Under My Fist

"Dad.. Did you see Liu Li? I haven't been able to find her since I woke up.."

A crabby mooded Zhang Lili emerged from the two way staircase in a flimsy two piece pajamas, munching an apple. Her messy bed hair were tied into a loose bun, large strands of hair hanging onto her shoulders. Her clean face was white, like freshly peeled egg, spotless and supple.

Liu Chenmin's mouth twitched, ever since this girl has started living under his roof she's become shameless and brazen. And all this was thanks to Liu Li's influence. She's spoiled her rotten in less than one month. He couldn't control her impetuous actions and felt utterly powerless.

Schooling his disgusted expression he feigned a smile looking at her with eyes full of fatherly love. One would melt into a puddle if they didn't know his true venomous nature. Really a two-faced poisonous snake!

"One of Liu Li's good friend met with an accident this morning.. She's visiting her at the hospital and would be late tonight"

Straightening his spine he placed the papers in his hands onto the table, his voice kind as he spoke. His eyes tender with a smile when he gazed at her frowning face.

Throwing the half-eaten apple into the trashcan Zhang Lili sauntered towards him with a blank face, she perched across him folding her legs.

"Uh? But why didn't she tell me? She is not answering my calls as well.."

Showing her cellphone, she complained. An agitated expression on her face coupled with a pout. Facing her tantrums he felt a headache coming.

"Silly child, she probably doesn't want you to worry and that's why she informed me and not you.. Go eat something, it's already lunch time"

Laughing, he shook his head while cringing inwardly. Looking at her messy appearance and the current time - 2 PM, he tried to distract her. He continued coaxing her in a gentle manner.

Every day dealing with both his willful and spoiled daughters was getting on Liu Chenmin's nerves. He was regretting his decision of revealing Zhang Lili her real identity and bringing her back with him. He seemed to have dug a hole for himself.


She was actually very hungry. So, when Liu Chenmin asked her to eat first she agreed straight away. She then proceeded to the dining hall without looking back.

Staring at her figure he clenched his fists, his gentle expression hardened and a smirk crept up his lips. He looked dangerous and ugly.

"Just a few days more, then I'll get both Ethan Lee and Lucifer under my fist, crushing them to their bones.."

Snorting, he spat his words full of venom and hatred. His eyes brightened with the idea of squashing both his rivals and ruling on their empires.

- - -

White Meadow

"Wow, this is incredible.. You've completely changed this empty side of this room into something so cool.."

"And the paintings.. My God, Sera! Where did you get these from?"

Su Yin was seen gushing like a fan girl after looking around the art gallery with starry eyes. She explored every room, every corner skipping like a child searching for candies. She was elated.

From the entrance to the storage room, she seemed to have skimmed through every nook and cranny excitedly, with Sera and Xia Ruo Lan tagging behind her.

The storage was already stacked with a few paintings and artworks to preserve them from damages. Other works will be transferred once everything is completed and the gallery is ready for launch.

According to Ethan the progress is quite fast, the art gallery's launch might be planned in another twenty days or so.

Sera had been constantly sending Su Yin pictures of their work in progress, comparing them with the real thing Su Yin was really amazed.

The originally empty, uninhabitable White Meadow was transformed into a lively, vibrant place for Sera's art gallery albeit following the original white theme.

The white walls remained, still the small but impactful changes inside enhanced it's artistic appeal.

"Thank you so much, I'm glad that you liked it.. I used to think that Sera was lying to me each time I'd ask her about something.."

Xia Ruo Lan chuckled, she was feeling content with her work and the appreciation for it from Sera and Su Yin.

"Why, now.. Do you think I'd lie to you?"

Sera had a fake expression displaying her displeasure with lips puckered into a pout. Xia Ruo Lan shook her head, laughing.

Su Yin and Xia Ruo Lan were engrossed in discussion when Sera's cellphone buzzed. She glanced at the caller id before answering the call outside the room.


After finishing her call Sera turned around to find Ethan standing with a meek smile. His gaze softened when it landed on Sera.

However the next moment he became flustered upon seeing Xia Ruo Lan giggling and laughing with Su Yin in the background.

"Ethan! We were going to leave now since you weren't here.."

She exclaimed, then sauntered towards him and smiled. He looked at the time, it was close to sunset and his expression changed.

"Um.. I'm sorry, the meeting took longer than expected. Did you guys eat lunch?"

He shot her an apologetic smile, his voice softer than usual. He deliberately tried to change the topic and she shook her head at his desperate attempts, snorting.

"Yes.. Let's go, Xia Ruo Lan and Su Yin are inside"

Feeling embarrassed, he cleared his throat. He then waved his hand, gesturing her to walk as he followed behind her.

His dark eyes fixed on Xia Ruo Lan's frail but energetic self with a melancholic feeling in his heart. He sighed inwardly striding forward.

- - -

*knock* *knock*

Inside his study Liu Chenmin was lost in his thoughts when a couple knocks interrupted him. He swept a lazy glance to see a servant holding a brown package. It looked like an envelope.

"Mr Liu, a man asked to pass this to you.."

The old servant bowed his head, he then respectively placed the envelope on the glossy mahogany table.

Liu Chenmin's cast a glance at the suspicious looking envelope. His eyes flashed with something unreadable and he waved his hand. The servant bowed his head before leaving.

"What could this be?.."