Still In The Race?

One after the other, all the actions were extremely fast paced, so much so, that no one - not even a single person - managed to grab any understanding of what actually transpired in these few seconds. It was mind-boggling.

Everything happened in a blink of an eye.

Just as the people were about to break into chaos, the silent uproar was instantly killed. Thanks to Sera, who swerved around beautifully into a full 360⁰ circle raising a cloud of smoke before racing towards the direction of finishing line through a thick layer of smog.

As though everything else was beyond Sera's concern, the blue Bugatti stylishly emerged out of the dark smog leaving all things around into blur, just like the leading male of any rom-com drama outshining all the unwanted side characters. That was too overwhelming a sight, that every single person's mouth hung open, awestruck.

Again, Sera successfully managed to shut the crowd up by her insane actions.

On the side, Lucifer peered at the speedily moving Bugatti and his expression changed, it wasn't icy cold but filled with utter confusion.

"What was that?.."

Poor man!

With his brain all blanked out, Lucifer was discombobulated to the bones, it was a rare sight though.

In a flash Lucifer's eyes darkened, his gaze landed on a black gun strewn on the ground, few feet away from the blazing and upturned burning car.

The man soon realized the whole situation, his eyes flashed with the image of the Bugatti heading towards him. His perception was clearer now, gears started running in his head at their max speed.

Flames of fury and venom danced in Lucifer's gray orbs, his grip tightened on the wheel and his lips curled into a faint smile. Hastily, he zoomed in high speed as he was reminded of the race. Moreover, he had a lot of questions.

Damn! The race was still on!

"Is the race still going on? Shit..! We almost forgot about it.."

"Hell! I don't want those two crazy bastards to win!"

As the series of curses came from the enraged racers, in that instant Lucifer fearlessly approached the curve. Just like Sera had done, the man stepped on the accelerator, the steering wheel in his hand retaliated with a powerful turn. The car unexpectedly caught terrifying speed and he passed the bend, heading on the smooth road ahead.

The other racers were raging mad as they cursed and sped after the Ferrari, while the crowd was stunned speechless as they observed Lucifer's Ferrari following after the Bugatti. It was a mad chase!

All of them had oddly forgotten about the actual reason they were here - the race!

The crowd was wholly immersed as they watched intense action/drama that was unfolding on the race track with their widened eyes.

"Oh! So, he is still in the race? I thought he'd be too shocked to continue.. Heh!"

Catching sight of the familiar red Ferrari, Sera's lips curled into a small smile that soon transformed into a smooth chuckle.

"Too late!"

Shaking her head, Sera mumbled gazing at the silvery white lights of the finishing point.

The urgent and piercing squeals of brakes broke the air. The sapphire-blue Bugatti was the first to cross the finishing line.

"Yess!! Sera won!!"

Xav shot up in his seat and screamed, his face was red with waves of jubilation surging through him, his eyes fixed on the monitor screen.

Finally, Xav felt that he was at peace after going through such a dramatic race. He was watching the entire race - that was no less than a haunting rollercoaster ride - on pins and needles. Same goes for Maya, she was scared as hell. She couldn't even utter a word during the entire race due to her nervousness.

There were so many twists and turns.

The race was so unpredictable, so tense that the man had to stop himself from puking all over Maya.

Xav's hands were clammy the entire time, his heart was in his throat when Sera attempted the death-defying drift along the bend. Also, that panick stricking exploit that she had pulled mid race, the explosion, it nearly gave him a heart attack.

Now that Sera was safe, and emerged victorious amidst all the rumpus and perils, Xav's restlessness was finally at peace. His heart however, was still raging inside in mad excitement and something unusual, maybe pride!

The young girls and boys who were waiting at the closed-off intersection ahead while leaning on their car doors, they were all stupefied. Dazed, they watched the mesmerizing blue limited-edition sports car that raced over in complete awe.


When Lucifer saw that he was close to the finishing line, he slammed the breaks mumbling to himself.

The sapphire-blue sports car was a few meters away, yet you could clearly see it's colored silhouette in the lights. It's sleek body, glossy smooth was a treat to car lover's eyes, simply amazing. Lucifer's eyes were vacant, with no emotion, completely lifeless as he stared at the car.

The car door opened, a slender leg in tight fit leather pants donning high heeled black boots emerged. Lucifer's breath quickened, his expression turned stormy when the face amidst the flying dark clouds of long hair, her alluring eyes bright and soft, petal like lips painted bright red came into his view.


Tightening the grip on the wheel until his knuckles turned white, Lucifer gasped in a hoarse voice.