Do They Want To Die?!

Extremely calm, Sera's eyes stayed fixated on the right angle bend ahead as she sped without any intentions of slowing down. She then jammed the brakes, the adept hands on the steering wheel maneuvered a shockingly powerful turn.

The Bugatti unexpectedly did a terrifying drift at an extremely high speed, practically rendered in mid air as it flew up. It instantly passed the bend and smoothly drove ahead to the straight road leaving all mouths agape.

"Bloody hell!"

"Goddamn! Who's that man!? It's mad reckless!"

"F*ck! That worked!? Bloody hell!"

The few cars that rushed up madly from behind had all witnessed this shocking scene. They could not help but widen their already wide eyes in disbelief and immediately blurt out curses.

The crowd was no less shocked.


The sapphire-blue Bugatti seemed to vanish in thin air, leaving only traces of smoke behind that seemingly confirmed that whatever happened wasn't an illusion, but the real deal. That their eyes weren't playing any games.

Racing on the 90 degree bend was an extremely dangerous feat, but it was flawlessly surpassed by this mysterious person - Sera - leaving every person present with a nonplussed look on their faces.

Even the mighty Lucifer was entranced, his gray orbs shook lightly as he gazed at the smog laced road.

Lucifer couldn't believe that he wasn't able to match up with the limited edition sports car's swishes and screeches that were maneuvered by Sera's adept hands. Although he had no idea who was driving the car, he felt indignant yet a small part of him was impressed.

Meanwhile, the fearless Sera, who was now just a few meters away from the finishing point smiled coldly. For no reason or rhyme, she did an insanely terrific reverse turn - at top speed - which resulted in her taking a couple of full rounds - 360⁰

It was smashing cool, a layer of thick smog covered Sera's Bugatti in full circles. Her entire car was engulfed in a massive cloud of grayish, dark smog.

Everything was blurry past the sports car's windshield, yet Sera's eyes were sharp like a ravenous eagle eyeing it's prey from the skies. A pretty curve on her composed face easily fostered into a gorgeous smile, a smile that could lead two cities to clashes. It was unclear what she was thinking right now.

In a flash, Sera stepped on gas and sped away like there's no tomorrow .

It was plain stupidity to go back to the starting point. Sera's eyes however, held the calmness of a sleeping dragon before going rampage.

Clearly ready to wreck havoc, Sera sped at an insane level, seemingly defying death. Her sudden absurd actions caught Maya and Xav by surprise.

In the next second, the entire car instantly sped up to it's max, sprinting ahead like an arrow leaving the bow string. Sera speedily dashed towards Lucifer's blazing red Ferrari.

A gleam of determination flickered in her beautiful raven eyes, her insides burning with a something unfathomable that couldn't be doused, just by sitting still and watching.

Sensing Sera's intentions, Xav shouted at the top of his lungs watching the whole scene on the large monitor screen. Alas, the man's voice couldn't be heard in the deafening shrieks of the thrilled crowd.

"Seraaa!! Wait.. Stoppp! What are you doing?!"

On the other hand, Lucifer was entranced for a long time before he was left bewildered to see Sera's car zooming towards him. He could see that the Bugatti was practically flying in his direction with a killer intent.

"What the fuck..!"

Alarmed, Lucifer cried trying to turn the wheel, his gray eyes almost popped out of his skull.

The man's initial fazed expression turned to confusion then murderous.

The crowd was no different, everyone, including Lucifer were at a loss as they witnessed such an unexpected scenario.

After a beat, Lucifer's dark brows furrowed into a tight knot, his gray eyes flickering as his hands gripped the wheel. The man didn't stop, he didn't reduce the speed either.

To everyone's surprise, Lucifer maintained the same speed without deceleration, he didn't even hit the brakes.

"What the heck!? Nut cases!"

"Crazy dumb asses! There's a steep road ahead! Do they want to die!?"

Meanwhile, as the string of curses came, in that instant the two cars approached the curve. Smiling coldly, Sera was impressed by Lucifer's doughty attempts and her fingers tightened around the steering wheel.

It was a bizarre idea, Sera knew, yet she was determined to do what she wanted to do.

While driving Sera's car mildly changed it's direction when it was nearing Lucifer's car. The blue Bugatti simply overtook his red Ferrari. Stunned, the man couldn't react on time.

And a spark of blue whizzed past Lucifer's car like lightning. It shocked the man, inside out. It was out of his expectations. He thought the blue Bugatti was out to take him, then what happened?

What the hell was that?

As the crowd's brains registered the events and before they could possibly think of an answer to the question bugging their brains, Sera's Bugatti knocked off a black sedan, ruthlessly.


A black sedan!

What was this plain looking sedan doing here in midst of all these limited-edition sports cars? That too, on a racing track!

Before they could find the answer to the previous question, another question had popped up. Stepping onto the brakes, Lucifer noticed Sera's car hitting the black one. His hands on the wheel loosened and his gaze turned empty.

The crowd was bamboozled like never before. Their brains seemed to be short-circuited by these sudden turn of events.

The suspicious sedan was driving ahead at high speed too, Sera's car grazed the other car, almost knocking it which resulted in the car skidding with an ear-piercing screech. And it was pushed back few feet away as it rolled over to a distance far faraway from the racing track. It was unforeseen.

Soon, there was an explosion.