You Cheeky Brat

Lu mansion

Flipping through the art magazine that she was reading before Su Yin and Lu Jinan barged in unannounced, Sera slumped on her cozy bed. Her eyes full of life, and face nowhere tired.

In fact, her energetic front was lacking of any signs of sleep or drowsiness.

"Ah! This can't do.."

Saying that, Sera threw away the magazine and closed her eyes. The bedroom was dimly lit, she had even switched the bed lamps off.

A surge of agitation overwhelmed Sera who was already on tenterhooks regarding the launch of her art gallery which was less than a week away. She was really anxious. And, it was showing, since she was already having sleepless nights.

Xia Ruo Lan had called her this afternoon, asking about her wellbeing as well as informing about the progress. They are to meet tomorrow morning and discuss further, probably spend another couple of days swamped with work. It was hectic.

Especially after a few days of rest, along with the little vacation Sera had taken, it's getting really frantic. She was deluged with a plenty of things to do, her excited heart palpitating in her chest.

After Su Yin's departure, Lu Jinan recieved an important work call and went back to his room. Thus, Sera was once again left alone, and in some peace.

Although Sera understood the intention behind her brother's actions today, how he had put an effort to silently cheer her up, even though he's busy. She preferred being left alone to sort out her own feelings. She was undeniably touched by his solicitude.

Trying to get rid of all the troubled feelings inside her in solitude Sera carelessly rolled on her comfy bed, with her palms covering her half-closed eyes. Her strappy silk pajamas in deep purple were gliding smoothly on her fair skin.

"I can't give up, I have to give my best.. This is my dream! My dream.."

A muffled voice filled with determination resounded, Sera's face was covered with her hands.


Suddenly a knock was heard, it sounded distinct in the quietude of the moonlit night.

Turning around, Sera sweeped her glance towards the closed bedroom door. Her brows furrowed slightly, she had an inquisitive expression plastered across her face. Her eyes searched for the wall clock in her room, and she noticed that it was already past midnight.

*knock* *knock*

Once again, a couple of knocks resounded snapping Sera out of her trance. She moved her head away, stealing a glance at the door and got down from the bed.


As Sera stood across the door, her hand was about to touch the knob when another knock came in.

The sound was coming from the other side.

Astonishment filled the air.

It was dead quite for a couple of seconds.

Discombobulated, Sera furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and turned around. Her big black eyeballs almost popped out of her skull.

Outside the balcony's locked glass door stood a towering figure in black, helplessly staring straight at Sera.


Greatly taken aback, Sera gasped inaudibly and sprinted towards the man. She let the man inside at warp speed, her face scrunched up cutely as she questioned worriedly.

"What are you doing outside? It's freezing out there.."

As soon as Lucifer's feet touched the fancy carpeted floor inside, Sera locked the door and turned to him.

Lucifer glanced askew at Sera who was panting, his voice laced with a hint of blame. His eyes were gazing at her adoringly as he flashed his phone in front of her face.

"It was locked.. And, you weren't picking up my calls"

Sticking her tongue out, Sera quipped and pulled Lucifer's arm.

"Oh! My bad.."

Lucifer's hand deftly caught Sera's slender wrist firmly, shutting her mouth involuntarily.

In the next instance Lucifer had completely engulfed her small frame, pressing Sera's face on his chest.

"I missed you.. So, so much!"

Warmth rippled in Sera's heart as she heard Lucifer's hushed voice above her head, her lips automatically stretched into a smile that was simply dazzling. Her free hand grasped his coat by the waist, returning his embrace.

"I thought you were still mad at me.."

Squeezing herself closer, Sera mumbled giddily, still smiling. In response, Lucifer reached out to pat her head dotingly, a charmingly sweet smile crept up his lips that enhanced his already charming face.

"I couldn't possibly be.."

Stifling a cheery laugh, Sera was overjoyed by his words as she nodded her small head. Like a kitten under a fluffy blanket, her head was peeking out of Lucifer's embrace.

"I know.. I love you too!"

At Sera's spontaneous profession of her love for him, albeit in a pert manner, Lucifer swelled with happiness. His fingers found her plump pink cheeks to pinch.

"Ah~ You cheeky brat!"

Slapping his hand away, Sera raised her head to look up at the man's wickedly smiling face. Flushed red with faked anger, she huffed her cheeks attempting to peel away from Lucifer.

"Hey! I'm not a brat!"

Without giving her any chance to get away from him, Lucifer sweeped Sera off her feet. He was laughing almost overcome with euphoria, while he made way towards the bed.

Shook, Sera shrieked as she gripped the collar of Lucifer's coat.

"Aah~ Lucifer!!"

In seconds Sera was thrown onto the bed, the man followed after and slept beside her, innocently.


Cocking her head, Sera glared at Lucifer who had his eyes closed. She was bored and sleep was miles away, her voice pitiful.

"I'm not sleepy.."

In a flash, Lucifer sat up straight and smiled subtly, his gray orbs curiously glaring at Sera. She had a clueless expression on her face, it wasn't hard to read her to know what she was thinking about.

"What's that?"

Trying to change Sera's mood, Lucifer divided her attention by randomly pointing at the coffee table. His finger directed towards a fluffy pink carry bag.

"Uh? Icecream.. You want some?"

Feeling energized, Sera jumped out of the bed and darted towards the table, before Lucifer could say anything. Her speed was astonishing.

"Uh-huh.. It's been long since we had icecream together!"

Nevertheless, Lucifer still expressed assent as he was determined to cheer Sera, so that she could at least sleep peacefully.

Grabbing a spoon, Sera thrust the mini tub of icecream into Lucifer's hands and urged him to eat, her eyes glittering like stars at night. He looked at her face before lowering his head, it was mint chocochip.

The same flavor which they had shared the first time.

Taking a relatively small scoop, Lucifer chuckled lightly and shoved it into his mouth.

A familiar sweet flavor assaulted Lucifer's senses. Yet, he was unsatisfied.

"It tastes good, right?"

Like an expectant child, Sera's starry eyes were fixed on Lucifer as she inquired. Very curiously.

"Not really.."

Pursing his lips, Lucifer shook his head seemingly disappointed. It was unexpected, Sera's face fell. She was at a loss and couldn't form words to say anything.

"Uh.. Mmm.."

Lucifer languidly picked up another bite and ate it, he then swiftly dipped his neck and captured Sera's lips. Her eyes fluttered shut, her heartbeat accelerated and hands clenched his shirt inside, tightly. His fingers were curved at the back of her nape, other hand tugging her dainty waist towards him. They were practically glued, there was not even a single inch of space between them.

The experience was way too familiar for Sera, her senses flooded with a cool sensation mixed with the mild sweetness of the icecream and the bittersweet chocochips. Everything melting against their warm, moist tongues engaged in a tug of war.

"Sweet! Now, it tastes way better.."

Pulling back from a panting mess that Sera was, Lucifer smiled seductively as his husky voice fell into her ears. She was spellbound. Her ears probably exploded with an intense experience of eargasms.

Gulping a mouthful of spit, Sera hazily gazed into Lucifer's eyes, his hands were still on her body. She could feel the warmth radiating from his touch, his fingers closely pressing her waist. It was painful yet pleasurable. His touch trailed downwards, from the nape to the front of the neck and reached her straps.

Brushing against the delicate shoulder blade, the strap was easily slid down and rained with kisses, wet kisses, featherlite kisses, leaving a trail of dampness. It was torturingly sweet. Sera's full pink lips were parted, low euphonious moans escaped that sounded like music. Fuelling Lucifer's passion, he was encouraged by the pleasant sounding purrs.

Arching her neck back, Sera gave ample space for Lucifer to invade her neck and clavicles, her bosom too was looming for the man to explore. She squirmed as his tongue rolled skillfully on her silky smooth skin, pure and pristine like jadeite. His teeth were itching to leave a bite, yet he refrained himself from hurting her before the main course.

This was nothing but a small deviation for Sera, lest she loses her sleep and gets unwell. In order to blur her mind that was thinking of various unnecessary thoughts, Lucifer was indulging her in pleasure.

"Oh no!"

In their delirium, the couple forgot about the icecream, that had long melted due to their heated actions. And, it spilled on Sera's laps.

"I'll go quickly wash up.."

Saying that, Sera ran into the bathroom like a frightened bunny. Shaking his head, Lucifer laughed lightly and took off his coat.

The door squeaked open after five minutes or so, Sera emerged out and was instantly surprised.

There was silence, a soft sound of even breathing accompanied the usual cacophonous night.

By the time Sera was all done, Lucifer had fallen asleep. His face was devoid of any tension, it was soft and harmless, almost like a living doll. His lips pursed lightly, small strands of hair fell on his forehead, almost covering it.

"Good night.."

Sera's fingers brushed the hair away, she bent down and pressed a kiss on his forehead.

After covering the man with the comforter, Sera slipped inside the covers and closed her eyes. Her face blissful, a smile unconsciously appeared on Lucifer's lips when her head fell on his chest. She wrapped her arms around him, smiling.