Because Of Me?

The man was leaning against the couch while his eyes were fixated on the television set, his fingers fumbling different buttons on the remote.

Adrian was leisurely browsing through various entertainment and news channels when Su Yin emerged out, she had taken a quick shower and changed into comfy pajamas. Her slightly damp black hair were towel dried, and face flushed into a shade of fresh pink. Her rosy and plump lips were bare, with no specks of lipstick. It was refreshing.

Standing behind the couch, Su Yin was carefully observing Adrian's actions and his sturdy back, her black eyes turning hazy.

Before coming here, Su Yin had checked the kitchen. The bowls of food kept in the refrigerator were washed and arranged with other dishes, the countertop was wiped neatly too. By the time she was showering, Adrian must've had his dinner and cleaned everything up.

For the man who would mess up every time he'd step foot into kitchen, it was an incredible feat. Su Yin couldn't help but smile widely, her face was heating up as she blushed imagining the stoic Adrian busy working in the open space.

Sensing Su Yin's presence, Adrian turned around with a smile.

Suddenly his expression froze, a lump formed in Adrian's burning throat as he glared at the tender look on Su Yin. She was looking so pretty, her fair jadeite skin was glistening under the bright lights, like the moon reflecting it's ethereal moonlight.

"You can go and wash up now, I'll see if there's something for you to change into.."

As Adrian's head was buzzing with all kinds of indecent thoughts, Su Yin's crisp voice pulled him back to earth. Her eyes no longer fierce, a soft looked laced those onyx like captivating orbs. Pure yet sultry.

"Uh.. Thanks!"

Clearing his throat, Adrian sat up straight before dashing into the bedroom leaving a flabbergasted Su Yin.

"What's wrong with him?"

From the time Su Yin saw Adrian tonight, he had been behaving strangely.

In fact he's been stranger since last night. She couldn't help but feel anxious in her heart, the gears in her head were running at a frightening speed as she thought of all the possibilities behind his weird change in attitude. It was exasperating.

The man was no longer clingy, he's been avoiding eye contact, he's even behaving sensibly and he'd even cleaned up after himself in the kitchen.

It doesn't feel right.

Something's definitely not right.

A stupefied Su Yin couldn't help but feel apprehensive, she held the hem of her cotton soft pajamas wringing them nervously.

"Is he mad at me, because I was ignoring him all this time?"

Inside the bedroom, Adrian came out of the bathroom with a soft pink towel wrapped around him. Yet his masculinity didn't ebb away, not even one bit. He stood drying his hair absentmindedly with another smaller towel, staring blankly at the mirror in front of him.

Adrian was quite troubled by the recent activities. And Su Yin too, was avoiding him. He knew that she's mad at him, so he couldn't act spoiled lest she kicks him out again.

Thinking that, Adrian decided to play cool by maintaining a distance, and it was taking a toll on him.

There was also Lucifer.

The perpetrators behind the attack on Lucifer at X City were still in the dark. He hadn't found any traces from his investigations. No connections to any prominent gangs or small-time goons were found.

Moreover, the black sedan was burnt awfully bad during the blast at the race track. Adrian also found something that could be said suspicious, there were remnants of a pre-set timebomb at the site of the massive explosion.

Which means, even if Sera didn't spot them first and managed to push them towards their death, they would've been killed sooner or later by the mastermind. That is, after completing their task of eradicating Lucifer.

It was shocking how meticulously everything was planned out as well as executed. Alas, Sera had effortlessly thwarted their plans and saved Lucifer's life, albeit unknowingly.

After analyzing each and every single detail closely, Adrian eventually came to a surprising conclusion that it's not Yang Deming's doing. In fact, it couldn't be him, not at all. Even Lucifer would agree with this theory.

As everyone knows, it wasn't the monster Yang Deming's style to hide in the shadows, and play. He'd never try to erase his tracks but would proudly announce that it was him. So, the enemy this time is someone stronger, more vigilant and smart.

Frowning deeply, Adrian engaged in a battle within himself as he tried to find a way to report all this to Lucifer. His thoughts cavernous, dark and full of depths. He was in a dilemma, his head throbbed resulting in a numbing pain spread.

The man's perfectly broad back and shoulders, his fair neck and bulked up arms were glistening as droplets of water streamed down, slowly. It was a tormenting, yet a very alluring sight that could make one gulp their spit. Their minds would be blown by it's extreme beauty and perfection.

One would feel blessed after beholding a sight so tempting.

"What is he thinking about? Is he really in a bad mood.. Because of me?"

Standing behind Adrian, Su Yin was staggered beyond belief when the man didn't even flinch. He was glaring straight ahead, at his own reflection lost in deep thought. So much so, that he didn't pay any attention to her, she had brought him a pair of tshirt and pants.

The man didn't notice Su Yin's presence at all.

And that was an astonishing moment, it left Su Yin utterly dumbfounded and she was filled with fright.

Gulping, Su Yin treaded forward to close the distance between them. Her hand reached out slowly, and found itself on Adrian's bare shoulder, startling the dazed man.

Seeing that it was only Su Yin, Adrian heaved a sigh inwardly and looked into her eyes from the reflection of the mirror. Her face was slightly pale, her brows furrowing lightly and her pink lips parted. As though she wanted to say something, but couldn't bring herself to say if.

It was unusual of Su Yin.

"Su Yin.."

Turning sideways, Adrian softly called out but was instantly silenced.

Like a temptress, Su Yin was drawing terrifyingly closer to Adrian. It was so unlike her. His breathing hitched, his heart drumming against his ribcage like a bird struggling to escape.

At that instant, all the other thoughts flew out of the window, Adrian was left frozen in bewilderment.

Su Yin leaned closer. Her lips came toward Adrian's thin, cold ones. Closer. Then closer still.

With just a couple of inches between them. The pink, moist tip of Su Yin's tongue came out, it was silently enticing Adrian. His senses heightened faced with her slow seduction, taking his breath away.

The pink tip ran slowly around her slightly parted plump lips until they glistened in the light. Moist.

In a flash, the last inch that was barely between them disappeared, and Su Yin's rosy lips found Adrian's. It was a harsh kiss, rough and demanding.

Shortly after, Su Yin's warm tongue was turning insistent, worming into Adrian's hot mouth and fighting an intertwining battle with his own.

After a moment of absorbing the shock, Adrian finally opened his mouth fully, allowing his own tongue out and Su Yin gently sucked and pulled on it. He let her be dominant tonight. Gladly, she continued to kiss him and he returned her pica of passion that was developing bit by bit, superseding all the lustful emotions inside the duo.

The kiss was long, really long and every second, every minute made it more all the more passionate. It was mesmerizingly romantic. By the time the kiss broke, they were both panting.