Put On A Smile

At a crowded dazzling bar, a girl in disheveled state was downing shots after shots. Her hands shaking and body quivering. Body reeking of alcohol, she was already tipsy with a messy, tear stricken face.

The bartenders and several men around her were giving her dirty looks.

Some even boldly tried to approach her with a wicked smile but didn't dare to. Not after how she had scratched a man's ear until he was bleeding earlier. It was bloody brutal.

A worried Liu Li hastily ambled inside the bar, her eyes frantically searching the crowd - from the dancefloor to the bar counter.

After heaving a sigh in relief Liu Li went ahead and sat beside the drunken beauty, Zhang Lili.

She was looking like a homeless shrew in her skimpy nightgown with no outer robe compared to the well dressed Liu Li. Her unkempt hair sticking to her sweaty face and exposed shoulders.

Having received information from one of her bodyguards Liu Li rushed here to find Zhang Lili in this state, hopeless.

Unwillingly Liu Li had to take care of Zhang Lili as she was still an important chess piece according to Liu Chenmin.

Liu Li snatched away the glass of shot from her hand and glanced at the bartender, surreptitiously signaling him to clean up the counter. He hurriedly obliged nodding his head.

"Lili, Look at me. It's me.. Liu Li"

Liu Li cupped the pitiful Zhang Lili's face and shook her by the shoulders to wake her up.

"Liu Li.."

Zhang Lili looked at the face in front of her like a thirsty person looks at an oasis in the middle of a desert.

She was still in a state of drunken stupor with her eyes glossed over, a faint painful smile on her pink but bleeding lips. She gripped Liu Li's arm tightly not wanting to let go, hurting the latter.

"Yes, it's me. C'mon let's go.."

Extending her hand Liu Li helped Zhang Lili up, she laboriously supported her body to the bathroom.

Throughout the predicament Liu Li's face had a repulsed expression that wasn't hard to notice. However Zhang Lili was in no state to distinguish that look from her usual sweet facade.

With a disgusted face Liu Li proceeded to wipe Zhang Lili's face clean. She harshly splashed cold water to reduce the effect of alcohol that jolted Zhang Lili's senses slightly awake.

"It's all that bitch's fault, she took away Ethan from me.. He humiliated me, ripped of my reputation marring my name into mud"

"All because of that bitch, Seraphina Lu"

Zhang Lili bawled against Liu Li's shoulder leaning against the wash basin, she was still a little dazed. Liu Li was perfunctorily patting her back to comfort her, frowning.

"I was betrayed by my father, I was betrayed by Ethan and now everyone thinks I'm a lowlife tramp with no self-esteem.. A slut!"

Getting carried away by her emotions Zhang Lili whimpered resembling an abandoned kitten on a rainy day, her face and hair were wet and messy.

"I hate my life.. I hate myself, I hate Ethan Lee, I hate that Lu bitch.. I hate everyone!!"

Straightening herself Zhang Lili sniffled, gazing into Liu Li's perplexed eyes she started screaming, she was overcome by a wave of extreme angst.

"It's okay Lili.. C'mon let's go home"

With great difficulty Liu Li supported Zhang Lili's staggering figure, dragging her out of the bathroom.

- - -

The striking blue Bentley raced through the roads, it halted across a high-profile hotel attracting queer gazes.

The door opened revealing a tall and handsome figure in an all-black custom fit clothing. Short hair combed tidily, a fairly thin strand falling on the clean forehead adding a wild streak to the overall neat look.

Strolling forward with an air of insouciance around him Adrian had an unapproachable front. His oceanic blue eyes were freezing cold akin to the stormy sea.

Matching steps beside him was the smiling Lucifer in his white suit jacket and burgundy shirt. His hair were slightly messed up from raking his fingers through them. His face wasn't cold, it had a soft look that could fool anyone into believing that he is an innocent soul.

"Brother! I know you've decided to loosen up and all but your face is as stiff as ever.."

Passing through the brilliantly decorated glass doors of the bar Lucifer leaned forward, breathing his words into Adrian's ears.

"Oh! You think so?"

Halting in his steps Adrian had a dumb look on his face, he turned to the side and asked with a blank expression.

"Uh-huh.. You have to put on a smile on this 'pretty' face.."

Nodding earnestly with a bedazzling smile, Lucifer raised his fingers pointing towards his own lips probing him to smile just like him.

"You're right.. I have to.."

Turning to face the crowd Adrian agreed. The next second a shocked expression was seen on his face forcing him to push back the words in his throat.


Adding to Adrian's earlier sentence Lucifer chimed in. Feeling amiss he looked at the man beside him only to him frozen like a block of ice.

Lucifer followed his gaze, his gray eyes sparkled akin to rough diamonds and his smile deepened.

While Lucifer had a sinisterly sly gleam in his eyes Adrian felt his heart drop, he opened his mouth and uttered audibly stunned.
