Find The Mastermind

Adrian was notified by his resources that there has been a maelstrom in Yang Deming's Golden Sun Corps at K Country.

The disorganization in Golden Sun Corps resulted in an adverse effect on Chang Holdings as well as the long awaited deal between the two rival companies.

After receiving Adrian's call, Lucifer rushed to Chang Holdings leaving Sera in the care of her family and doctors, as well as Ethan Lee.

The all knowing Lucifer was well aware that Ethan has a soft corner for Sera just like him, given her high resemblance to Mia in one way or the other.

Although their faces were a stark contrast, Mia was a beautiful blonde with green eyes while Sera is a dark haired beauty. Her eyes are a glistening black, oozing with innocence that could easily captivate one.

Albeit their contrasting personalities, Sera and Mia had similarities so anomalous that you can't exactly place your finger on it. It's odd yet contending in some ways.

The new project under Golden Sun Corps was said to be defective, a fraud due to the use of cheaper quality materials in it's construction.

The under-construction hotel's cemented roof fell killing quite a number of workers under it's weight. It was a bloodied mess.

Yang Deming has been on tenterhooks ever since the incident was immediately reported by the media. It was quiet an exaggeration as they endlessly slinged mud on the man and his company's reputation that was built by the years of hard work.

With his influence in the underworld as well as the world outside it, Yang Deming was untouchable. Nobody would be so brave enough to go against this monstrous man.

Hence, Yang Deming could only suspect one man behind this - Alex Chung's son - Lucifer.

As per Yang Deming's calculation, the only man who could benefit from his losses was Lucifer. He was also the one who'd dare to go against him head on, without any fear of losing a dime.

Lucifer was the only one who'd willing put Yang Deming's plans of collaborating with the reputed Chang Holdings of C Country to ruination.

Contrary to Yang Deming's evaluation of the situation at hand, his assistant Mr Park had his own ideas. He's seen Lucifer's prowess in the business world as well as the underworld.

Working behind a shadow was never the devil's style. Lucifer would always challenge head on instead of playing such childish games. He's always had a steadfast and unyielding attitude. His methods of retaliation were ruthless, not giving the opponent any change to regain himself.

The oblivious old man with a twisted brain had no idea that the revered young master of Chang Holdings was none other than his arch nemesis, Lucifer.

With his identity as the young master of Chang's concealed, Lucifer naturally enjoyed his position and power without having to deal with ambuscade attacks from the people of the underworld.

Those who are unaware of Lucifer's double identity were safe as long as they were oblivious.

In the guise of Chang Holdings young master, Lucifer wanted to infiltrate Yang Deming's business in K Country. However, all his plans have been constantly thwarted

by an unknown entity in the shadows.

Perturbed by this sudden development that had shaken the business world in K Country and C Country, Lucifer was sitting in his office with a mild frown resting on his striking face.

Finishing his phonecall, Adrian turned to find Lucifer deep in thought. He strode forward and stood across him behind the desk, his gruff voice tinged with hesitation.

"Boss! This.. It's happened again. The deal could be called off at this rate.."

Snapping out, Lucifer raised his sparkling gray irises to meet Adrian's oceanic blue ones. His abrupt question catching him off guard.

"Adrian.. Who do you think it is?"

Raking his slender, long fingers through his slightly grown hair, Adrian mumbled in a helpless manner.

"To be honest I don't understand anymore.."

Plopping himself on the chair in front of Lucifer, Adrian continued his analysis.

"We have taken down Carlos, Andre is also killed.. Luke has been keeping an eye on the S Country's underworld. The situation there is stabilized.."

"Europe.. We have Uncle Bert there, so I don't think they'll go against us. Actually, they don't have any motive to go against Yang Deming as well. It's crazy!"

All while, Lucifer's expression remained unchanged. His grim eyes were lacking of hope, he was reminded of Alex Chung, his wife and Mia. Their death, the pain, the agonizing loneliness. His heart hurting awfully as though pressed down by a boulder.

Sitting up straight, Adrian chuckled mirthlessly as his voice became lower.

"Yang Deming has always had a good relationship with all these organizations, he's going to pin you as the culprit this time as well.. Given how brazen the attacks are, he doesn't need to think twice before saying it's anyone else apart from you"

After what seemed like eternity, Lucifer finally reacted. He hummed softly, as though contemplating something in his head. After a beat, his low vibrato was heard.

"Hmm.. The attack from before, the ambush, the snipers at the racetrack and this. I can bet it's all done by the same person.. Someone is unwilling to let Yang Deming cooperate with Chang Holdings or.."

The light in Adrian's blue eyes brightened up instantly, his enthusiastic self completed Lucifer's words interrupting the latter.

"They don't want you both to meet! Yes.. They are preventing you from seeing Yang Deming!"

A devilish smile danced on Lucifer's thin lips as he met Adrian's gaze affirming the latter's guess.

"You're right! Now we just have to find the mastermind as well as the whys and wherefores behind this absurdity!"