I Wonder Why

It was midnight.

The decorative lamps outside the establishment were dimly lit.

A soft yellow light illuminated the vacant surroundings covered with lush green trees, plants and flowers, fragrant and blooming.

The black Maybach swerved into the white gates and straight to the cobblestone driveway. It halted in front of the marble fountain.

Shortly after the man alighted, his black eyes, keen yet hazy scanned the uninhabited white building. It was pristine and majestic. Distant memories of the past came crashing, his forehead creased and face turned solemn but just for a moment. His face turned blank without any traces of the agony he felt moments ago.

One step, two steps, Ethan Lee strode inside shaking off the prior hesitant feelings that emerged within him, it was all in vain. His Mia was no longer around to see this place shaping up to perfection. Her own dream coming to fruition.

A very dear image surfaced in front of Ethan's lightly teary eyes.

Mia's sunshiny smiling face, bright and radiant, her voluminous golden locks flying with the tender breeze and beautiful emerald green eyes that reflected her love for him. The way her pillowy pink lips curled into the most heartwarming smiles that always stirred his heart.

Closing his eyes, Ethan exhaled deeply. For some reason, the whole place was desolate and dark. It irked the man, still his steps never ceased.

Silence lingered in the air, thick and heavy, like a blanket. Wherever Ethan Lee moved, the silence followed, it was eerie and frightening. Yet the man charged forward without batting an eyelid, his face as calm as the serene lake flowing at the backyard of the establishment.

'Where is Ruo Lan?'

'Why is it so dark..?'

"Xia Ruo Lan? Are you there?"

Flicking the torch option on his cellphone, Ethan Lee cautiously made his way through the darkness. He couldn't help but call out Xia Ruo Lan's name since it was pitch black.

"Ruo Lan"

After a few good seconds, a faint female voice reached Ethan, he furrowed his eyebrows together and followed the shaky voice.

"I'm.. I'm here, Ethan Lee"

"I'm here.."

Entering the large room, Ethan's jaw almost dropped to the cold ground after seeing the sight before his popped out eyes.

There inside the pitch black room, a wryly smiling Xia Ruo Lan was sprawled on the marbled floor with a large metal statue on top of her lower body, hindering her from getting up or moving about.

A number of brown boxes were lying around Xia Ruo Lan.


The reaction from Ethan Lee was enough embarrassment for Xia Ruo Lan. Her plump cheeks were red under the dim lights of the torch.

"I know.."

With his eyes popping out of his skull, Ethan quizzed with a rather confused expression different from his ever stoic countenance.

"How did you.. What happened?"

Fighting the urge to smack Ethan's face left and right, Xia Ruo Lan grit her teeth and asked with a polite smile that seemed a little eerie to the man.

"Can you please help.. Help me first?"

Saying sorry to the lady lying awkwardly on the floor in front of him, Ethan bent forward to pick up the huge metallic statue and helped Xia Ruo Lan up.

"Yeah, sorry.."

Xia Ruo Lan leaned against Ethan's sturdy built body, he held her closely as he inquired in a gentle voice.

"Are you Okay? Is your leg fine?"

A crimson blush crept up Xia Ruo Lan's face, she looked at her feet in the dim lights and muttered her gratitude. Ethan didn't answer, he simply nodded his head and helped her towards the couch outside the room.

"Yeah, thanks.."

Soon after settling down on the comfortable couch, Ethan prodded with his brows raised. He passed her a glass of warm water which she accepted.

"So? What happened?"

With her black hair acting as a veil across her face, Xia Ruo Lan cleared her throat and started with a raspy voice. She took a sip before continuing.

"That.. I came here to make sure everything is under control, the progress.. I mean, It's less than a week to the opening and also, the electrician, he wanted to check the new wiring.."

"Sera.. She informed me about her trip and I told her there's no problem.. And I can handle everything but.."

"As you can see.."

"There was an abrupt power failure after the electrician went away.. I don't know what exactly went wrong. I was busy transferring these boxes when I tripped and fell.. I tried calling Wang Fang, she didn't pick up and Sera.. So I called you.."

Listening to Xia Ruo Lan's explanation, Ethan's mouth twitched in bewilderment before a small smile appeared on his face that eventually turned into a hearty chuckle.

"Why.. Why are you laughing?"

Baffled by Ethan's reaction, Xia Ruo Lan was in a spot as she questioned him in a soft voice. She was still feeling a bit ashamed to have found by this cold idiot Lee in such an unexpectedly awkward situation.

"Nothing.. Did you eat something?"

Shaking his head, Ethan bit his lip to suppress the laughter that was threatening to erupt. He could still see Xia Ruo Lan's embarrassed red face as she lay under the weighty statue. It was hilarious.

"Ah.. Yea, I mean, no.. I had ordered some chicken and beer because I was alone.."

Tucking her hair behind her ears, Xia Ruo Lan pointed towards the table beside the couch with a sheepish smile. It was cute.

"I believe it must have turned cold by now.."

There was a brown paper bag kept on the round coffee table.

"Let's see.."

Ethan extended his hand to retrieve the package, his casual tone interrupting Xia Ruo Lan midsentence.

"Not bad.. It's still quite warm. Come on, let's fill up our stomachs before resolving this.."

Feeling the hotness against his palms, Ethan nodded his head and held Xia Ruo Lan's hand subconsciously. It shocked her. She gulped inaudibly to hide her nervousness.

"There's no proper light here.. The rooftop is pretty illuminated.."

With her hand resting in Ethan's grasp, Xia Ruo Lan pursed her lips tightly and stared at his faint features that were visible in the dim lights. She opened her mouth to speak hesitantly.

"Then let's go there.."

Sensing the wavering in Xia Ruo Lan as she spoke, Ethan stood up with a start almost dragging her to the rooftop.

Thanks to Lucifer's surprise the other day, the rooftop was still decorated with fairy lights and other incandescent candles. It was pretty well lit.

"It's beautiful.."

As soon as Ethan saw the fairytale like setting on the rooftop his eyes glistened. His mouth hing open, he couldn't help but utter his appreciation with an astounding expression. Xia Ruo Lan chuckled lightly.

Stepping forward, Xia Ruo Lan nodded her head with a subtle smile on her face. She looked around as she tried to recall her conversation with Sera after seeing this mesmerizing sight.

"Yeah, I asked Sera about this.. She was quite reluctant to talk about it. I wonder why.."

Occupying the table set in the center of the rooftop amongst the flowers and fairy lights, Ethan and Xia Ruo Lan ate in silence.

After their simple dinner, the originally tired Ethan was feeling drowsy and Xia Ruo Lan too was yawning. To fight the sleep as well as ease their digestion the pair strolled along the lakeside.

"Thank you.."

"What for?"


The silence was oddly comfortable, it was a kind of silence between two long-time friends. They enjoyed the warmth of this quiet companionship, rather than the noise of chattering incessantly as they lay on the lawn, watching the stars above them with peaceful smiles.