Lucifer And Dating?

"The number you've dialed is currently unavailable.."

A dismayed Ethan Lee was met with an automated female voice as soon as he dialed an all too familiar number of his dear friend, Lucifer. His forehead creased into lines, his straight brows furrowed together as he heard the same dull tone over and over again.

Chucking his cellphone into one of his pockets, Ethan leisurely took long strides towards his car that was parked at it's exclusive parking spot. He had dismissed Assistant Chen after seeing the latter's weary face and huge eyebags.

The poor man had indeed suffered by being beside the workaholic Ethan Lee as his assistant.

"Just what the hell is wrong with Lucifer? I suddenly feel that we've become quite distant.. Hais!"

Propping his hands against the steering wheel, Ethan mumbled to himself in a dismal manner.

From morning Ethan's head was preoccupied with thoughts of Lucifer and the latter's absence from his life. His thoughts running amok, giving him a great deal of a headache.

Ethan couldn't overlook the one and only dear friend of his who's always been supportive of him, through thick and thin. Not now, after finding out the threats like Yang Deming and Liu Chenmin that are after Lucifer's life.

As the black Maybach drove in peace there was a copious of chaos ensuing in Ethan's mind, however he remained unfazed on the surface. His fingers tapping continuously on the dark steering wheel.

"Is he dating someone? Nah.. It's not possible! I should probably ask Ad about it.."

After half a day of silence Ethan's lips moved, his contemplative and low voice was heard that had a hint of disbelief as well as amusement in it. He was baffled by his own words but soon recovered from the shock, his head bobbed in a slow motion as he pondered about interrogating the trusted confidante, Adrian.

"Dating? Lucifer and dating? Heh.. No, that's so not possible! He thinks woman are troublesome.. Yes!"

Laughing at his own words, Ethan tried to ease his restless heart and shook his head, guffawing like a madman. At this moment he was nothing like the stoic man everyone claimed him to be.

"But if that's true then.."

Suddenly, Ethan's black jade like beady eyes dilated and he stomped on the brakes. The speeding car came to an abrupt halt followed by an ear splitting, loud screeching sound. His breathing erratic.

"Lucifer's Darling, Sophia Lee, 'The Great Empress Dowager' is definitely going to nag me! Oh no..! Dear lord, let this be just my imagination.. Please"

Ethan's expressions were akin to a hysteric yet pitiful cartoon character of an animated film series, funny and exaggerated. His hands were in a praying stance, with his palms against each other as he pleaded. The man was close to pulling his hair out of extreme vexation.

*ring* *ring*

Slowly, Ethan's train of thoughts came to a dead end when the loud ringing noise of his cellphone was heard. He lazily fished out the device, his indolent gaze landed on its blinking screen and he chuckled dryly.

"Think of the devil.. No, Empress Dowager!!"

Answering the call, Ethan was extremely mindful of his words.

"Hello? Empr.. Grandmother.."

"Ah? Yes, yes.. I understand, I'm on my way.."


Finishing the call, Ethan's already weary and tired front was all the more visible. He let out an exasperated sigh and closed his eyes. His crisp white shirt had a few creases, his eyes were slightly red and his short black hair messy.


*ring* *ring*

Just as Ethan was about to raise his head, the damned cellphone rang once again. He answered the call without glancing at the caller id. He sounded a little peeved.

"Now what?"

"Uh? Ruo Lan, you?"

"Yes.. Okay, I'm coming. Wait for me.."

Hanging up the call, Ethan took a sharp u-turn and drove towards Sera's art gallery, White Meadow.

- - -

The trio - Sera, Maya and Xav arrived at their destination around 11 in the evening. After filling their stomachs with the local delicacies they returned to the cottage where they were going to stay without any disturbance.

"Aah.. I'm so tired!"

Yawning, Maya raised her slender limbs and mumbled sleepily. Her eyes half-closed.

"How are you tired? It was I who drove all the way till here.."

Casting a disapproving glance at Maya, who was dragging her feet with much difficulty, Xav sneered contemptuously.

"And who insisted on driving, ha? It was you my dumb brother.."

Turning around, Maya threw an equally scornful gaze at Xav whose lips were down turned at her words.

"Enough you guys! I'm really sleepy.. I'll see you guys later"

Throwing her arms around both of her friends, Sera dragged them towards their room. She stood by the closed door, turned around and waved them bye, a sweet smile on her angelic face.

"Okay, good night.."

Nodding his head, Xav unsmilingly waved his hand. His tone was somewhat bland.

"Good night.."

Unlike Xav, Maya had a cheerful smile as she pulled her brother to their rooms.