Too Close

Standing at the doorway was Lu Jinan as he raised his hands, holding colorful carry bags and dressed in comfortable blue lounge wear. His face had a mischievous smile, one that could lead you to commit harmless crimes.


Feigning an extremely shocked front, Su Yin asked low-key excited. Her eyes glistening with joy.

"Waa~ What's the occasion? Why are you being so generous..?"

On the other hand, Sera was beside herself as she confessed honestly. Her large black eyes dreamy, her face had a big smile that could even fade the moonlight in comparison.

"Aww~ Thank you brother, I was really craving for some mint chocochip icecream.."

Taking out various small tubs of icecream from the bags, Lu Jinan placed them on the coffee table as he announced. Widening her eyes, Su Yin was practically salivating.

"There's cookies and cream too.."

Gulping, Su Yin lamented staring at the tub of icecream filled to the brim with chunks of cookies and chocolate. She clutched her tummy with her hand and bowed her head, looking thoroughly defeated.

"Really? Ah~ If only I hadn't eaten all those deserts.. I feel bad!"

Perplexed by Su Yin's unexpected reaction, Sera asked softly in concern, her hands scooping the choco mint icecream halted halfway. Her face dripping with innocence as she knit her brows cutely.

"Uh? Your stomach hurts?"

Shaking her head pitifully, Su Yin blew a sigh.

"No! My heart!!"

Her words earned a stifled laugh from Sera, who closed her small mouth with her palm, giggling.

While Lu Jinan spat in disgust. Feeling repulsed by Su Yin's actions.

"Ugh! Glutton!!"

Snorting, Su Yin didn't pay any mind to Lu Jinan's nonsense and smugly pointed out.

"You're to tell? Look at your sister.. She's crazy for my pancakes! And, jam cookies, muffins and cupcakes too.."

Amidst their banter, a soft voice was heard that belonged to Sera. Her hunger was instantly triggered by the mere mention of her favorite pancakes.

"Aaah~ I feel hungry.."

Su Yin glared at Sera who was grinning sheepishly, her voice filled with annoyance.

"You're a pancake monster!"

Licking the spoon that had specks of chocochips, Sera fluttered her dense black eyelashes in a flirty manner.

"More like a fairy.."

Feeling frustrated, Su Yin spat coldly and ate a mouthful of the freezing icecream. Her mouth and insides instantly turned numb.

"Narcissistic pair of siblings!!"

The said 'narcissistic siblings' exchanged glances and burst into laughter while Su Yin gobbled up the icecream feeling frustrated.

- - -

After having a whale of a time with the Lu siblings, Su Yin went back to her apartment as it was getting late. The encounter with Shawn Qin left a bad taste in her mouth, she was already pretty pissed off and that only added up to her fury.

Which is why, Su Yin decided to visit her beloved bestie to feel re-energized. Also, she terribly missed Sera. Just like how she was terribly missing Adrian since last night.

Like a persistent slimy creature Adrian had stuck himself to Su Yin on his birthday, after that he was diligently texting and calling her too. Yet, she was ignoring him. She was much too overwhelmed by the fact that they were finally together. Hence the anxiety. Her insides were all squeasy, her heart on the verge of exploding while her mind was blown.

Then suddenly, Adrian stopped texting and calling which was weird, really. Su Yin had no idea what to do, her pride didn't let her talk to him and ask his wellbeing. She'd rather suffer in silence than confront the man who was suddenly missing in action. Leaving her baffled and alone.

Although it was all because Adrian was caught up with the affairs in X City and attending the auction, Su Yin had no idea about all of this. Which was alright.

The rollercoaster of varous emotions that Su Yin had experienced from the past couple of days left her mind in a blur. She was depressed, and hungry. Thus, the binge eating session at the cafe.

Su Yin parked her car and got out. Striding towards the elevator her face had a soft smile, it was tender. Strangely magnetic. She was happy, no longer feeling lonely and bothered. Her heart was at ease too.


As the elevator's chiming sound went off, Su Yin strode out with small steps lost in thoughts. She was about to raise her head when a low voice with a seductive and hoarse timbre reverberated in the quiet lobby.


Scared stiff, Su Yin slowly looked up and found Adrian clad in a black jacket standing across her with his hands inside the pockets. And she froze. His thin lips curled into a small smile. It was a mesmerizing sight in the dimly lit lobby.

"Ad.. Adrian?"

A stranger ripples of emotions pooled inside Su Yin's now trembling heart, her black jade like orbs were unmoving from Adrian's striking face as she ambled forward. In steady steps, slowly. Her silky black hair flew, bouncing at her shoulders due to her mildly frantic movements.

Closing the distance between them, Su Yin was shell-shocked as she stared at Adrian wordlessly. With a low laugh, he pulled her hands and took the key, unlocking the door for them to enter.

"It's cold.. Let's get inside first.."

Glaring at Adrian's broad back, Su Yin felt her heart jump in anticipation as well as excitement. It was incredulous. She thought, maybe because they were now dating again, that's why she was feeling all restless around him.

It was different now.

They weren't strangers, nor they were trying to ignore each other's existence like before.

A part of Su Yin knew that she couldn't fight with him as she pleased, nor remain composed in his presence. It was too pressurizing for her, especially after these two days of separation she felt distant and shy.

As odd as it may sound, Su Yin was even more lost now, than she was earlier. When she had accepted Adrian's proposal to try giving them another chance.

A trial. Is what the man said.

In the living room, Adrian had switched on the lights, it was bright and Su Yin could clearly see his expression now. She could see the eyebags under his eyes, his blue orbs were as sparkling as ever making her heart skip a beat.

Averting her gaze away from the man who was taking off his jacket oblivious of her stare, Su Yin started in a soft voice. Trying to dissipate the awkwardness in the air, which miraculously only she was feeling.

"So.. When did you come back?"

Glaring at the little woman who now had her back faced to him, Adrian mumbled, trying to figure out her expression at the moment. He could sense something wrong in her attitude. He'd seen her fingers clutching the blazer in her hands, her ears lightly red. It was intriguing.

"Today.. Before dawn"

Smiling nervously, Su Yin turned to face the man whose blue eyes were intently locked on her small figure. He was trying to study her while her tense heart shook, and she attempted to run inside the bedroom in lightning speed.

"Oh! Okay.. I'm tired, let me go take a shower and sleep"

Already having seen through Su Yin's intentions, Adrian blurted out without thinking much. In an attempt to make her stay.

"Did you eat dinner?"

Standing firm like a rock, Adrian's keen eyes observed each and every inch of Su Yin, patiently. She was in her work clothes, a sheer lilac blouse and white slacks, her long black hair were let down loosely and some stray strands stuck to the sides of her face and forehead. Her red lipstick had turned lighter, her lips were full with a blush of faint crimson that resembled rosy pink petals. He could bet that they were extremely supple and sweet to taste.

Blushing profusely under Adrian's intense gaze, Su Yin replied with an awkward laugh.

"Oh! I ate a lot of deserts and icecream.."

It made no difference, Su Yin was still very much embarrassed in Adrian's company. Her smile cracked. And she was mentally cursing herself, staring at the expressionless man with a pout threatening to form.

Nodding his head, Adrian's long legs proceeded towards the well maintained kitchen.

"Hmm.. Then, I'll make some thing for myself"

Realizing that Adrian was hungry at this hour, implying that he hadn't eaten anything, Su Yin's expression changed. She went ahead and held his hand before taking the lead.

"Uh? No need.. I'll heat up whatever's inside the refrigerator. Give me a sec.."

Stopping Su Yin halfway, Adrian's arm snaked around her waist effortlessly with her back against the counter. While his other hand tucked the long threads of hair aside gently, his fingers brushing past her soft skin as the low timbre fell into her red ears.

"You go, freshen up.. I'll do it"

Too close.

The only thought running through Su Yin's head as she gazed into the dark whirlpools of tender love, glaring into her eyes was that - they were too close. Her heart was pounding crazily. She was afraid that Adrian could hear her wildly beating heart.

Coughing raspily, as her throat was parched beyond words, Su Yin averted her gaze and ran away like a scared little bunny. Completely opposite to her original fierce and childish tantrum throwing behavior. It was refreshing.

"Uh? O.. Okay.."