Just Like Your Father

On the other side of the city.

A drowsy Zhang Lili woke up in the middle of the night with a hammering headache. She was partying all afternoon with some big shots, just to help her father, Liu Chenmin's business.

No matter in the past or now, Zhang Lili's nothing but a mere tool for both her fathers.

It was close to midnight when Zhang Lili fell asleep, dead tired after escaping unscathed from a group of perverted old men.

Although out of her senses, Zhang Lili still felt disgusted.

Pushed against the wall, Liu Li's both hands were pinned above her head while her flimsy pajamas were half torn.

Her dark hair were disheveled, her bouncy bosom and milky thighs were exposed, her shoulder strap was hanging ripped apart. Her eyes red, with lust and anger, engaged in a furious battle. Her red and swollen lips were bitten, blood could be seen oozing out from the cracks. Her chest heaved up and down as she cried agonizingly.

A well built man with his exposed upper torso pushed himself closer to Liu Li's soft body, crushing her against the cold wall. His back facing the tightly shut door and windows.

With his one hand holding Liu Li's slender wrists firmly above her head, the man kissed Liu Li like a raging beast as he shoved his tongue deep into her mouth. Biting her red lips and her moist tongue, he proceeded to bite the creamy flesh on her neck and shoulders as he muttered curses.

His other hand roamed wantonly on her body as he pinched and grabbed her flesh. Her chest, her thighs, her waist and tummy, all painted with red marks.

The tiny pink laces that covered Liu Li's lower was yanked and shred to pieces, fully exposed she shivered like a leaf fallen from the tree.

Half torn shreds of her barely there silk pajamas were hanging onto her sides and shoulder, the frontal part was mercilessly torn revealing her petite figure.

Without prior warning, two rough but long fingers invaded Liu Li, she shrieked in shock as her fair neck was being nipped continuously.

"Ah! Let.. Me go! You.. Perverted! Ah.. Old fogey!"

Leaning weakly on the man's shoulder, Liu Li gasped for breath. Her twin peaks were crushed, one of it was harshly pulled by the man in between his teeth. He laughed like a devil listening to her derogatory words. Her eyes rimmed with hot, salty tears.

"Perverted? Old? Fogey?"

Instead of lashing out the man continued his actions, only now he was much ruthless as his fingers rammed faster and harsher. He bit Liu Li's earlobe and neck, blood red bite mark appeared instantly following his ministrations.

"Ah! Ugh.. No!! Don't touch.. Your fingers..!"

Sensitive all over, Liu Li's body went limp within seconds as she cried in pleasure and pain. The man flicked her nub while his fingers were working incessantly.

The man chuckled darkly feeling euphoric. It's sound could raise anyone's hair in the dead of the night.

"You don't like it? Ha? Tell me.."

He was like a caged beast finally set free to do as he pleases. He bit Liu Li's shoulder when she bit her own lips refusing to answer or cry out loud.

"Ugh.. I.. I don't.. Aahhh!!"

Shaking her head, Liu Li was about to deny the man when she finally found her release. With a ear-splitting shriek she came like a river onto his calloused fingers.

Satisfied, the man raised his two fingers and shoved it into Liu Li's mouth, forcefully making her taste herself. Her eyes were closed as she refused to comply but eventually gave in.

"How pretentious! Look at you, dripping wet.. All ready, just for me.."

Laughing like a demonic beast overcome with abounding salacity and greed, the man spouted obscenities as he pinched Liu Li's lower thighs.

The man suddenly pushed Liu Li face down on the bed. Her face fell on the mattress was held by his large hand forcibly. She was in a half standing position lying on her tummy while her derrière was exposed shamefully.

Parting her legs with his knee, the man pulled out his member that iron hot and exerted himself inside her. His actions rougher than ever.

"Why?! Aah.. My dad.. My dad won't leave you.. Aaahgh..!"

Liu Li was helpless as she let the man hammer her like a ragdoll, she threatened him gritting her teeth.

"Heh! That ignorant old fool.. He's a paedophiles, a disgusting leech! You think he can retaliate against me who has all the dirt on him?!"

The man had suddenly transformed into a maniac at the mention of Liu Chenmin, he didn't restrain his actions and went all out pressing himself on top of Liu Li's lithe body.

"Aahh.. No..! Stop! Stop it, I'll die.. This feeling..!"

Having half of her body under his bouldering weight, Liu Li lost her senses as the impact on her lower body was getting intense.

The man bent himself to impose a savage kiss on Liu Li's broken lips, his tongue was pushing down her throat almost gagging her. While she coughed, her mouth covered in saliva, the man continued to talk dirty.

"Shut up you bitch!! I know you like it rough! You're just like your father.. Rotten, a lascivious scum..!"

All of a sudden a loud smack landed on Liu Li's derrière, a glaring red print could be seen imprinted on her. She was smacked again, thus time more brutal.


Shaking, Liu Li screamed her lungs out as she was hit by the man who was ravaging her like the beast that he was. Her eyes were blurry, she couldn't see anything as her ears rang and she was about to lose consciousness.

Before Liu Li could lose her senses her hair were pulled back roughly. The man yanked her again and again, trying to extract an answer from her.

"You're liking it, don't you? You love this, right..? Answer me bitch!"

Succumbing to her burning lust and painful pleasure that was rendering her senseless, Liu Li shouted in ecstasy.

"Yes!! I.. Love it when.. You're rough, I love how you abuse me.. Aaah.. Defile me! Yes!! More.. more.. Aahhhh!!"

The man wasn't done, he turned Liu Li over and entered her again, this time his face was visible in the dim lights. The skin around the eye-catching mole under his left eye was glistening due to his sticky sweat.

Standing outside the glassed window, Zhang Lili felt her knees weak as she gasped in shock. Her throat parched, dry.

"Mr Bai?? And Liu Li?!!"

The oblivious pair of debaucherers continued their indecent acts of pleasure in the darkness of the night.

Panting, moaning, screaming in a state of delirium.