You're Ever Dazzling

The early morning sun kissed the sleeping beauty awake, Xia Ruo Lan was lying on the grass feeling a little uncomfortable in the neck. Soft strands of black framed the sides of her face, her eyes squeezed shut and dark brows knit together resulting into a small frown as she stirred.

Slivers of light peeped through the canopy of bright green leaves, casting delicately thin golden stripes across her angelic face. She opened her eyes and slowly, drowsily smiled turning to the other side.

Instantly the smile on Xia Ruo Lan's face cracked.

The ever stoic and expressionless Ethan Lee's face was inches apart from Xia Ruo Lan's, her small head was propped on his muscular arms and he was sleeping with an unguarded expression on his handsome face.


The man appeared so peaceful, so vulnerable, it was staggering.

'No matter how I look at you.. You're ever dazzling'

Staring unblinkingly, the dazed Xia Ruo Lan's expression was that of awe. Ethan's striking face was laced with tranquility as the rays of the sun fell on him, it was practically shining, his disposition akin to an angel's. His short hair were midnight black, his eyes were calmly closed and framed by graceful brows. His skin wasn't tanned, it was pale like the clearest of jade. He had prominent cheekbones and a well-defined chin and nose.

'Ruo Lan? What's wrong with her?'

Unbeknownst to Xia Ruo Lan, who was in a state of trance, Ethan's ebony eyes were watching her with intent. His expression unreadable while his keen eyes studied her thoroughly.

As Xia Ruo Lan took in Ethan's beauty, his cheekbones, full lips and honey like skin - She gulped heavily as a soft pink tinted her plump looking cheeks. There was something so sexy in that defenseless look of his.

Just looking at Ethan's face Xia Ruo Lan's heartbeat accelerated. It was mind-boggling.

"Like what you see?"

The groggy looking Ethan Lee's raspy voice reached Xia Ruo Lan. It was warm and rich, disrupting the comforting quietude in the air.

After a moment of brief silence Ethan was still waiting for a response with a slight impatience but Xia Ruo Lan wasn't focusing on his words, not one bit.

Suddenly Xia Ruo Lan blushed profusely. At that instant the man's look of bafflement became a shy smile. The sight was beyond incredible.

Not knowing what to do or what to say, Ethan felt his mind go numb. His face grew hot under Xia Ruo Lan's intense stare coupled with her abashed expression akin to a maiden's shyness.

Clenching his fists tightly, Ethan coughed a couple of times to get Xia Ruo Lan's attention before calling out her name emotionlessly.

"Xia Ruo Lan?"

As the sound of her full name fell into Xia Ruo Lan's ears, she was jerked awake and her eyes popped out in sheer shock. Her heart pounding against her chest.

Stupefied, Xia Ruo Lan glared at Ethan's face up close with a guilty expression. She was feeling like a thief who was caught red-handed. Her ears turned redder.

The discombobulated Xia Ruo Lan sat up straight, she moved far away from Ethan and blurted out at once. It was super awkward.

"Ethan.. Good morning!"

The muddled up Xia Ruo Lan was attired in a purple blouse paired with black slacks, her black hair were ruffled and messy. Her black heels were placed on the side under a tree.

Shrugging the initial jumble of feelings that were plaguing Ethan the moment he woke up, he was now very much composed. Especially after seeing Xia Ruo Lan trying to act naturally. Although, a small part of him was still a bit restless.

Maintaining the same impassive front that he was famous for, Ethan returned Xia Ruo Lan's greeting.

"Good morning.."

Raking his hands through his unruly hair, Ethan was now sitting on the grass, his one knee bent while the other was straight. His hands resting on his knee. His black pants were creased, tiny twigs and grass leaves stuck to his pants and white shirt. Still, he was as handsome as ever.

Xia Ruo Lan's original plan was to feign ignorance and act nonchalantly to avoid being questioned. But, faced with Ethan's insouciance, she suddenly felt at a loss.

"I.. I.."

Before the pair could say or do anything that could escalate the awkwardness between them, they were distracted by sounds of hurried footsteps followed by loud shouts.



The chubby and short Wang Fang was huffing and puffing, her cheeks red as she tried to catch her breath. She was as usual dressed in a formal black skirt suit. On the other side, Assistant Chen was panting heavily. He was also dressed in a formal black suit. It looked like the two of them had ran quite a distance to find Xia Ruo Lan and Ethan Lee.

"Wang Fang?"

"Assistant Chen?"

Shocked, Xia Ruo Lan and Ethan Lee called out their assistant's names, Assistant Chen and Wang Fang, who were staring at each other with a confused expression.