Is Something Special?

"Zhang Lili..?"

Liu Li gasped, her shaky eyeballs darting around the room feeling all nervy inside. She cast an inquisitive glance at the antsy Liu Chenmin. Cold sweat could be seen trickling down his creased forehead.

"Go.. Go and see what she wants!"

In a flap the pallid looking Liu Chenmin waved his hand asking Liu Li to rush to the door.

He threw a worried glance at the bloodied IV drip's needle thrown on the bedside table. While Liu Li stared at him wordlessly.


As though cat got her tongue Liu Li had a moment of complete blankness.

Slowly snapping back, she gulped heavily before stuttering her response. She was at a complete loss.

"Then, you want ME to go and open the door?"

An ugly scowl formed on Liu Chenmin's face. He glared at Liu Li like she was some dumb, stupid person and not his smart and dearest daughter.

"Oh! Right.."

Sticking her tongue out with a silly grin Liu Li exclaimed.

She spun around, zooming straight towards the closed door. Her sweaty hands fidgeting with the hem of her pajamas.


Keeping the door slightly ajar Liu Li peeked out her head, she smiled awkwardly before stepping out of the door. Her voice slightly high-pitched.

"Liu Li, why are you blocking the door?"

She hurriedly tried to close the door behind her when Zhang Lili spoke up. With her straight dark brows raised Zhang Lili had a perplexed look on her clean face.

"Uh? No.. I'm afraid that dad might get disturbed by us"

Liu Li's hand halted halfway before she stood immobile. Shaking her head she reasoned out, a fake half smile gracing her parched lips.

"Hmm.. Are you alright now?"

Nodding slightly Zhang Lili had an understanding and somewhat gullible front. She smiled subtly before asking about Liu Li's current state of mind.

"Yes, I'm fine and dad seems to be doing well now.. So, yeah"

Sounding a bit enthusiastic Liu Li didn't dawdle, she toned down slightly upon noticing Zhang Lili's odd stare.

Rapidly she changed her tone of voice which turned reasonably softer. Almost into a whisper and with each word losing the initial enthusiasm.

"That's a relief.. I was worried about you. You need to rest now. I'll see you later"

Pondering about how Liu Li might have been affected by today's incident Zhang Lili didn't think much about her weird behavior. She smiled brightly and bade her farewell.

She even went to the lengths of hugging Liu Li who stiffened instantly due to their proximity.

"Hmm.. Thanks"

Holding Zhang Lili's slender shoulder Liu Li mumbled, she was unsure about their closeness and felt revolting. Her face scrunched uglily. It was clear that she was disgusted to the bones.

Zhang Lili squeezed Liu Li's arm gently, smiling reassuringly before she turned around to leave. Her face had a soft expression throughout confusing the apathetic Liu Li.


Mumbling hatefully Liu Li twisted her lips, she was truly repulsed by Zhang Lili's sight, not to mention her touch.

"Did she suspect something?"

As soon as Liu Li closed the door Liu Chenmin peered at her frowning front, his words were slightly different from his usual nonchalance.

"I don't think so.."

Liu Li shrugged her shoulders casually. She proceeded to sit on the chair beside Liu Chenmin's bed. Her lips pursed into a straight line as she seemed to be in deep thoughts.

The coolness in Liu Li's tone helped assuage Liu Chenmin's stress. He heaved a sigh of relief and closed his eyes. His face was devoid of any tension or worries.

"Dad, you're yet to tell me some things.."

Pouting like a wronged child Liu Li shot a glance at the sleeping Liu Chenmin, her eyes were misty with unfathomable emotions.

"Who sent you those pictures and why did you ask me to lie to Zhang Lili? You don't tell me so many things.."

"Apart from following your instructions I don't do anything else.."

She growled in a low voice, her displeasure was clear with the glare she was sending to Liu Chenmin's peaceful figure.

She stood up and stomped her feet when there was no reply from the other side. She walked away, opened the door and slammed it furiously behind her.

Following the loud slamming Liu Chenmin opened his eyes with a hopeless smile, he felt helpless under her inquiring gaze and feigned sleep. He couldn't answer her questions for her own peace of mind.

After all Liu Chenmin was a father and nothing mattered to a father more than his daughter's happiness.

"I'm sorry Liu Li, it's all for your good that I'm doing this.."

Solemnly gazing at the ceiling Liu Chenmin whispered to himself. He turned his back from the door and sighed, moments later his eyes squeezed shut in despair.

- - -

It was a new day, a new hope and new resolve for the sleeping beauty, Su Yin. She had a sunshiny glow on her face while she smiled lost in a dreamland hugging the pillow, still groggy.

"Good morning Yinyin!"

With a naughty grin Sera sat beside Su Yin on her bed, she poked her cheeks playfully and cooed softly.

While Sera was waiting for a reaction, her gaze was locked on Su Yin's face filled with anticipation.

Surprisingly the sleeping beauty didn't swat Sera's hand away and smiled even sweetly than before, it shocked the latter.

Sera's jaw dropped.

In a daze Sera slowly retracted her finger back and gaped at the radiantly smiling face of Su Yin.

Confusion deeply etched on Sera's small face as she pondered quietly with a frown sitting between her brows.


Stretching her limbs like a lazy cat Su Yin purred, her beautiful eyes fluttered open with a gleaming light in them. She looked happy with a positive vibe surrounding her whole being.

The mildly cheery voice broke Sera's chaotic train of thoughts, she glanced at Su Yin who was now sitting upright. Her frown disappeared into a blank expression.

"Yinyin, is something special? You seem in a good mood today.. Especially since you're not exactly a morning person!"

Out of sheer curiosity Sera couldn't hold back herself, she gently called out Su Yin quizzing. Her last sentence was for no one in particular as she thought in her head, muttering.

"Nothing really, but if you say it's special.. Then it might be"

Chuckling, Su Yin resembled a freshly bloomed flower with her clear ink black eye's beaming at Sera. She stretched her neck laughing, her ambiguous words once again puzzled Sera greatly.

"I don't understand.. Still, I'm happy for you!"

Sauntering towards the bathroom Sera shrugged tying her hair into a loose bun. She turned around and shot a glance at Su Yin who had a smile constant on her face before sliding inside.

Peering at the yellow sun peeking out from the fluffy, white clouds akin to cotton candy Su Yin sighed. She felt oddly contented.

"Happy Birthday Ad!"

Su Yin mumbled while staring at the ring finger of her right hand with a tender gaze, stroking the part with her thumb. Her lips curled into a beatific smile.