Took My Legs Away

A subtle smile of victory formed on Su Yin's face when Adrian's heavy steps halted. The smile disappeared when she was once again trapped by him against a wall.

The air around them turned menacingly cold. It was stifling.

"Your boyfriend? Are you sure?"

Quirking his brow provocatively, an eerie smile crept up his thin lips as Adrian inquired coldly. His gaze had completely lost it's warmth.

Su Yin gulped again, she was feeling pressurized under Adrian's threatening stare.

"Ye.. yes!"

Clenching her fists that were sweaty Su Yin blinked, parting her trembling lips she stuttered in a low voice.

After speaking her part Su Yin closed her eyes immediately and looked away afraid that Adrian would hit her face.

Caught off guard by Su Yin's extreme reaction Adrian was at a loss for words. Casting a cautious glance around them he had a dark expression.

They were standing near the elevator, it was evident that people would take notice of their presence. He sighed secretly.

Nevertheless, Adrian was interested in knowing the identity of Su Yin's 'boyfriend' who was 'dangerous' and wouldn't bat an eyelid to kill him.

"Tell me.. Who is your 'boyfriend' then? I want to see how 'dangerous' of a man he is.."

A low, sinistral laugh escaped Adrian's thin lips, Su Yin's eyes shot open feeling a chill crawl on her spine listening to it. She slowly turned her head to steal a wary glance.

Adrian's strikingly gorgeous face was precariously close to Su Yin's flushed face, her throat was parched from their proximity.

"Ad! Ad!!! Where are you, Asshole!! Ad!! Someone's harassing me.. Ad!!"

Pushing Adrian back, Su Yin started to scream like a banshee darting her eyes around. Her words struck the man dumb, he stood rooted in the spot, his lips twitched in disbelief.

Stunned speechless, Adrian's blue eyes hid a helpless smile as he glanced at the hysteric Su Yin.

Letting out another sigh Adrian took a long stride towards Su Yin who was no less than a mad woman right now.

"Yinyin! I'm here.."

Grabbing onto Su Yin's wrist, Adrian squeezed her palm gently with his other hand calling her attention. Caught by this small action of his, she involuntarily closed her mouth shut.

"Ad!! Bastard, why didn't you come early? This man, he.."

Glowering at Adrian's oddly calm countenance Su Yin had the urge to kick him, she raised her fist to smack him. Her tone had a hint of hurt, it was unusual to see her like this especially after their separation.

Turning to her left Su Yin was pointing her finger in air, she paused.

Confusion etched deeply on Su Yin's small face as she searched the 'man' who was 'harassing' her. Adrian's eyes twitched uncontrollably.

"Huh? Where is he.."

Taking a couple of steps forward Su Yin continued. She had an extremely shocked front while frantically searching for the 'man', her mouth agape.

Raking his fingers through his hair and rubbing his face tiredly, Adrian muttered curses under his breath.

"Yinyin, let's go, I'll help you sober up.."

Straightening himself Adrian walked to Su Yin's side. He held her frail shoulders forcing her to meet his eyes, his tone no longer cold. She nodded her head with a frown.

Obediently following Adrian's lead Su Yin ambled forward, he was hugging her shoulders supporting her almost weightless body.

After two small steps Su Yin stood unmoving, stubbornly refusing to take another step forward.

Unable to understand what had happened Adrian turned to glance at Su Yin's side profile, a cute pout resting on red mouth puzzled him greatly.

"I can't feel my legs! WAaah.. That man.. He took my legs away!!"

Before Adrian could ask what was wrong, Su Yin's hushed tone struck him. His blue eyes widened resembling globes when her whispers eventually transformed into full-throated bawling.

Su Yin was crying loudly while stomping her heels violently on the floor.

Faced by Su Yin's incessant and ear-splitting cries Adrian stepped backwards, baffled. He massaged his forehead that was aching badly while glancing at the crybaby.

"This girl! She's always been a handful.."

Without further ado Adrian bent down and scooped Su Yin into his arms, she instinctively reached to encircle his neck leaning against his shoulder. It was warm and cozy.

The man's blue eyes flickered with astonishment when Su Yin snuggled closer into his embrace, she was like a cat rubbing her face on his shoulders naturally drawn towards warmth.

With a dreamy smile Adrian's face softened and his heart seemed to have melted into a mush. Shaking his head, he strolled into the elevator. Su Yin had closed her eyes appearing sleepy.

This was the same hotel which Ethan Lee had visited few days ago, where he spent a traumatic night with Xia Ruo Lan. The hotel was under the "Chang's" and it was now owned by the mysterious Lucifer. Thus, Adrian too had an exclusive VIP suite booked under his name with special privileges.

A middle aged executive was waiting for Adrian in front of the VIP suite's door with his head lowered, a golden key card resting in between his fingers.

Heavy footsteps reverberated in the quiet lobby, he straightened himself with an alert gaze, terrified of Adrian. Closing his eyes he prayed in his heart to be spared from the iceberg's wrath.

*ahem* *ahem*

Glaring daggers at the neatly uniformed man Adrian coughed, his eyebrows knitted together as he frowned. Displeasure clear on his handsome face.

The moment his eyes opened, the man was left bewildered when he saw a high heeled, smooth leg dangling few inches away from of his face.

'A.. A woman? The cold iceberg had a real woman in his life?..'

With a ghastly expression the man trembled like a fallen leaf as he handed the key card, his eyes never straying to 'unidentified' woman in Adrian's arms. He gulped noisily when Adrian tugged the key card away. He swiftly unlocked the door and got inside.

Placing a hand on his chest, the poor executive felt his wildly beating heart against his palm before scrambling away in fright.