He's Definitely A Psycho

Staring down at the hiccuping mess in his arms Adrian had a vacant look in his sapphire like eyes. His face retained the coldness that could freeze the entire crowd dancing in the room.

Raising her dizzy head to meet his intimidating gaze Su Yin clung onto his black shirt tightly, his top button popped open when her steps faltered unexpectedly.


Peering at her half-open red mouth Adrian's gaze darkened, Su Yin cluelessly gawped at him with her glistening black eyes akin to gemstones.

On the dancefloor, a couple of grooving girls and boys passed by pushing them in the process.

Causing Su Yin's small face to fall on Adrian's chest, her warm breath brushing his skin ever so lightly. Under Su Yin's unintentional assault Adrian's entire being stiffened instantly, his arms around her fair shoulder tightened earning a painful whimper.

"Ah! *hic* Let me *hic* gooo.."

Muffled screams coupled with her hiccups entered into his ears, a hint of impatience flashed through his eyes and he wrapped his hands around her waist lifting her off the ground.

The bartender who had his eyes fixed on Adrian and Su Yin took out his phone. He inconspicuously clicked their picture as they departed and sent it to an unknown number.


Feeling her legs swaying in the air and her body getting lighter Su Yin was startled. She let out an ear-splitting shriek beside Adrian's ears, his brows knit together in irritation.

With one grabbing her tiny waist Adrian freed his other hand to spank Su Yin's derrière, immediately her mouth was clamped shut.

An aggrieved expression on Su Yin's face that was red in embarrassment. Her hiccups had long ceased thanks to Adrian's unruly hands.

Seeing that Su Yin no longer struggled like a wild cat Adrian smile in satisfaction. He pushed the doors of the nightclub open and strode out carrying the obedient young woman.

Walking out Adrian slammed Su Yin on the obscure wall outside, she looked at him with a frightened gaze as she gulped her spit.

Studying the panic-stricken expression on Su Yin's face Adrian had an uneasy feeling, her face was turning unusually red and she had a glossed over look in her eyes.

Initially Adrian didn't notice anything amiss in the dim lazer lights inside the nightclub. However now under the bright lights of the hallway he had a clearer view of her whole appearance.

It rendered Adrian extremely perplexed. He sighed deeply, it further confused the panicky Su Yin.

"Why did you drink so much? Did you forget how troublesome you get after the alcohol takes effect on you, brat?.."

Lowering his head Adrian's cold voice interrupted Su Yin's thoughts, she gulped before mustering enough courage to retaliate against him.

Su Yin raised her leg to land a kick but Adrian caught her in a flash, it shocked her and she gasped loudly.

'He's fast..', that's the only thing that passed through Su Yin's head as she processed the situation.

The next second Su Yin felt numb all over. A strange sensation engulfed her when Adrian's calloused thumb grazed the smooth skin of her legs. It was temperature raising, she felt hot with each caress.

"Let go.. I don't know you, I'll call my.."

Twisting her leg in Adrian's firm hold Su Yin screamed in rage, she was feeling helpless and her voice softened. It was meeker than before when she was shouting at him.

"Right! Where's your boyfriend?"

Releasing his grasp on her leg Adrian pushed forward, his gaze was chilly as he recalled the unwanted 'bees' around Su Yin. He stressed the last word begrudgingly.

First that annoying creep, Shawn then that handsome faced Lu Jinan. He wished to RIP their mouths off and gouge out their eyeballs.

Adrian's blood boiled remembering the scene where his Su Yin was clinging onto those two 'scums' with no hesitation at all.


Adrian's words hit Su Yin hard, she gaped at him wordlessly trying to process them in her head.

'Why is this man asking me about my boyfriend?', she thought inwardly.

"Your boyfriend!"

Puffing out an exasperated sigh, Adrian's gaze sharpened as he pinched her chin and repeated his words resentfully. His jaw clenched tightly.

"Boyfriend.. I don't have any boyfriend.."

Swatting away his hand that was trying to break her jaw Su Yin spat harshly, disgruntled.

'This man! He's definitely a psycho..', she mumbled under her breath with a dark glare.

The initially non-existent smile on Adrian's face suddenly deepened, it was obvious that Su Yin's answer made him happy. His fingers moved from her chin to her temple, gently tucking away the strands of hair behind her ear.

"Let's go.."

Pinching her pink cheeks with a doting expression Adrian breathed beside Su Yin's face, she shivered in response staring at him.

"Uh? Who are.."

Su Yin felt her head throb while dealing with this 'unfamiliar' man, she was about to question his identity when Adrian picked her up like a sack of rice.

Getting agitated by Su Yin's antics Adrian had no choice but to deal with her in his own style. The man didn't think twice before hoisting her petite body in the air and carrying him on his broad shoulders.

"Aaaah! Let me down.. You beast!"

Adrian's abrupt actions caught Su Yin off guard, she held onto his shirt tightly with one hand while hitting his back with the other. Her small fists landed repetitively on his back, a bitter-sweet pain rose in his chest.

"Let me show you how much of a 'beast' I am.."

Chuckling wickedly Adrian had a naughty glint in his blue eyes, his tone had a tinge of warning that the dense Su Yin failed to notice. His words were definitely had a hidden meaning.

"Hey! My, my boyfriend.. He'll definitely kill you! He's a dangerous man!"

Continuously flailing her small fists on Adrian's shoulders Su Yin screamed again. She paused to add an extra effect to intimidate him.