We Are Friends

The fiery red orb of light slowly dipped beneath the horizon spreading threads of light. Lingering in the sky. Mingling with the rolling clouds. And dyeing the canvas first orange, then red, then dark blue. Until darkness took over the whole of the sky. 

Inside White Meadow.

Taking back the glass of water from her small hands, Ethan Lee placed it on the small cabinet on the side. His inky gazed flicked to the painting on the wall before landing on Sera's small face.

"It's okay.. If I didn't volunteer to come along, your family wouldn't have allowed you to step out of your house. Even I didn't think it was safe for you to roam around given your condition.."

After Sera's discharge in the morning, the workaholic Ethan Lee had unexpectedly cleared his schedule for half a day, to visit the Lu mansion.

The man wasn't present at the time of Sera's discharge which made him feel awful the whole time. His head was filled with her thoughts, which rendered him listless the entire time he was at his office. He was unable to work with a clear head.

As soon as his last meeting for the day was done, Ethan Lee rushed to Lee mansion to get changed before making his way to Sera's place.

No matter how Ethan tried to deny, he had an inkling that the portrait of his dead fiancee was the reason behind Sera's shock. Feeling partly responsible for her condition, he tried to keep her happy, and away from any worries.

Also, Ethan was curious to know the reason that triggered Sera, compelling her to faint.

Call him selfish, but Ethan Lee badly wanted to find out the connection between Mia Chung and Seraphina Lu.

Thus, the man rushed to accompany her.

The Lu family warmly welcomed Ethan Lee, inviting him to have lunch with him and he gladly agreed.

The family of four, minus Lu Jinan had lunch together with Ethan, and the dishes were all Sera's favorites. The food was yummy, cooked by Aunt Zhou and Anna Lu.

Once done with lunch, Sera insisted on going and taking a good look at the art gallery. Which, naturally was declined by the elders.

However, being the obstinate person that she was, Sera started to protest with a stubborn attitude.

Seeing how the situation suddenly took for the worse, Ethan Lee jumped to help Sera and volunteered to escort the sick, and bring her back safely.

Even though Ethan was highly inquisitive, his first concern was Sera, and her health, not some mysterious secret that he wanted to percieve.

"Relax Ethan.. I have been discharged from the hospital because I'm fine, I just need to get some things straight. I don't remember what happened that day, and it's bothering me a great deal. So.."

Listening to Ethan, and his solicitude, Sera felt touched and hurriedly interrupted him. Her tone was initially clear but slowly turned glum, she was trying hard to recall the happenings of the other day. But to no avail.

The man wordlessly listened to her words, trying to link ends inwardly.

"So you decided to come here to have a look?"

As Sera's voice faded, the silent Ethan raised his dark brows and finished her sentence.

"Yeah.. I, I hope you're not troubled by me"

Faced with Ethan's prying eyes that held a strange flicker, Sera felt her throat tighten. She cleared her throat before smiling weakly.

"Please, Sera.. You don't have to worry yourself like this, we are friends, of course I don't mind being troubled by you.."

Returning Sera's smile with his warm one, Ethan said softly. His gaze earnest.

"Right! I forgot to show you something.."

Trying to steer the conversation, as well as her aim of finding out what had occurred the previous day, Sera brought Ethan to the third floor.

The initially surprised expression on Ethan when he saw Sera's sunshiny smile, turned to bewilderment. His eyes almost bulged out of his sockets and a gasp escaped his lips. His excited heart palpitating against his chest.

The sight across him was something Ethan Lee didn't expect to see.

A big smile danced about Sera's glossy lips as she watched an agape Ethan, staring unblinkingly at the painting hanging on the wall. His stupefied expression was a treat to her eyes.

It was the same ROSE's painting which Xia Ruo Lan had gifted Sera the other day.

"This.. Painting, R.. ROSE?!"

After what seemed like eternity, the baffled Ethan Lee finally managed to open his mouth to speak. His trembling lips parted, and he stuttered in a hoarse voice that sounded quite foreign.

"Uh-huh.. You guessed it right. It's a ROSE!"

Feeling smug for no reason whatsoever, Sera raised her chin as she answered with a newfound enthusiasm. Her black and clear orbs were starry.

"H.. How? Last time, I didn't see this here.."

Clearing his throat to hide his perplexity, Ethan quizzed trying to sound as normal as he could.

"Yeah! Of course, you didn't. It's a gift. Xia Ruo Lan gave this to me.."

Chuckling at the bemused Ethan, and his silly reaction, Sera replied. The girl was practically beaming while she announced with a prideful grin.

"Xia Ruo Lan? Ruo Lan?"

Frowning, Ethan Lee stared at Sera who didn't look like she was joking. He couldn't believe his ears. His head buzzing with just one name ringing in his ears - Xia Ruo Lan!
