose with her palm she exclaimed in her nasly voice.

Grabbing the paper napkins from the front Ethan stuffed it into her hands, he gazed deeply at her face with concern that shocked him.

He hastily straightened his gaze focusing on the road ahead. There was a huge jam because of the heavy rain.

Damn! He cursed inwardly feeling stuffy and loosened his necktie, he then opened the top button of his shirt.

"I don't want to drink that distasteful red ginger soup!!"

Lost in her own little world Xia Ruo Lan rambled with a frown, she didn't regard Ethan beside her who was gazing at her oddly.

"You're still the same whiny Xia Ruo Lan.. Crybaby!"

He chuckled, his tone light and airy. He felt better than before after reminiscing about the past. His tense shoulders were now at ease.

"Shut up! Idiot Lee.. Ahchoo!!"

Enraged by his taunting words she glared at him, shouting loudly. He started laughing, sounding extremely sinister at the expense of her discomfiture.

"Don't throw a fit like a baby! You're always troubling Aunt Yu and Doctor Xu.."

After seeing her pitiful face he stopped laughing, he had a smile on his eyes while chiding her gently.

He appeared like a concerned big brother at this moment which surprised him greatly.

"Hmph!", she harrumphed coldly.

Seconds later she was holding a napkin in her hand with an opened mouth waiting for a sneeze. She looked so comical that Ethan cracked up leaving her blazing mad.

"Haha.. Close your mouth!"

With a hand on his tummy Ethan almost rolled in his seat laughing hard. She turned her head with displeasure glowering at the hysteric man.


She sneezed loudly just when she was about to hit him with the crumpled paper napkins.

It was a green light, the jam was cleared. He stifled his laughter and revved up the engine ignoring her burning glares. They were bantering endlessly the entire ride like children.

"We're here.. Get down!"

Slamming the brakes he cast a pointed look at the gates of Xia house. His slender fingers impatiently tapping on the steering wheel.


She thanked him in her nasly voice, her nose red like a button. He smiled faintly, she opened the car door and got out.

Slightly nodding her head she smiled at him before sauntering towards the gate.

He chuckled humorously looking at her receding back before starting the car to drive away.

- - -

The rain had long ceased, the time was inching close to midnight. Under the twinkling stars of the night sky a pair walked slowly through the cobblestone path.

Lucifer was walking behind Sera, he was holding her hand and waist with his large hands protectively as they ambled forward.

"Lucifer.. Are we there yet?"

An excited Sera almost squeaked in the still night. She was as impatient as ever.

"Heh! Why are you so impatient? Just relax.."

Lucifer couldn't help but chuckle, he shook his head feeling amused by her behavior. He seemed to reprimand her but his tone was gentle.

"But I can't see anything.."

Pouting like a two year old cranky little baby crying for milk she whined, he felt helpless due to her tantrums. His lips twitched.

"That's exactly why you're blindfolded.."

Laughing, Lucifer poked her little nose with his finger teasingly. She parted her lips wanting to retort when his voice came into her ears like a cool breeze caressing her soft skin.

"Ssh.. Now no more talking!"

He whispered into her ears, blowing his breath softly and pressing a kiss on her earlobe. She felt goosebumps on her nape and shivered.

She felt her steps falter from his subtle ways of teasing.

Holding her waist from behind he pulled her back when he saw her fall, her small back hit his broad chest.

"Mind your step, there's a pebble in the way.."

His tone was hurried, a hint of fear lingering in his voice. She gulped heavily feeling scared as well.

"It's all because of you! Why are you still teasing me.."

Like a wronged pitiful child she complained, her face red with withheld anger and irritation. He poked her puffed up cheeks and laughed.

"Because I love teasing you.."

His retort made her speechless. She couldn't find words to fight him and remained silent with a cute pout on her mouth.