He Was A Martyr

Nervously darting a look at the closed door Liu Li puffed a heavy sigh of relief.

She swiftly turned around with a smirk on her messed up face. Her brows quirked up smugly while she languidly marched forward to the chair beside the bed.

The previously lifeless Liu Chenmin who was on the brink of death was seen sitting upright on the bed. Fit as a fiddle. He was sporting a vicious smile.

The malicious father-daughter duo exchanged a knowing gaze before breaking into big smiles. Looking despicably evil.

She pulled open the drawer and fetched wet wipes. She then proceeded to gently wiped her face and neck.

"You did well.."

Liu Chenmin generously praised Liu Li with a glass of water in his hand which he sipped elegantly. She chuckled lightly.

"You were better.. Lying motionless for such a long time, it looks tiring. And difficult!"

Nodding her head she seemed to recall something, after a beat she returned his compliment with starry eyes of appreciation.

Her expression showed that she couldn't wait to become one of his greatest disciples.

"Well, what can I say? I'm a great actor.."

Boasting shamelessly about his 'acting skills' Liu Chenmin had a prideful grin. He was very pleased with the way things had played out.

"A genius!"

Bowing her head Liu Li laughed, she was extremely impressed by her father and his many tricks. She was learning a lot.

"Yes, a genius but evil.."

They were having fun as laughter echoed in the bedroom.

- - -


When the hysteric Liu Li dashed upstairs sobbing, Liu Chenmin sweeped a glance at her sprinting figure.

Unexpectedly he caught sight of a silhouette at the corridor from the corner of his eyes. It was dark yet he could see the snooper. His black eyes narrowed sharply.

Lucifer's call broke his chain of thoughts and diverted his attention back from the snooper to the devil. He had no strength to imagine the consequences of crossing paths with Lucifer.

He gulped at the dreadful thought before shaking his head. And slowly stood up straightening himself.

Liu Chenmin made his way upstairs after instructing the servants and his underlings to clean up and take care of Uncle Bui's corpse. The old man deserved a proper burial after serving him for years.

He was initially planning to check upon Liu Li, however his steps carried him to the pillar. He had seen a silhouette whizz past that particular pillar.

Liu Chenmin's eyes flashed with recognition upon seeing the familiar red beaded bracelet. Zhang Lili had thrown a huge tantrum over that pricey and glittering red beads. He sneered inwardly picking up the broken bracelet.

- - -

"But dad, why did you have to kill Uncle Bui?"

Pouting her lips Liu Li had an aggrieved expression on her face. Her eyes bleak and sad.

"I really don't get what goes on inside your head.. And it's frustrating!"

She had her head lowered muttering meekly. Raising her gaze she glowered at Liu Chenmin's smiling face.

"My dear child, everything I do is for you and keeping your best interests in mind.. So just sit back and relax"

Liu Chenmin had a doting expression on his face instead of getting agitated on Liu Li. He even patted her head with his calloused palms.

"Okay.. But"

Hesitating Liu Li stammered with a despondent expression on her face, biting her lips.

"Your Uncle Bui, he.. He was a martyr!"

Cutting her midsentence Liu Chenmin had a proud front while he enunciated the word 'martyr'.

"Ugh! Dad.. Aren't you mistaking a mere pawn for a martyr?"

Liu Li scowled, an ugly expression on his face at his choice of words. She scoffed apathetically.

"You think so..?"

Grinning widely Liu Li shot his eyebrow questioningly. His pale face was now beaming.

"Well, for me.. No one is as important as you, so yes.. He was just a mere pawn and I'm sorry for shouting at you"

Shrugging nonchalantly Liu Li smiled brightly at him. Her words evident of her love for Liu Chenmin. She meekly held his hand and apologized.

"It's no biggie.. I love you my princess!"

Clutching her hand Liu Chenmin shook his head, he kissed her forehead lovingly.

"I love you too!"

Fluttering her eyelashes, she flashed a brilliant smile and kissed his cheek. He chuckled lightly ruffling her hair.

*knock* *knock*

Faint knocks in the quiet night startled the duo interrupting their family moment.


Liu Li turned to look at the closed door apprehensively, her voice was low.

"It's me.. Zhang Lili"

Liu Chenmin's eyes went wide, he gaped at Liu Li who had her back turned to him. She felt her body going stiff instantly.

"Zhang Lili..?"