I Absolutely Hate It

"But how.. Why.."

Turning to Lucifer who was feigning an insouciant front while he drove, the itchy Sera couldn't help but put forth the questions bugging her.

Beyond overwhelmed by this particular 'piece of news' Sera was at a loss. She couldn't wrap her head around it and was waiting for Lucifer's answer.

'Yinyin and Adrian? Seriously!'

Never in her wildest imaginations had Sera thought of this possibility - her own bestfriend, Su Yin with Lucifer's iceberg brother, Adrian!

Sera was flabbergasted, her head aching mildly as she tried to perceive the truth of the matter.

"See this.."

Pulling out his cellphone in an unhurried manner Lucifer displayed his phone screen to Sera. She grabbed the phone hastily, her scrutinizing gaze fixed on the brightly lit screen.

"It's Adrian.."

Scoffing, Sera mumbled in a not-so-amused tone chucking the phone back to Lucifer.

Not so surprised by her reaction Lucifer touched his right eyebrow with a small smile as he cast a glance at Sera. Mesmerizing.

"Look carefully.. And tell me what you see"

Lucifer's magnetic voice reached Sera as the sports car made it's way out of the secluded carpark. She scrunched her face unhappily.

Nonetheless, like an obedient A-grade student Sera's keen eyes begun studying the picture diligently, heeding to Lucifer's words. Her large, bright eyes were narrowed sharply so as to not miss any single detail.

It was Adrian in the photograph. He was as usual dressed in an all-black outfit, looking manly and handsome. His fascinating set of blue eyes shining brightly akin to the best quality sapphires in the whole wide world. His enchanting but deep gaze staring straight into the camera lens was nerve tickling.

Sera was impressed by the quality of the photograph, it's direction and the background. She could tell that the photographer was no amateur but a skilled artist.

As she was studying the photograph, Sera's eyes suddenly went wider than globes. She gasped, her red mouth opened involuntarily with a look of disbelief on her small face.


Wait, it's too familiar..


It's F Country!!

It's the same place where Su Yin.. Ah!

"How.. How did you know?"

Upon realization Sera had a ghastly expression on her face, she gulped her spit and stuttered almost grumbling.

'This girl.. Didn't she notice? Don't tell me the alcohol in her system has clouded her brains!'

Mumbling under his breath with an almost awkward smile Lucifer turned his attention from the road back to Sera.

Luckily, Lucifer managed to school his expression on time before facing Sera. She was already in rage and he knew that she wouldn't refrain from biting his face off.

"You still didn't understand? Slowpoke.."

Poking Sera's forehead with a bit of force Lucifer teased her, her head was pushed back slightly.

"What? Just tell me.. Don't try to build up suspense, I absolutely hate it"

Grabbing Lucifer's finger Sera snapped at him, her french manicured nails almost digging into his flesh.

When the man didn't budge or even flinch in response, Sera threw his finger back with a sore expression. She huffed crossing her arms across her chest, pouting.

Stifling his sudden burst of laughter due to Sera's actions, Lucifer bit his lip and continued driving in silence.

Trying hard to ignore the burning gaze directed towards him, Lucifer sped as though driving out of a tiger's den. Sera looked at him silently with a furious expression.

Finally the Ducati came to a halt in front of Lucifer's penthouse, he turned towards the fuming Sera. She was looking ravishing in her red attire coupled with her angry face that was also turning red. His heart picked up speed, taking a deep breath he patted his chest softly to calm down his poor heart.

Ah~ love!

Blowing a sigh, Lucifer reached out towards his phone. Unlocking it, he showed another picture of Adrian to Sera who had a confused yet expectant gaze fixated on him.

Leaning forward Lucifer pulled Sera on his lap, she yelped in surprise before snuggling closer. A furtive smile gracing her slightly swollen lips. She darted her gaze to the phone screen in Lucifer's hand listening to his words.

"Look at this setting.. It's a cafe, Adrian is sitting on the table here drinking his coffee and here, there's another cup.."

"The girl who captured this picture, her face is hidden.."

Swiping his finger on the screen Lucifer continued in a low tone. Another photograph popped up, it was different from the one Sera had seen previously, her eyes shining in anticipation.

"But, if you see this picture.. Here, she is holding the cup and there's a tiny tattoo that could be mistaken as a mole on her finger, precisely, it's her ring finger.."

Zooming in Lucifer patiently elaborated his findings, his gentle voice brushing past her neck making her squirm. She bit her lower lip trying to remain clearheaded and concentrate.

Sensing her discomfiture Lucifer smiled slyly, he turned Sera around after putting his phone away and tucked her hair behind her ears. She raised her head blushing to meet his smiling gray eyes with a restless heart.

"And, the key point is that Adrian too, has the same kind of tattoo on his finger and I seem to have seen it on your friend's hand that night, at your house.."

Stroking Sera's lower lip that had an almost unnoticeable red bruise Lucifer continued. His face had an aggrieved expression that made her feel guilty, forcing her to look away in embarrassment.

Placing her hands on Lucifer's chest Sera pushed him, she moved back to her seat and pulled open the car door to alight.

In a lightning speed Sera was already standing near the gates, her face flushed in a deep red.

Shaking his head with an amused smile on his godly handsome face, Lucifer strode out of the car and straight to Sera's side. His large hand naturally reached to her small ones, intertwining them perfectly as though they were made for that sole purpose.

Smiling, Lucifer tightened his hold when Sera didn't shake off his hand, his heart fluttering with an inexplicable feeling of happiness.

The pair headed inside, Lucifer was busy preparing a simple meal of noodles after freshening up. All this effort to appease his queen, Sera, lest she holds a grudge against him for hiding Adrian and Su Yin's relationship.

Sera too washed up quickly. She sat at the dining table gazing at Lucifer across her with a loving expression on her face. Her eyes filled with admiration were fixed on his figure as he moved around the kitchen, hustling.

Shortly after a mouthwatering aroma wafted in the air.

The steaming hot bowls of noodles placed on the dining table tickled one's hunger and looked appetizing.

"I heard that Adrian was in a relationship with a girl at F Country, they were in love and decided to get matching star tattoos with their initials in the center.. However, your friend dumped my brother one day and disappeared.. He was heartbroken and lost!"

Following their hearty and cozy dinner for two, Lucifer gave a brief summary of Adrian and Su Yin's story to Sera. She was perched on his lap stargazing on the rooftop, swinging leisurely.