A Letter Of Apology

Chang Holdings

Propped on the large black leatherette like a king in command of his empire, Lucifer was in a meeting with Callista's C Companies associates.

They were here on behalf of Callista, since she is busy with her wedding which is rumored to take place after half a year.

Sitting across the man were two extremely good-looking caucasians in formals, one with blue eyes and other with hazel green who looked younger.

"Thank you, Mr Lucifer. It was a pleasure to meet you.. Thank you for your clarification, rest assured the collaboration is still on. Our Madam has faith in you and your company.."

Dressed in a crisp striped shirt with a navy blue jacket and matching pants, Lucifer looked suave. His clean-shaven look added a sharpness to his chin and jawline, his gray irises sparkling akin to uncut rough diamonds as he smiled with his thin lips curving faintly.

"I'm honored Mr Clarke.."

"We'll see you tonight.."

"Yes. My secretary will see you guys out"

"No problem, thank you.."

As the two caucasians exit Lucifer's office, Assistant Xinglei's nose scrunched uglily as he eyed the breezy Adrian who waltzed inside unannounced.

'Why is he here again?', the bespectacled assistant thought inside his head.

Indifferent to the obvious hostility directed by Assistant Xinglei, the man with beautiful blue eyes pushed the glass door open and disappeared.

'Whatever, he's the boss's man!'

Almost rolling his eyes under the specs, Xinglei went out of the room to take a breather.


Staring at the towering figure of Adrian from his chair, Lucifer tossed a straight question that left the man speechless.

"Hmm.. What did you find?"

Thinking back to their conversation, the smart Adrian had an inkling of what his boss was asking about.

However, Adrian didn't manage find anything substantial on the mastermind, yet. It left him shocked for a moment as Lucifer's question fell on his ears before gathering his words to reply.

"Uh.. That, it's not about that.. It's about Yang, I mean that man!"

The coldness in Lucifer's tone was as frigid as his expression when Adrian's tongue rolled Yang Deming's name. His gaze darkened too.


Nodding his head, Adrian took a seat across the man whose ice-cold gaze was fixated on the documents before him.

"He captured our weapons, and sent a threatening letter that was found in our container that was shipped last night.."

Pausing for a beat, Adrian's blue eyes dancing with mirth flicked to meet Lucifer's.

"Well.. He's also sent a letter of apology to the young master of the Chang's!"

Yang Deming, being fooled by Lucifer, sent a letter with his sincere apology regarding the scandal and commotion in Golden Sun Corps, to Chang's Holdings young master who is also Lucifer.

As confusing as it sounds, in simple words Yang Deming believes that Lucifer and the young master of Chang's are two different persons.

Seemingly uninterested in the matters of Yang Deming, Lucifer shot a lazy glance at Adrian. His lips curled faintly into a derisive smile.

"Is that all? Don't you think you've become quite slow after reconciling with your woman?"

With a red-face, Adrian coughed awkwardly to hide his embarrassment. He brushed his nose that was slightly itchy.


Recovering from his embarrassment, Adrian's expression changed as he sat up straight.

"That.. Yeah, Luke called. That scientist, Patrick Wilson, he's been kept captive at a small island near S Country, under tight surveillance.. Luke says that it's difficult to get him out of there"

Still engrossed in studying the documents, Lucifer inquired in a low voice. He was asking about the time required to accomplish the given task.

"Hmm.. How much?"

Rubbing his brow with his finger, Adrian was sceptical as he answered.

"Two months maybe.."

Finally raising his head, Lucifer gave a brief nod before parting his pursed thin lips.

"Tell Luke to call me next time.. It's been long since we had a proper conversation!"

The 'conversation' bit compelled Adrian's imagination to run wild. He shook his head to get rid of all unnecessary thoughts and stood up to leave.

"Oh! Okay, I'll talk to him.."

As Adrian was about to turn, Lucifer's gaze following him turned warm and his mellow voice laced with concern was heard.

"Also, don't disturb Dai Yu and Damien.. Let them enjoy their vacation in peace!"

The crease on his forehead relaxed as Adrian nodded his head. A slight smile playing about his lips.

"Yes boss!"

- - -

White Meadow

A towering figure in white stood under the bright lights, slender hands carefully pouring water into a glass. The ink black eyes shining as they landed on a frail looking woman standing in front of a painting.

Taking a deep breath, Ethan took long strides towards figure peering at the painting on the wall. He was attired in casual white clothes and not in a formal suit, which was unusual.

Dressed in a warm sweater dress in cream that reached her above her knees paired with warm toned leggings and boots, Sera looked quite feeble. She was frowning with interest, trying to remember something distant.

Her pale skin was slightly better than when she was admitted in the hospital. Her dark hair were let down, covering her shoulders and small ears.

"Sera.. Drink some water"

Gently touching her shoulder with his large and warm hand, Ethan offered the glass of water in front of Sera. She shot a grateful smile at him, accepting the glass and taking a sip.

"Thanks Ethan!"