Light - Bringer In My Life

The ever impatient Seraphina Lu was being guided by Lucifer as they ambled forward holding hands.

Sera had a black silk blindfold on her eyes with the other half of her face exposed. Lucifer was standing in front of her holding both her wrists in his large hands while he lead the way.

"Water? Where are we?"

Startled, a gasp escaped Sera's mouth as she felt the lower half of her body being engulfed in water. She raised her straight eyebrows in confusion whilst posing questions to Lucifer.

"Patience my love.. Patience"

With a helpless smile on his striking face Lucifer brandished her softly, his gaze tender fixated on her small but perturbed face.

"Ah, It's warm.."

She exclaimed in surprise when she felt that the water wasn't cold. He laughed lightly.

For the devil every moment spent with Sera was full of smiles and laughter forgetting all the darkness and the lurking deadly shadows in his life.

"You're just like a baby, cute and oblivious!"

He pinched her plump pink cheeks akin to fresh juicy apples stating his honest comments.

"But you like this baby, don't you?"

Feeling playful in the lighthearted atmosphere she tilted her head to the side, smugly smiling with her chin in the air. His gray eyes sparkled with delight seeing her like this.

"Nope, I don't like this baby.."

He denied in a heartbeat with a slight hint of disappointment in his tone. The confounded look on her face was clear to his eyes.


Feeling let down by his words she opened her mouth but no words came out, she was blank.

Casting a glance at her mouth that was closing and opening like a fish he chuckled. She frowned hearing his throaty laughter.

"I love this baby.."

His words effortlessly suppressed the displeasure on her, she couldn't help but smile like a blooming flower with overflowing emotions of love and affection.


Still she snorted, her smile gave her out and he could tell that she was genuinely happy at the moment.

Silently vowing in his heart he promised to give her all the happiness in the world.

"1.. 2.. 3! Now open your eyes.."

After walking a few small steps Lucifer suddenly stood still. Sera gulped in anticipation and her palms turned clammy. He gave a gentle squeeze before leaving her smooth hands.

Retrieving the concealed bag from behind him with a M on it Lucifer was beyond nervous. He felt his heart explode from all the exhilarating sensations he was experiencing right now.

He closed his eyes taking a deep breath, his hands trembling as he adjusted her hair and touched her misty forehead. She shuddered under the warm touch of his fingers and felt him undoing the blindfold on her eyes.

Sera could feel her heart pounding loudly in her chest, she was excited. She took few deep breaths to calm herself when the blindfold was off her eyes.

She slowly opened her eyes after he prodded her to. Her long eyelashes fluttered like butterflies before she finally saw light in front of her eyes.

And suddenly time seemed to stop in that one moment.

Sera gasped aloud with her mouth open wide, her palms almost covering her mouth as she gaped in utter astonishment and glistening tears.

Lucifer was standing a few steps away to her right, he had a beautiful beaming smile on his face as he gazed at her pleasantly shocked front.

The couple were standing in the middle of a pool where the water reached upto their abdomen.

It was a temperature controlled large swimming pool surrounded with red rose petals and flameless heart shaped candles in ivory. The pool water was clear reflecting the night sky without any impurities or decorations.

She looked above in the sky and started laughing gleefully. Her laughter was infectious that he subconsciously smiled like the dashing devil he was.

The whole place was lit with gleaming fairy lights, the trees and plants were all lit brightening the whole atmosphere.

There were a cluster of lanterns in the sky competing with the twinkling stars. They looked brighter than actual stars while burning in the sky afar.

The whole midnight sky wasn't jet black or dead dark like it should be, it was ablaze with all the flying lanterns glowing vividly. There were hundreds and thousands of lanterns, maybe even uncountable.

It was magical, like a fairytale in the modern times.

"Lucifer.. This, It's so magical!"

Sera's face was scintillating under the fiery glow, a radiant smile prettier than any picturesque view in the whole wide world.

"This is exactly how you brought light into my dull life Sera.."

Striding towards Sera, he pulled her closer while his hand snaked around her willowy waist and other stroked her blushing cheeks. His low vibrato struck the unknown and deep hidden chords in her heart.

She couldn't find words to describe her emotions, her eyes welled up with tears but she held them back refusing to cry and breakdown in front of her man. She gazed unblinkingly at his softened face tenderly.

"My name is Lucifer but you're the light-bringer in my life!"

His smile deepened when she didn't say anything and stared visibly dumbstruck by the surprise as well as his unexpected words. He repeated in a more understandable manner.

"You're the brightest and the most blinding and dazzling light in my life Lucifer.. My angel!"

Sera held the hand on her cheeks and leaned closer tilting her face, she giggled sweetly and retorted pressing a kiss on his palm.

"I still have something to show you.."

He broke the lovely moment with his words, she had an inquiring look on her face and raised her brows questioningly. He leaned closer to press a chaste kiss in between her eyebrows before pulling back.