Let The Race Begin

Xav was extremely efficient. Within minutes the man had come running towards Sera with a wide smile. It was heartwarming.

"Sera! It's all done.."

As Sera changed into a set of black jacket for safety purposes, Xav continued to fill her with whatever information he had acquired.

"That guy seems to be having a rough day, this is his third race and he's won the prior two.. You're his third opponent, for a change let him taste what it feels to lose miserably! Heh.."

The man snickered, he began laughing impishly thinking about the ace winner's loss in Sera's hands.

"I will.."

Faced with Xav's menacing aura as he laughed like an evil grand master, Sera chuckled with a curt nod. Her voice determined.

Xav let Sera switch to a new sports car, a sapphire-blue limited edition Bugatti, which he especially chose for her and took Maya with him to the stands after settling Sera in. His heart thumping wildly as he nervously gazed at her car lined up on the racing track.

Sitting inside Sera had an innocent smile on her face. So harmless, that you'd think twice if she really was the one participating in this perilous race event. She looked like an angel.

There were multiple bends along the way which were quite hazardous, and many long tunnels passing through mountains with lots of turnings, just thinking about it would make ones stomach churn. The terrain was also a steep and complicated one.

Owing to the challenge of these deathly roads, this particular place was considered a haven for night races.

Clutching the crystal pendant gifted by Lucifer dangling from her neck, Sera closed her eyes muttering under her breath.

"I love you.. Lucifer!"

On the other side of Sera's sapphire-blue Bugatti, the other cars were all ready and lined up.

The race was about to begin.

Seconds later, a shrill sound of a whistle being blown was heard. It was a signal for everyone to be ready and alert.

There were people on the sides holding walkie-talkies to confirm that the routes were all clear.

"Five.. four.. three.."

The next second, as the last count of 'one' faded away, the cars shot out like arrows leaving their bowstrings.

"Ahhhhh—" The ladies on the stands were heard screaming in excitement. The energy was contagious.

The hurricane-like cars swept past Sera one after the other, then came sounds of whistling as they passed by her blue car. Thankfully, she was quick to respond and revved up the engine, quickly turning the steering wheel and evaded them by a close shave.

As the other cars drifted around the corner onto a straight road, the dazzling sports car driven by the 'ace - winner of the day', whizzed ahead as if it were a beam of light sweeping past Sera.

'Let the race begin..', she thought to herself.

With a snort, Sera's slender hand gripped the steering wheel steadily, her eyes filled with an indescribable calm and sharpness. She narrowed her gaze, glaring at the cars that passed by her and suddenly floored the accelerator.

The sports car seemed to transform into a streak of blue lightning, whizzing along the mountain road.

The gust of wind that surged in violently was akin to the cries of howling wolves and dragons while the temperature of the air against her face dropped to freezing point. Her silky hair that had been tied up into a ponytail had swiftly turned messy from the strong winds, her hair tie had long been blown away. Her flowing hair interweaved like dark clouds, whipping around like waves.

At this moment, Sera's coal like eyes were extremely focused and sharp as she stepped the accelerator underneath her feet to its limit. The curve of a cold smile formed on her red painted lips and a flash gleamed in her eyes.

Sera usually carried a carefree kind of attitude when racing. This time, however, even the cells in her body were focused since there was a worthy opponent.

Maya and Xav whooped with joy.

"Not bad.."

Inside the ruby red sports car, the ace racer - who was none other than Lucifer - mumbled to himself. His lips curled into a ghostly smile.

Lucifer sweeped a glance at his opponent's car - that happened to be Sera's - before turning his head back ahead. Gradually, he increased the pressure on the accelerator below his foot.

As Lucifer was in low spirits and his mind was numb, he was exhausted beyond words - mentally and physically. Thus, he came here to have his energy replenished.

Lucifer loved speed, cars and guns were his buddies.

The cars picked up speed.

The onlookers held their breaths.

It felt as though they - Sera and Lucifer - were both pursuing lightning.

The flickering glow in Lucifer's gray orbs was sharp and filled with confidence, there was an indescribable grandeur that engulfed him as if everything were within his control.

In the depths of his eyes, there seemed to be a hidden incisiveness. It oozed sexiness.

The man glanced at the rearview mirror and realized that behind, two cars were about to speed up and attack. Lucifer's lips instantly turned into a perfect curve. The glimmer in his eyes suddenly turned sharper.

Ahead, they were about to meet a semicircle turning. The mere thought of driving around it excited Sera.


Sera smiled coldly.

Immediately flooring the accelerator and going all the way, Sera and Lucifer both pushed their car to maximum speed, at the same time. Their hands swiftly turning the steering wheel to half a loop, and the car very beautifully and rapidly drifted past the other two race cars that had sped past them earlier.

That was insane!

A huge curve was looming ahead, yet they dared to push the car to its fastest speed!


They whirled past like a blizzard.

The steering wheel allowed Sera to flexibly control it at it's optimum, however as she wished. Especially when driving through the huge bend ahead.

Not even slowing down in the least, both the cars drifted beautifully and ditched the few race cars that were speeding like raging beasts behind them.

In an instant, more than ten cars seemed to have sprinted forward like crazy hurricanes. It was nerve-wracking.

In the blink of an eye, they vanished in thin air.

The car passed through the tunnel ahead at lightning speed, it was dark and had several bends. Despite the tunnel also being filled with bends, Sera still drove the car very steadily.

After the car sped out of the tunnel's long, steep road, she noticed the red car. It was Lucifer's, she smiled inwardly.

As Sera turned ahead, she saw that there was one more 90-degree bend and it was no doubt dangerous.

Meanwhile, up front there were still two cars sprinting neck to neck.

Sera looked extremely calm as her eyes stayed fixed on the right angle bend. The two cars ahead had already started to reduce in speed, yet…Swoosh!

Her car did not slow down as she tore ahead like a sharp arrow, surpassing the red Ferrari beside, at lightning speed. Even Lucifer was dumbfounded.