Scared Me To Death

Due to Ethan Lee's sudden appearance the girls were forced to quiet down their playfulness, though unintentionally. The atmosphere wasn't dull but not very lively as well.

Like a proper businessman Ethan inspected the whole place with his keen eyes along with Sera and Xia Ruo Lan. He was satisfied with the over all progress.

They had a lengthy discussion about the most awaited launching and other seemingly small but critical issues.

Sera was happy too, her dream would finally come true and she was eagerly looking forward to the launch. She had big smiles on her face all along the discussion.

Su Yin wasn't involved in their meeting. She excused herself and spent time in the garden, looking around and clicking selfies.

"That's all then, everything else is going superb! Let's hope for the best and continue working hard.."

Concluding the meeting with a warm smile Ethan cheered the girls enthusiastically. He even raised his fist in the air and earned a good laugh.

"Thank you CEO Lee for your encouraging words.."

Chuckling, Sera and Xia Ruo Lan blurted out in unison. Ethan's face turned red as he laughed awkwardly.

The trio continued chortling about, chatting about random stuff as they exited the main doors of the establishment.

Su Yin was standing under the lamppost across the lake, striking a pose while clicking her selfies. She looked rather cute.

It was around 8 in the evening. The sky had turned pitch black. It was quiet peaceful at the lake side, under the dimly lit lampposts. And she was having a good time albeit alone.

Xia Ruo Lan, Sera and Ethan strode towards the oblivious Su Yin. She was leisurely perched upon the wooden bench where Lucifer had gifted Sera the crystal pendant.

"Su Yin, we're going to eat dinner together.."

Xia Ruo Lan's cheery voice was heard, it shocked Ethan as he got to witness Su Yin and Xia Ruo Lan's abrupt closeness. His dark brooding eyes were wide.

Su Yin was busy browsing on her cellphone, she didn't notice the trio approaching.

Terrified, she jumped like a frightened frog when Xia Ruo Lan suddenly called her name.

"Ah! Ruo Lan.. You scared me to death!!"

Su Yin let out a short but shrill shriek, turning around she glared at Xia Ruo Lan while panting. Her forehead was covered in glistening beads of sweat.

While she was shouting visibly startled, Sera and Ethan were struggling to holdback their laughter.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to scare you like that!"

Softly chuckling, Xia Ruo Lan blurted her apology. Her face had an animated expression as she stifled her laughs. It sure was a comical situation.

"Su Yin it's no secret that you're easily frightened, scaredy cat.."

Giggling, Sera intervened hugging Xia Ruo Lan's shoulders. Ethan shook his head at their banter.

"Hmph! Are you really my bestfriend?"

Like a grumpy little kid Su Yin harrumphed, her expression was dismayed. She glared at Sera.

"Of course, now let's go. Ethan's starving!"

Not wanting to bicker on an empty stomach Sera conveniently changed the topic and even dragged the innocent bystander, Ethan. He was confounded by her words.


Ethan stared at the harmless small face of Sera, he was apparently louder than usual. Xia Ruo Lan's gaze changed slightly along with her expression.

"Yes, you.."

Hugging the two girls on either side Sera winked at Ethan.


Raising his hands, Ethan surrendered when his heart jumped. Sera's wink was dangerous.

- - -

Liu Chenmin cautiously picked up the brown package, he tore it open before retrieving it's content.

He slid his fingers inside, his gaze was unfocused as he was worried sick. His stomach churning with an uneasy feeling.

His calloused fingers brushed past a few thick papers, they seemed to be photographs. His mind started racing a mile in seconds.

Hastily, he scattered the photographs onto his study table. His heart almost stopped for a moment, his eyes darting around the number of scattered photographs.

"Liu Li.."

Liu Chenmin's wide eyes were red, his gaze grazing Liu Li's figure in the photograph as he whispered weakly.

In the photographs there was a constant figure, Liu Li. She was present in almost all of them.

The photographs were a detailed account of her activities, the moment she stepped out of Jade manor everything was captured. Each photograph had a time stamp that provided as an alibi to Liu Li's night.

"It's that bastard! He's retaliating for that bitch!!.. I'll kill him if anything happens to my Liu Li!"

Like a madman Liu Chenmin kept blabbering, his control over his emotions went berserk and he was seeing red.

"Hello.. Find Liu Li's location right now!"

Fishing out his cellphone Liu Chenmin hurriedly contacted his lackeys, his perturbed voice was a shocker. He was gritting his teeth so loud that it resounded through the speaker.