I Want Lucifer

Lu mansion.

Inside his study, Francis Lu was perched on his chair staring vacantly at the darkened sky outside.

A premium cigar in between in his fingers, wisps of smoke clouded his silhouette in the dimly lit room. His expression unreadable as he sat brooding. His hazel brown eyes heavy with unconcealed sorrow.

*knock* *knock*

After a round of knocks broke the quietude of the night, Francis Lu abruptly snapped back from his reverie. He held the cigar in his mouth and turned to face the door.

A menacingly long shadow formed on the study's floor, heavy sound of footsteps resounded as the face of the intruder became clearer.

It was Lu Jinan.

The man was dressed in the same clothes when he left the hospital. His facial expression was blank as he slowly made his way to the desk. He was holding the thick black folder that Dr Mu had given him.

Standing closer to the uncluttered desk that was stacked with files, photo frames of the family of four and a laptop, Lu Jinan wordlessly placed the folder atop.

"Dad, here.."

The hazy gaze with which Francis Lu was staring at Lu Jinan since the man entered, cleared up in an instant when his eyes landed on the black folder.

Francis Lu hurriedly picked up the thickly bound folder. His calloused hands swiftly opened the folder.

Perusing through the recent medical reports of Sera, Francis Lu had a grave expression. The grim look in his eyes intensified. His tense expression eased as seconds trickled to minutes.

Fortunately, the reports showed no abnormalities.

The heaviness lingering in Francis Lu's shaking heart dissipated in an instant.

Keenly observing the minute changes in his father with his sharp gaze, Lu Jinan smiled to himself. His glum expression replaced by a ray of happiness. His tight knit brows relaxed.

"Dad, I met Dr Mu. He said that everything is fine. We don't have to worry. Sera.. She's healthy. You can stop worrying, please go and take a good rest. I know you're exhausted.. Mom, she might be worried sick as well. You have to support her.."

After securely keeping the folder away in his secret locker under his desk, Francis Lu finally looked up at Lu Jinan. His teary gaze locked onto his son's face that was finally etched with relief. He'd seen his son struggling silently, his heart ached for him.

Blinking away the tears threatening to fall, Francis Lu smiled subtly. He spoke in a low voice, slightly gruff. His cigar was long thrown into the dustbin beside the desk.

"Jinan.. Thank you, I'm really grateful for having a son like you. If not for you, I don't know how.. How we'd have overcome such a calamity.. Dad's ever grateful to you son!"

Shaking his head, a sorry smile crept upon Lu Jinan's full lips. They were pale and dry. Worried sick, he hadn't eaten anything the whole day.

Pouring his heart out, the ice cold front of Lu Jinan from before was gone. He almost broke down, leaning his hand on the desk with his body bent and head lowered. His voice quivering.

"Dad, don't say such things. Please.. Sera is my sister. Of course I have to look out for her. We're family. It's natural for me to do this.. I love her, I love my baby sister so much! I was scared too.."

Seeing his son break down like this in front of him, Francis Lu was at a loss.


As though he didn't listen his father's call, Lu Jinan continued in the same quivering voice. He held his aching head in his hands and rubbed his face tiredly. His eyes red with unshed tears.

"Today.. Dad, I.. i felt so helpless for a second.. I felt as though Sera was going to.."

This time a firm voice interrupted Lu Jinan, startling him. He raised his head to meet Francis Lu's determined gaze, it was shrewd.

"Jinan!! Pull yourself together.. It's been hard on you. And we know that but you need to hold on.. For Sera!"

Wiping away the tears from his reddened eyes, Lu Jinan nodded his head as he replied in an equally determined voice.

"Yes Dad.. For Sera!"

- - -

Jade Manor.

It was 5 in the morning.

A motionless Liu Li was lying naked on the bed, with only part of her covered in a light blue comforter. Her jade like body was imprinted with all kinds of red, purple marks. They were glaring on her fair skin.

Images of the assault she had suffered in Mr Bai's hands flooded Liu Li, she was like a lifeless doll. Her mind blanked out. Her face was pale. She couldn't cry. She couldn't scream. Her throat was parched from crying out her lungs all night.

"Why? Why did that pervy bastard take a liking to me?! He's a monster! A demon!! I hate him.."

Tears rolled down her cheeks like broken beads as Liu Li cried in a muffled voice. Holding her hand against her mouth, she whimpered.

Mr Bai had been working for Liu Chenmin for years now. In these few years, Liu Li's first encounter with the man was just a year ago where she had accidentally met him at her father's office.

Liu Li clearly remembered the first day she met Mr Bai, he was impenetrable with that personality of his. His straight face was unreadable. His brown eyes under his clear spectacles were astute and the mole under his eye was prominent. Although he looked refined, he was rotten inside out.

After that day, Mr Bai maintained his facade to the T. Until one night the man barged inside Liu Li's bedroom after escorting a drunk Liu Chenmin. He was forceful and brutal, like an unleashed beast he ravaged her body till she passed out from the pain.

Liu Li thought that it was a nightmare. That it would end after she wakes up the next morning.

However, it was all in Liu Li's head. It was her wishful thinking to think that Mr Bai would let her off. She was naive.

The man was so cruel, he recorded their acts of debauchery and blackmailed Liu Li into submission.

From then on, Liu Li has been living under constant pressure. Being a rich brat, a spoiled princess Liu Li was habituated to being treated like she was the queen.

Unable to digest the humiliation suffered under Mr Bai's filthy hands, Liu Li was pissed off. Her outrageous tantrums got unhampered resulting in the aggravation of her mental illness. Eventually her condition worsened.

The fear of being exposed by Mr Bai has been embedded deep into Liu Li's bones. She's so stressed, so petrified that she doesn't dare meet eyes with the man in front of Liu Chenmin.

"Aaah!! I hate myself!! I hate Mr Bai! I hate Dad for bringing Zhang Lili into our lives.. I hate Zhang Lili.. I hate everything!!"

"Lucifer.. I want Lucifer! Only he loves me, Lucifer..!!"