Where's The Party?

"Yinyin, Yinyin?"

Swaggering around with his long legs and a dark expression on his face Adrian was visibly furious, yelling loudly while banging the door to his apartment.

His breathing erratic, fists clenched tightly revealing the twitching nerves on his fair forearms. His heart palpitating rapidly and loudly against his chest.

The blue-eyed man was attired in a slim fit white shirt and black pants. His top two buttons undone and sleeves folded halfway his hair were also unkempt complimenting the whole appearance.

Adrian was looking handsomely messy and cool.

"I haven't seen you all day.. Stop hiding! I know you're in there.. Come out!"

Raking his slender fingers through his slightly grown, long hair Adrian was all edgy. His tone was strangely alternating between coaxing and bellowing, his entire demeanor was unusual.

Damn! It was just a piece of rotten strawberry cake that I accidentally threw in trash, why is she overreacting!

Mumbling under his breathe Adrian felt a headache coming. His brain was on the verge of bursting out of extreme perturbation.

Su Yin has been constantly avoiding Adrian since last night, she didn't even let him sleep in the same bed and kicked him out of the bedroom. On top of that she had locked herself and didn't show up in front of him all day.

It was pure torture for Adrian's poor heart.

"Where are you, you brat!"

With a hard pound the door cracked open, startling Adrian. He sighed like a fool before pushing it open, he stepped inside with a helpless smile. Typical girlfriend doting boyfriend.

"Why is it so dark.. Yinyin!"

Before you can say knife or even butter for that matter Adrian's expression changed, his eyes widened. Panic was written all over his face as he looked around the unlit living space.

Isn't she terrified of darkness?


In a flash a loud gun shot rang few inches away from his ear, he turned around to look at the person when the lights went off. The whole apartment was brightly lit within half a second. Adrian cursed out loud in shock.

"What the hell.."

Staring straight into his eyes stood Su Yin dressed in an all black cat outfit. Her jet black hair were falling on her fair shoulders, the milky skin peeking through tickling one's fantasy. Her curves perfectly accentuated in the tight hugging pair of leggings and high heels.

The always adorable Su Yin was now transformed into a hot cat woman with a pair of cat ears on her head.

Su Yin's whole being was exuding an unmistakable sultriness that made Adrian unconsciously gulp heavily.

What was more shocking wasn't the enticing outfit rather it was the shiny glock resting in Su Yin's hands, the muzzle was pointing at Adrian's forehead. He chuckled in disbelief.

"What are you playing at?"

Utterly dumbfounded by the emotionless eyes of Su Yin gazing at him with a gun in hand Adrian laughed, it was awkward and shaky.

The apathetic gaze with which Su Yin was staring at Adrian's frantic countenance, an electrifying shiver ran down his spine. His heart was a jumble mess.

"Answer me Yinyin!"

Seeing Su Yin's unresponsive front the unfaltering confidence in Adrian's heart wavered, an ominous feeling rose inside him and his throat ran dry.

"Don't think that I'm scared.. I'm not.. At all scared!"

Chortling in a rigid manner the ever stoic Adrian stuttered, his voice sounding raspy.

Closing the distance between them Su Yin had her sharp eyes transfixed on Adrian's face. She smirked seductively that only evoked a sense of terror in him.

"Stop! STOP..!! YINYIN!!"

Raising his hands in the air Adrian started to scream out of fear, his eyes squeezed shut as he shook his head violently.

Su Yin pulled the trigger and he bellowed her name out loud resulting in a hoarse shout.


With his entire face covered in cream pie Adrian had a ghastly expression, his eyes, nose and mouth were tasting like strawberries.

The gun dropped onto the ground with a clacking sound.

The initially straight faced Su Yin burst out laughing at the hilarious sight. She had her hands on her stomach while she laughed like a maniac.

"What the..!"

Opening his eyes, Adrian glowered at the guffawing little kitten in front of him. She had tears in her eyes, the cat ears shaking ever so lightly tickling his heart into a bleeding mess.

"Happy Birthday Ad!"

Just as Adrian was about to grab Su Yin's petite figure in his large arms she held his shoulders and wished him. Her cheery voice broke his resolve to punish her, he pressed his mouth on her, kissing her gently.

The pair leaned back after sharing their sweetness, Adrian's mouth was devoid of any cream while Su Yin's face was half-covered with the pale pink cream from the pie.

Su Yin was the world's most 'sweetest' cat in Adrian's arms at this moment.

"How was the surprise?"

Cuddling on the comfy couch with her face rubbing onto Adrian's chest Su Yin quizzed in a low voice. Her eyes sparkling under the dense eyelashes.

"Honestly! It scared the shìt out of me.."

Patting her back intimately Adrian chuckled in his deep voice, his words earned another cackling laughter from Su Yin. She pinched his waist while he hissed exaggeratedly feigning pain.

"But I loved it.. It was the first surprise of my life and I think that I've suddenly grown to like surprises.."

Covering her hand on his waist with his large palms Adrian gave a light squeeze, he raised it to her lips and pressed a wet kiss on her palms. She sucked in breathe in response to his actions.

"I want to spend every birthday of yours with you.. Just like this"

Turning to gaze into Adrian's blue eyes Su Yin cupped the side of his face, her pleading gaze evoking a strange sensation deep inside him. He felt a prick in his heart.

"Hmm.. First, let me kiss you some more.."

Avoiding to answer Su Yin's question Adrian stealthily diverted her attention, his wayward hands caressing her willowy body without any restraints. He dipped his neck to crash their mouths into a passionate kiss.

"Ah! No.. Catch me if you can!"

Attacking Adrian with a shrill shriek close to his ear Su Yin pushed the man on the couch and ran away. Standing across him she swayed her hips provocatively taunting him. His burning gaze following her every move.

"You brat!"

Trying to sit up straight after his abrupt fall on the couch Adrian smirked, he looked at her dancing and his eyes darkened unfathomably.

*ring* *ring*

Perched upon the black leather chair Adrian held his forehead in his palm, with his eyes closed he sat reminiscing about the time spent with Su Yin. He was massaging his temples when his phone rang interrupting his thoughts.

Without taking a second glance at the caller id Adrian sluggishly picked up the phone and answered the call.

"Happy Birthday To You.. Happy Birthday To You.. Happy Birthday To Dear Adrian! Happy Birthday To You.."

Before Adrian could open his mouth and say a word, an annoying tone-deaf birthday greetings entered his ears. His ears were almost on the verge of bleeding red from the high pitched noise.

"Luke!! You Asshole, why weren't you picking up any of my calls?"

Bellowing like a rampant gorilla Adrian snarled at Luke, he was already in a bad mood after recalling the good old times spent with his beloved Su Yin. He wouldn't hold back and beat Luke black and blue if he was in front of him right now.

"Tch tch, I'm wishing you a happy birthday and happy life and you're cursing me! Are you really my friend?"

Clicking his tongue, Luke's lethargic tone with a hint of teasing could be heard from the other side.

"Yeah, right! I'm not your friend.. I'm your boss and you have to get your ass back right now!"

Scoffing, Adrian's cold and impassive voice entered his ears. Luke chuckled darkly in response further infuriating Adrian.

"I work for big boss, not you.. Anyway where's the party?"

Luke's tone turned stiff, it changed into a playful one with the blink of an eye astounding Adrian. He shook his head at his antics.

"There's no party.."

Replying torpidly Adrian frowned, his face turned towards the glass windows. Gazing deeply at the distance, the cityscape and the boundless skies.

"Huh? What about your girlfriend? That girl was very proactive last year and danced all night.. I still remember"

Exclaiming with an utterly shocked expression in his tone Luke quizzed. His voice distanced as he tried to search through his memory.

"Shut up!"

Interrupting the blabbering baboon on the other side Adrian snapped harshly. He didn't give him any chance to react and slammed the phone on the desk.