My Baby's The Best

"What took you so long, love? You know how much I miss you, right?"

As soon as the call button was pressed Lucifer's magnetic voice entered into Sera's pink tinted ears. She felt her heart skip a beat against his doting and spoiled tone.

After successfully escaping from Su Yin, Sera found herself inside an empty cubicle in the changing room. She quickly closed the door shut and answered the call. Her breathing rapid.

"I know, I miss you too.. Why do you sound so anxious?"

A faint blush crept up her clean face, she felt hot all over and smiled sweetly. Her tone soft, she frowned sensing something amiss in his tone and quizzed. She was subconsciously twirling the robe's belt around her waist.

"Nothing really.. Where are you? Your voice is kinda echoing.."

Chuckling breezily, Lucifer had an amused expression on his face. He raised his brow as he inquired with a slightly apprehensive tone. His hands tapping the surface of the desk in his cabin, he was leaning lazily on the black leatherette chair.

"Uh! That.. I'm at a spa with Su Yin"

Completely forgetting about her surroundings Sera was immersed in the phonecall with Lucifer.

She turned her face to the side, sudden realization dawned on her and she answered with a smile, sticking her tongue out.

"Oh! You are with your friend?"

Listening to her words Lucifer quirked his brow with an expression of interest on his face as he exclaimed.

He instantly straightened himself like an arrow, the slender fingers carelessly tapping on the desk also ceased. His tone audibly displayed his attentiveness which irked Sera.

"Hmm.. Why? Are you perhaps interested in my 'friend'?"

At breakneck speed the expression on Sera's face changed, she hummed tiredly feeling peevish.

Raising her voice slightly she interrogated, her tone was nowhere sweet but turned annoying and sarcastic.

"Hehe.. What nonsense!!"

Struck by Sera's inquisitive words Lucifer almost fell from his chair, steadying his footing he laughed awkwardly. His tone nervy and tight while he refused vehemently with his voice raised upto a notch.


Unconvinced by his overreaction, she raised her brow smiling stiffly, it was scarier than her angry face. She dragged her words slowly that made him gulp his spit.


Without wasting a second Lucifer replied In a heartbeat, his voice dripping with sincerity inside out.

"Okay, if you say so.."

Nodding her head Sera seemed nonchalant, her tone was light that alleviated Lucifer's anxiousness to some extent. He mimicked the action of wiping the non-existent sweat from his forehead.

"I know you trust me.. My baby's the best!"

Chortling a nervously Lucifer tried to appease Sera lest she gets mad at him. He even called her his 'baby' stretching it from 'my love'. Sera rolled her eyes at his attempts that didn't go unnoticed by her.

"Yeah? Why don't I feel that way too.."

She had a blasè response, it was indifferent that made Lucifer tremble. He felt triggered by her words and hesitantly ran his fingers through his hair. He felt a headache coming.


Feigning innocence Lucifer appeared unaware of her insinuations. It further infuriated Sera who felt a sense of loss in her heart.

"Don't 'huh' me Lucifer.. I know you're hiding something from me and I'm not liking it.."

Extremely displeased by Lucifer's actions Sera reprimanded him sassily, she was beyond vexed by his insouciance.

"Wha.. No! I'm not hiding anything from you.. My love!"

Flabbergasted by her lashing Lucifer felt his throat run dry, he gulped heavily before finding appropriate words to interrupt Sera. His tone extra sweet.

"I'll trust you on that.."

Feeling pleased by his honey coated words Sera hid a smile, her tone plain concealing her emotions. It perplexed Lucifer who couldn't read her and felt at a loss.

"Okay, I'm sorry my love.. I'm really sorry if you're feeling ill at ease in this relationship because of me.."

Her simple words evoked a heavy need of mending things between them in Lucifer. He was hell bent on placating Sera and opted to apologize. It was the most basic rule in any relationship.

"I don't want your apologies, I want your trust Lucifer! Please, try and understand.."

However his words had an opposite effect on Sera, she felt that his apology was not needed in the first place. She wanted transparency in their relationship rather than empty, apologetic words.

The man went silent for a long while, there was no sound as both remained quiet waiting for the other to speak. Sera didn't know that Lucifer was in a deep thought after understanding what she wanted from him.

Alas, he could give her anything but this - Lucifer didn't wish to endanger Sera's life no matter how much she insisted. It was dangerous.

"Lucifer? You there?"

Following the deafening silence, Sera's faint voice calling out his name jolted Lucifer back from his thoughts. He absentmindedly made an incoherent sound in acknowledgement.

"Eh! Yes, I'm listening.. Aren't you cold?"

Smiling slyly with a glint in his gray eyes Lucifer diverted the topic of their discussion with ease.


Bamboozled by his words Sera quizzed with a confused tone. She had no idea what he was talking about.

"Hmm, wrapped in a tiny robe around your body.. Aren't you feeling cold?"

His low, magnetic humming sound tickled her ears, she squirmed instinctively. His query woke her up from the trance and she broke into a fit of awkward coughs.

*ahem* *ahem*

"I'm not.. I'll talk to you later!"

Rubbing her neck in embarrassment Sera cleared her throat, stuttering. Lucifer had cunningly divided her attention with his twisted words.

"Wait.. I have something to tell you"

Chuckling, Lucifer interjected quickly. His eyes scanning the room across the glass door, Adrian was seen talking to his men.

"Okay, but I have to go now.. Yinyin might be worried"

Sensing the seriousness in his tone Sera acceded to his request. Reminding Lucifer that Su Yin was still waiting for her outside.

"You know how things have been these past two days.. Inform me wherever you go, just a quick text is also fine"

Keeping his gaze fixed on Adrian's figure Lucifer's stern voice resounded. Sera knew about someone following her these two days.

Understanding the gravity of the situation Sera felt that Lucifer's worries weren't completely unreasonable.

"Hmm.. I'll keep in mind"

Nodding her head Sera smiled, it was an enchanting smile that could entrance any normal being. Her tone meek and obedient.

"I love you.."

Satisfied by Sera's reaction Lucifer felt his heart soften, his face and gaze turned gentle too.

"I love you too.."

Blissed out by his heart-melting but abrupt profession of love Sera's response rolled on her tongue. She couldn't help but feel her heart palpitating each time Lucifer would spat such loving words.

Gazing at the city lights from the floor to ceiling windows in the cabin Lucifer sighed softly.

"What's wrong?"

Raising her eyebrows questioningly Sera had a confounded look on her face, she couldn't fathom the reason behind his long sigh.

"How I wished to embrace you, feel your warmth against my chest, right now!"

Sweeping his scorching gaze away from the dazzling lights Lucifer's dreamy voice had a tinge of yearning. It startled Sera, her face turned hot listening to his unfiltered words.


Scolding with her cheeks puffed up Sera felt thirsty, her throat was on pins and needles.

"Only for you!"

Behaving like a hooligan Lucifer didn't deny her accusations, he proudly grinned while accepting her words. Sera couldn't bother with him and hastily bade him farewell, ending the call.
