My Sweet Drug..

Intermingling hot breaths, rising temperature and scorching, passionate bodies writhing against each other entangled in a fiery hot kiss.

Desire, Love, Lust, Passion, Want, Need..

You can taint them with whatever namesake words you want, however it wouldn't change anything between these pure but captivated pair of lovers.

Panting to catch her breath in between their fervorous kisses, the beauty in red smiled blissfully with misty eyes, akin to stars twinkling brilliantly in the night sky.

The white suit jacket draped around Lucifer was long sprawled onto the golden tinted marble tiled floor. His burgundy custom fit shirt was clinging onto him, defining his perfectly chiseled upper body.

Blushing, Sera had wrapped her uninjured leg around Lucifer's waist while his hands were on her silky smooth skin. Caressing, teasing, tickling and tormenting her endlessly.

The obscurely secured zipper of Sera's red dress had slid down revealing half of her sexy back for Lucifer to explore.

Earning euphonious moans as reward to his actions, Lucifer kissed Sera's swollen lips until she was breathless.

"Ah~ You're gorgeous, my love.."

Clutching Sera's hair forcefully to pry her mouth open, Lucifer murmured against her lips, a madness in his gray eyes that couldn't overshadow the love and worship.

"How I wish to swallow you whole.. You're my sweet drug!"

Arching her backwards Sera gave Lucifer ample space, he dived his head and licked her throat, slowly. She gasped, his lips curled faintly and he kissed her again and again. Thrusting his tongue to taste her sweetness, that was akin to marzipan he relished in it without holding back.

Digging her nails into Lucifer's shoulders Sera was panting , her half-open eyes gazing dreamily at the man. His devilish smile enthralling her, captivating her senses beyond belief, no words could describe the surging in her palpitating hear.

"You too, I can't get enough of youMmm.."

Nodding her head, Sera smiled at the devilishly handsome Lucifer, she parted her lips with difficulty. Tempted by her husky voice he slammed his mouth against hers in sync, engaging in an all too familiar dance.

Slammed against the cold wall Sera felt a burning surge inside her, she wanted to pounce on Lucifer from the table. However the man had restricted her movements with his steel like body and hands.

It was torturing yet delightful. It was bittersweet.

Still Sera's's unrestrained hands were crushing Lucifer into her soft body, he rained wet kisses down into a clear path. From her jaw to her swan like beautiful and elongated neck, licking.

Slowly slipping down the thin red straps of Sera's corset fit dress with his lips, Lucifer grazed his teeth on the supple skin of her fair arms. A zap of electric current passed through her nerves, jolting. She sucked in breath when he bit the back of her neck, sharply.

"Ah! Lu.. Lucifer!"

Hissing in a low, raspy voice Sera tugged at Lucifer's hairs harshly, their eyes met and sparks flew.

Trampled beautifully by the man she's in love with Sera was glowing. Her plump cheeks were pink, hair tousled and lips painfully swollen, eyes filled with tears of joy. Her neck had faint red marks, even her dress was a crumpled mess with one strap dangling down her arm.

Enticed by Sera's disheveled state a light flashed past Lucifer's gray eyes. His breathing rough and erratic, leaning against her forehead he closed his eyes in peace.

*ring* *ring*

The hotel room's doorbell woke the pair, Sera had a look of apprehension in her eyes while Lucifer's gaze was calm as still water lake.

Lucifer smiled, rubbing her messed up hair, tidying it and tucking them behind her ears before pulling apart.

With her eyes fixed on the man's back Sera had a lot of thoughts running through her mind, she blushed profusely noticing the creases on his shirt. His top two buttons were undone, exposing the red scratches on his chest.

Shortly after Lucifer emerged holding a box in his hand that induced Sera's curiosity. She sat silently observing him as he approached, after placing the box on the couch.

Lifting her into his arms Lucifer brought Sera to the couch, she was now dressed properly. She looked nothing like the disheveled state, she was in before.

Under Sera's watchful gaze Lucifer opened the box, a pair of sneakers in white and rose gold came into her view. He took off her other heel before carefully slipping on the brand new sneakers. She felt touched.

"Do you like them?"

With her heart swelling with immense happiness and respect for Lucifer, Sera nodded her head vigorously, earning a light chuckle.

They were comfy and trendy. Her face brightened instantly and she couldn't stop smiling. Shaking her legs like an excited little schoolgirl.

Looking at Sera's reaction Lucifer laughed mirthfully, his gaze tender fixated on her beaming face.

"Oh! Right.. How did you get here?"