Open The Damn Door

Loud knocks followed in the quietude before heavy pounding on the door. It was around 4 in the morning, most people were sleeping soundly.

The seemingly strong door was juddering with the fierce force used on it. Shrill screams could also be heard from the other side.

"Zhang Lili.. Lili"

Liu Li was shouting from outside the door. Her agitation was sounding clearly in her voice.

"Zhang Lili.. Wake up!"

She continued pounding while her screams never ceased. It was harsh on the ears.

Zhang Lili woke up with jerk, she was startled from all the noise. Her woozy head was throbbing in pain. The loud thumping on the door was directly hitting onto her aching temples.

"Uh?", groaning, she opened her groggy eyes.

Yesterday night Zhang Lili had fallen asleep by the door while weeping, she was feeling awful right now. Leaning against the same door which was now on the verge of breaking she looked around.

Recognizing that she was in her room at Jade Manor, Zhang Lili heaved a sigh before her eyes went wide. Losing no time she stood up, her long hair messily covered her pale face and neck.

"Zhang Lili, Lili.. Open the door!!"

Relentlessly Liu Li was going on shouting. It was atypical of her to come knocking on Zhang Lili's door.

"Zhang Lili.. It's urgent! Open the damn door..!"

Liu Li's hands and throat were hurting badly, still she didn't stop.

Unable to withstand the dreary headache and the irksome Liu Li Zhang Lili turned around. She opened the door with the intention of lashing out when her small face turned ashen, petrified.

Liu Li stood across her, her face was tear stricken with large droplets of tears streaming down her face. She was breathing raggedly, it was irregular and short.

"Zhang Lili, Dad.. Dad, he's fainted!"

Desperately pulling onto Zhang Lili's frail hand Liu Li stuttered, her voice a little hoarse.


Aghast by the news Zhang Lili's voice was trembling, she was shaken. After all Liu Chenmin was her biological father.

"Come with me!"

Grasping Zhang Lili's trembling wrist tightly Liu Li dragged her into the private study room.

There she saw Liu Chenmin, his face as white as a sheet of paper. He was sprawled on the floor, lifeless. Glistening beads of sweat on his face were alarming.


Zhang Lili stood rooted to the ground, her eyes red with tears welled up in them. She was very pitiful.

Dressed in a black outfit a bodyguard rushed in, he hastily picked up Liu Chenmin and made his way to his bedroom. He laid him on the large and lavish looking bed.

"Uncle Hu! Where are you?"

Dialing a random number on the landline, Liu Li cried. She was too overwrought and it resounded through her voice.

Doctor Hu was their family doctor and friend. The man was no saint, he was deeply embroiled in Liu Chenmin's shady businesses.


Slamming the phone back on the table, Liu Li wiped her tears roughly. Her eyes bloodshot.

Zhang Lili frowned with a disconcerting feeling in her heart. It was all too sudden. Yesterday Liu Chenmin was so coldblooded and killed a man with a sinister look on his face. And now he was lying almost half dead on his own bed plaintively.

"Uncle Hu!"

When Zhang Lili was staring at the pallid face of Liu Chenmin, there were hurried footsteps following which Liu Li exclaimed loudly.

"Don't cry, dear child.."

Comforting the bawling Liu Li, the smiling Doctor Hu proceeded towards the patient. He furrowed his eyebrows after a brief examination.

Zhang Lili and Liu Li were silent throughout, sniffling. They both had different things on their minds as they looked on with tense faces.

Setting up an IV transfusion and injecting Liu Chenmin with a colorless fluid Doctor Hu turned to address the people in the room.

"He's suffered a heart attack. Fortunately, he was found sooner or else.."

In a low voice so as to not disturb the patient Doctor Hu stated with solemn gaze. His words shocked both Liu Li and Zhang Lili.

"Heart.. Heart attack?"

With her mouth agape the forlorn Liu Li stammered, hot tears rolling down her cheeks. Zhang Lili held her shaking shoulder in a bid to calm her.

"It's alright now.. I have given him the necessary medication, this IV drip will help replenish his body strength"

Raising his hand to pat her head Doctor Hu tried his best to ease her distress. He was an experienced doctor and has seen a great deal of such cases.


Hugging Zhang Lili's arm Liu Li whimpered, she had her head lowered and nobody could discern her expression.

"Don't worry, it was just a minor attack. Your father is really fine, he'll live a thousand years"

Doctor Hu laughed, he nodded slightly and made his way out of the bedroom. The door closed after him.

After the door was slammed close Liu Li slid down, she started sobbing like a lost child sitting on the floor. She was disconsolate. Zhang Lili looked on silently, her throat was choked with no words to say.

"Liu Li.. Get a grip on yourself. Dad won't be happy to see you like this.."

Finally Zhang Lili couldn't stand any longer, she crouched down next to Liu Li. Gently patting her back and letting her lean on her shoulder.

"Zhang Lili, it's all my fault.. I.."

Sobbing, Liu Li whispered against Zhang Lili. Her voice was raspy. She was having a difficulty in speaking after crying so much.

"Huh? What are you saying.."

Zhang Lili's eyes shot open listening to Liu Li's raspy words. She asked with sheer astonishment plastered across her white face.

"Yes, it's all because of me.."

Sniffling, Liu Li raised her head wiping her face hastily. She gazed into Zhang Lili's eyes painfully biting her lips.

"Liu Li.. You"

Unsure of what to say Zhang Lili parted her dry lips, her voice hesitant.

However before she could say anything Liu Li scrambled to her feet. She rushed towards the table and opened one of the drawers. Searching frantically she retrieved an envelope.

Dashing towards the flabbergasted Zhang Lili she pulled her, shoving the photographs in her hand.

"Yesterday.. Somebody sent these photos and Uncle Bui, he.. he was a spy"

Zhang Lili's eyes were darting around each photograph, she couldn't explain what was going on in her head. She was bamboozled.


The word 'spy' caught Zhang Lili off guard, all her reasoning gradually scattered far away. She was blank.

"Yes, he was a spy and so.. Dad, he killed him.."

Nodding her head vigorously Liu Li reiterated. She even added what Zhang Lili was trying to forget about.

Liu Chenmin killing the cowering Uncle Bui emotionlessly was an unforgettable memory for the timid Zhang Lili. Her hands holding the photographs went stiff. She gulped at the memory and her heart trembled.

"But.. Due to a nagging feeling in his heart Dad was restless and couldn't sleep. Then.."

Seeing her reaction Liu Li continued, she was sobbing softly in between her words appearing helpless.

"Okay.. Okay, calm down. Here, have some water"

Coming back to her senses Zhang Lili hurriedly held Liu Li, she helped her sit up on the couch and poured her a glass of water. She coaxed her to drink some as she was crying and even hiccuping.

"It's not your fault.. Don't blame yourself, if dad sees you in this state he'll feel really bad and his health will be affected too.."

After a moment of silence Zhang Lili consoled her. She was like a sweet and responsible sister. Her face and voice were soft as she gazed at Liu Li. It could melt hearts into puddles.

"Go back to your room and sleep.. I'll take care of dad tonight"

Liu Li nodded her head meekly, she raised her head and smiled. It was weak. It pained Zhang Lili's soft heart. She offered to look after Liu Chenmin asking her to rest for the night.

"No.. I want to spend some time with dad"

Refusing at once Liu Li sat up straight, she lowered her head and whispered like a wronged child.

Zhang Lili couldn't reject her after all Liu Li was closer to Liu Chenmin than her. She's still adapting and often felt unfamiliar to address Liu Chenmin as dad.

"Okay.. I'll get back now"

Slightly nodding her head Zhang Lili ran her hand on Liu Li's back, comfortingly. She stood up to leave.

"Thank you Zhang Lili.."

Just when Zhang Lili's hand reached the door knob Liu Li's gratifying words entered her ears. She paused. Turning around she shook her head with a small smile on her face.

"It's okay.. Take care of yourself too"

Blinking, she smiled subtly before sliding out of the room.