My Brain Must Be Fried

Like a princess descending down from her highly coveted throne with a dazzling diamond crown, Zhang Lili appeared into the spacious living room of Jade Manor, minus the crown.

However, the calm composure of Zhang Lili faltered as she laid her eyes on the figure across her.

Staggered by the hawk like gaze that was no doubt fixated on her, Zhang Lili almost stumbled on the last step of the staircase. She hurriedly gripped the railing with one hand and steadied her step. Her heart going berserk as it thumped louder and louder.

Surprisingly, the man was also quite shocked as he felt his heated gaze follow Zhang Lili's every inch, patiently. His body burning with something unprecedented while his heart was drumming wildly against his chest.

This was not the first time Mr Bai was seeing Zhang Lili all dressed up and ready to go out. Still he could feel the subtle changes in his unstable emotions. It was unusual.

Undeniably, Zhang Lili was a true beauty with big black feline eyes and plump lips. Her jadeite skin flawless. Her slender legs were long and perfectly toned.

The slight peek of Zhang Lili's creamy thighs from the slit in her floral skirt could tickle one's imagination. The usually composed Mr Bai could feel his adam's apple bob up and down. His head all fuzzy.

Rooted to the spot, Zhang Lili's face turned as white as a sheet however, it was concealed by the rosy blush painted on her cheeks by makeup. Her pink lips trembled ever so lightly.

"I wasn't prepared to see his face after whatever happened last night.."

Screaming inside her head like a banshee, Zhang Lili was perturbed by Mr Bai's intense gaze.

Seeing how Zhang Lili was anxiously glaring at him, Mr Bai understood what was bugging her. His lips curled into a faint smile, his brown eyes under the lens were sparkling clear.

Before Zhang Lili could pass by him as though he was air, after gathering enough courage, or open her mouth to speak up, Mr Bai beat her to it. He smoothly closed the distance between them, till they were face to face and his clear voice resounded.

"Miss Zhang! What a pleasant surprise.. I didn't expect to see you this early in the day"

The mocking evident in Mr Bai's tone, it made Zhang Lili subconsciously clench her fists.

It was no secret that Zhang Lili partied all night and slept all day, her day usually starts after noon.

However today, it was barely 11 in the morning, and Zhang Lili was all dressed up with immaculate makeup and accessories. She looked fresh, albeit the mildly visible dark circles that were neatly concealed under a thin layer of makeup.

"Ah! Mr.. Mr Bai, yes.. I, I was on my way to meet a friend.."

Finding her voice to reply, Zhang Lili parted her alluring lips that took Mr Bai's breath away. She stuttered like a broken record that somehow looked cute.

The man had no idea why this little woman was having such an effect on him.

"Miss Zhang, did you sleep well?"

Clearing his thoughts with a shake of his head, Mr Bai curled his lips into a ghostly smile. It was eerie.

"Ah, yes.."

Stupefied by the awry smile on Mr Bai, it took Zhang Lili a moment to understand his question and reply.

This is probably the longest conversation that Zhang Lili has ever had with Mr Bai. And vice versa.

"Miss Zhang, you looked quite pale.. Last night.."

All of a sudden, the odd smile on Mr Bai's face disappeared and his tone changed too. It was solemn, yet one of his eyebrow rose playfully.

"Uh?! Last.. Last night?"

As though struck by lightning, Zhang Lili felt her breathing hitch at the mention of last night. Her knees wobbly, she was afraid that she'd trip and fall on the cold marbled floor.

"Yes! Last night.. Miss Zhang, I saw you peeking, you looked like you were enjoying the view.."

Amused as well as pleased by Zhang Lili's reaction, Mr Bai tried to tease her. His words clearly suggestive. His words made goosebumps rise on her spine.

"Mr.. Mr Bai, please!"

Unable to listen further, Zhang Lili hurriedly interrupted Mr Bai with a shaky voice. Almost pleading.

"Oh! I'm sorry, where are my manners? I can't possibly talk like this to a lady like you, right Miss Zhang?"

Feigning shock, Mr Bai widened his eyes and stepped back. He shot a glance at the confused Zhang Lili before giving a lopsided grin. He was definitely teasing her.

"But I can do a lot of other things besides talking.. Like killing you, or Liu Li. What do you think?"

When Zhang Lili didn't respond, Mr Bai took a step closer to her, she took step back in shock. He simply laughed unbothered by her scared expression before threatening to kill her.

"I.. I didn't see anything, I promise, I really didn't see. I don't know anything, please.."

Gulping her spit, Zhang Lili staggered backwards but was held by the man. She pushed his hand, reflexively, shaking in unbridled fear.

Chuckling lightly, Mr Bai looked at his hand that was pushed by Zhang Lili. His heart clenched, as though stabbed by something sharp. The pain unbearable.

"Ah~ How pitiful, you don't have to cry or beg me, Miss Zhang. Just keep your pretty lips tightly sewn, or else.. You never know what I might do.."

Shaking his head with a smile that was as scary as the devil's grin, Mr Bai raised his hand and grabbed Zhang Lili's chin. His thumb brushing against the softness of her pink lips. His heart quivered in excitement while the latter shuddered, gripped by fear.

Irked by her extreme reaction to his touch, Mr Bai retracted his hand and said the last sentence without any expression on his face.

"O.. Okay! I won't tell anyone.."

Nodding her head, Zhang Lili was grateful for being spared by this man. Who, for her was no less than devil.

With a frown on his face, Liu Chenmin entered through the doors leading to the garden. He was astonished to find Mr Bai and Zhang Lili together.

It was an odd combination, for the bespectacled man never spoke to any woman, except for business. He was rather aloof.

Nevertheless, Liu Chenmin pushed all the thoughts at the back of his head and cleared his throat.

The duo turned to glance at his direction. One was stunned while the other stood unperturbed.

"Mr Bai, you're here.. Zhang Lili, what are you doing here?"

After attaining the attention of the duo, Liu Chenmin inquired with a fatherly smile on his face.

"Uh? Da.. Dad, I was going to meet my friend.."

Still reeling in the shock of Liu Chenmin's sudden appearance after Mr Bai's threatening words, Zhang Lili stuttered like a fool.

"Your friend? Okay, don't be out till late.. It's not safe"

Raising his brow, Liu Chenmin tried to mimic a sceptical and worried father's demeanor.

"I have bodyguard Bo and the driver Wu with me. Don't worry.. I'll see you later"

Managing a small smile as she gazed at Liu Chenmin's warm expression, Zhang Lili assured him before turning to leave.

Zhang Lili's initial wariness and scared feeling was long gone just with two fake words of concern from her so-called father.


Humming a tune of acknowledgement, Liu Chenmin watched Zhang Lili disappear from the front doors before turning to Mr Bai.

The man was also staring at the direction where Zhang Lili disappeared.

"Bai? What are you looking at?"

With a stern tone, Liu Chenmin queried with an unkind expression.

"Sir, nothing.. Nothing at all. It's just that Miss Zhang is quite beautiful and I'm sure that Mr Lucifer would surely like her.."

Laughing in his head, Mr Bai maintained his usual composed front as he tried to distract Liu Chenmin.

Still, he was truly praising Zhang Lili's beauty.

Really truly!

He, himself had no clue why he was behaving like this!

It's not good, he thought inwardly.

"That's.. A bit difficult. That bastard is already in a relationship with another girl.. And you know that too"

With the mention of Lucifer, Liu Chenmin was successfully distracted from Mr Bai's strange behavior. His frown deepened as he tried to think of a way to link Zhang Lili with Lucifer.

"Sir, our plan is thorough and foolproof.. Don't worry, Miss Zhang can totally ace this"

Back to being the loyal dog to Liu Chenmin, smiling with his lips pursed together Mr Bai simply spat his words with no sincerity in them.

However his tongue rolled an unfamiliar yet pleasant sounding name, and his brain blanked out.

'Damn! Why am I going on and on about this Miss Zhang!'

'My brain must be fried, Bai Yong!!'

"I hope so!"

Focused on bringing down Lucifer and following the big boss's orders, Liu Chenmin didn't give any thought to Mr Bai's words. He merely nodded his head hoping for a good result.

Heaving a sigh secretly, Mr Bai followed Liu Chenmin with a folder in his hand as the latter made his way to the study, upstairs.