Your Friend Is In Safe Hands

"Oh! Right.. How did you get here?"

Turning her attention back to Lucifer, Sera raised her brow as she inquired. His gray eyes darkened visibly at her question, his smile disappearing from his face. His face cold, a thousand year old icicles were nothing in front of this man right now.

Clenching his fist Lucifer had a distant look in his eyes, it flashed with a killing intent as he recalled something.

After leaving Adrian and Su Yin alone Lucifer began searching for Sera, he stumbled upon a suspicious short man in a suit. The same man who tricked the innocent Sera previously.

Like a harmless lamb Sera had stepped right into the trap, he had intentionally misled her to use the 15th floor's washroom.

The reason - 15th floor is currently under renovation and no guests are allowed here.

A crabby man in torn clothes was fiddling near the private room's door before Lucifer arrived. He was filthy, his teeth broken and yellow. Lucifer kicked the man out after knocking him out of his senses after understanding the whole scenario.

Someone had conspired against Sera to destroy her image, her reputation and modesty. They are sure ruthless to attack a girl with such means, shameless!

If not Lucifer's vigilance and quick-wittedness, his beloved Sera might have been in a larger peril. Just thinking about it gives Lucifer chills.

A juicy controversy surrounding the pure, young miss of the revered Lu's, Seraphina Lu!

"You forgot again! Didn't I ask you to text me your whereabouts?"

Lucifer smiled, he had skillfully changed his expression. His voice was lighter, no longer carrying the heavy emotions in his heart.

"Ah~ I forgot.."

Sticking her tongue out, Sera had a cute expression on her face. Lucifer shook his head, he wiped the tear remnants in her eyes and smoothed her ruffled hair. She looked at him with starry eyes.

"Come let's get you home. It's getting late.."

Straightening his outfit, Lucifer picked up his jacket from the floor draping it around Sera. He pressed a longing kiss on her lips and pecked her forehead.


Tugging onto his elbow Sera nodded her head, blushing.

Exiting the establishment Sera and Lucifer were ambling towards the carpark, hand in hand. It was dark, the sun was nowhere in sight. It was around 9 in the evening.

"Watch your step.."

Holding hands, Lucifer guided Sera through the dimly lit pathway. She frowned, her red nose scrunched up cutely like a button, compelling one to take a bite.

"Ah~ I'm not a kid.."

Pulling onto their intertwined hands Sera whined like a spoiled wife. Her voice soft and meeker. She still had a little embarrassed in her tone from their previous steamy hot action.

"Yeah right.."

Pressing onto Sera's small hand in his grasp, Lucifer squeezed it while grazing his thumb teasingly. She froze, shivers ran down her spine.


Pouting her lips, Sera chastised Lucifer who was smirking naughtily. His eyes had a mischievous hint, she understood the meaning behind it all too well.

Lucifer was a pervert!!


Pulling Sera closer, Lucifer plastered her small face on his chest, his throaty laughter rumbled through his chest. Hugging her closer he sighed. Contented.

"Shooot! I forgot about Su Yin.."

Hitting her forehead with her palm, Sera raised her dark brows and exclaimed in a loud voice.

"Don't worry, your friend is in safe hands.."

Taking her small fist in his large palms Lucifer pressed a kiss on her forehead exactly where she had hit prior. His low voice resounded interrupting Sera midsentence.

"Huh? Safe hands?"

Muttering inquisitively Sera had nothing but shock plastered across her face. She blinked her bright eyes like a porcelain doll.


Chuckling, Lucifer pulled her closer and strolled towards his exclusive parking space, a flashy red Ducati sports car was parked, only for him.

"I don't understand.."

Staring cluelessly at the man who had a smile as he opened the car door, Sera quizzed. A hint of curiosity in her gaze.

"She's with my brother.."

Pushing Sera inside, Lucifer quipped with a matter-of-factly tone. It further shocked Sera and she had her clear eyes open wide.

"Eh! Your brother? Who.."

As Lucifer continued buckling up her seatbelt Sera tried to understand and recall.

Amused, Lucifer pinched her nose until it turned red. She winced before swatting his hand away, his throaty laughter echoed in the closed space. Her heart fluttered, she started blushing.

"Adrian? That blue eyes.."

As though a lightbulb had turned on, Sera's entire demeanor changed and she jumped in her seat, surprising Lucifer. An enlightened tone in her voice was rather comical.


The admiration in Sera's eyes as she spoke about Adrian's dreamy eyes invoked a teeny weeny feeling of jealousy in Lucifer. He didn't think twice before interrupting her sentence as he hummed indifferently, revving up the engine.